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《真实的基督教》 第278节



真实的基督教 #278 (火能翻译,2015)

278. 第二個經歷:

有一次, 一張寫了希伯來文的紙片由天送下給我, 用的卻是遠古時期的字體。字母書寫彎曲, 不似今時寫成直線, 還有朝上的各樣的點點。與我一起的天人們說, 他們從字母就能知道全部意思, 特別是從字母線條的彎曲與各樣的點點。他們解釋了各個字母以及字母聯在一起的意思。他們說, 加在名字Abram(亞伯蘭)和Sarai(撒萊)上的h表示無限和永恆之意(加上h後成為"亞伯拉罕"一"撒拉")。他們還當我面解釋聖言詩篇32:2這句經文僅僅就其字母或符號之意, 將這些字母的意思聚集一起的意思是:主對那些作惡之人也存憐憫。

他們還告訴我, 在第三層天中的著述包含各種彎曲的文字, 每個字母都表達某些含義。其中的元音表達的聲調對應某種情感。在那天國中, 他們不能發出元音i和e, 取而代之的是y和eu。他們使用a, o, u, 因為它們提供了滿音。他們還說, 他們不會生硬,而是柔和地發出輔音, 這就是為何某些希伯來文內中有個點, 用來標記發音柔和。他們說, 發音生硬應用在屬靈天國, 因為在那裡的天人們聚焦于真理, 真理允許生硬的表達。然而良善則不許; 主的屬天國度, 也就是第三層天的天人則聚焦于良善。與我一起的天人還說, 他們擁有的聖言也有彎曲的字母, 還有表達各自意義的襯線和圓點。

這就使主所說之話的意思明顯:就是到天地都廢去了, 律法的一點一畫也不能廢去, 都要成全(馬太福音5:18)。還有:天地廢去較比律法的一點一畫落空還容易(路加福音16:17)。

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True Christianity #278 (Rose, 2010)

278. The second memorable occurrence. Once a sheet of paper was sent down to me from heaven that was full of writing in Hebrew lettering, but written in the way the ancients used to write. Letters that today are largely straight were curved then and had little horns or tips that turned upward. Angels who were with me at the time said they knew whole meanings just from the letters. They derived these meanings especially from the curvature of the lines and of the tips of the letters. They explained what these meant individually and in combination. They said that the letter "h," which was added to both Abram and Sarai's names, meant infinity and eternity. They also explained to me the meaning of Psalm 32:2 in the Word on the basis of the letters alone. Taken all together the meaning of the letters was that the Lord is also compassionate to those who do evil.

The angels told me that the writing in the third heaven consists of letters that are bent and curved in various ways, each of which contains some meaning. The vowels in that writing indicate sounds that correspond to different feelings of love. Angels in that heaven cannot pronounce the vowel sounds of "I" and "e," so instead they use "y" and "eu. " They do use the vowel sounds of "a," "o," and "u" since these give a full sound. There are some consonantal letters that these angels pronounce as soft rather than hard. This is why some Hebrew letters have a dot inside them as a sign to pronounce them as [hard, and no dot as a sign to pronounce them as] soft. They said that pronouncing these letters as hard was practiced in the spiritual heaven because the angels there focus on truths and truth allows for hardness. The goodness among angels in the Lord's heavenly kingdom (the third heaven) does not allow for hardness. The angels [with me] said that the written Word they have also has curved letters with meaningful horns or tips.

All this makes it clear what these sayings of the Lord's mean: "Not one little letter or the tip of one letter will pass from the law until all of it is fulfilled" (Matthew 5:18); and "It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for the tip of one letter of the law to fall" (Luke 16:17).

True Christian Religion #278 (Chadwick, 1988)

278. The second experience.

Once a paper was sent down to me from heaven written in Hebrew letters, but in the script used in ancient times; the letters which nowadays have in places straight lines were curved, with flourishes pointing upwards. The angels who were then present with me said that they gathered complete ideas from the letters themselves, knowing them especially from the curves of the lines and the serifs of the letters. They explained what these meant separately and what when combined. They said that H, which was added to the names of Abram and Sarai, meant what is infinite and eternal. They also explained in my presence the meaning of a verse of the Word, Psalm 32:2, simply from the letters or characters; their meaning was in short that the Lord is merciful to those who do wrong.

They told me that writing in the third heaven consists of letters bent into various curves, each of which conveys some meaning. Vowels there stood for the sound which corresponds to an affection. In that heaven they cannot pronounce the vowels i and e, but substitute for them y and eu 1 , They used the vowels a, o and u, because they give a full sound. They also said that they did not pronounce any consonants harshly, but softly; and this was why certain Hebrew letters have a point inside, as a sign they are pronounced softly. They said that harshness in letters was used in the spiritual heaven, because there they possess truths, and the truth admits harshness, but good does not, and the angels of the Lord's celestial kingdom, that is, the third heaven, possess good.

They also said that they had among themselves the Word written in curved letters with flourishes and serifs which conveyed a meaning. This made it plain what these words of the Lord mean:

Not a jot nor a stroke shall pass away from the Law, until all things are done, Matthew 5:18.


It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one dot of the Law to fall out, Luke 16:17.


1. These letters must be understood as having values as in modern Italian, but y means the sound of French u or German u.

True Christian Religion #278 (Ager, 1970)

278. Second Memorable Relation:

There was once sent down to me from heaven a little paper with Hebrew letters inscribed on it, but written as with the ancients, with whom those letters which at the present are formed in part of straight lines were curved, with little horns turned upward; and the angels who were with me said that they recognized complete meanings in the very letters, perceiving them especially from the curves of the lines and apexes of the letters. They also explained what the letters signified both separately and conjointly, saying that the letter H, which was added to the names of Abram and Sarai, signified the infinite and eternal. They also explained to me the meaning of the Word in Psalms 32:2, from the letters or syllables alone, saying that their meaning in brief is that the Lord is merciful even to those who do evil. They told me that the writings in the third heaven consist of letters bent and variously curved, each one of which contains a certain meaning; and that the vowels there stand for the tone of the voice, which corresponds to affection; also that they are unable in that heaven to pronounce the vowels i and e, but use in their place y and eu; and that the vowels a, o, and u were in use among them, because they have a full sound. They also said that they pronounce none of the consonants roughly, but only softly, and that this is why some Hebrew letters have points within them as a sign that they are to be pronounced softly; adding that the rough sounds of letters are in use in the spiritual heaven, because there the angels are in truths; and truth admits roughness, but the good in which the angels of the Lord's celestial kingdom or of the third heaven are, does not. They said, moreover, that they have a Word among themselves written with curved letters with little horns and apexes that are significative. This makes clear what these words of the Lord signify:

One jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass away from the law, till all things be accomplished (Matthew 5:18)

also of these:

It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one tittle of the law to fall (Luke 16:17).

True Christian Religion #278 (Dick, 1950)

278. The second experience. There was once sent down to me from heaven a piece of paper covered with Hebrew characters, but written as they used to be among the Ancients, with whom those letters, which to-day are partly linear, were curved, with little flourishes turning upwards. The angels who were then with me said that they understood a complete sense from the letters themselves, but a special sense from the curves of the lines and the upturned flourishes over any letter. They explained what the letters and the inflections signified, both separately and conjointly, and said that the letter H, which was added to the names Abram and Sarai, signified the infinite and the eternal. They also explained to me the meaning of the Word in Psalms 32:2, from the letters or syllables alone; adding that the meaning of the letters with all inflections included was, that the Lord is merciful even to those who do evil.

They informed me that writing in the third heaven consisted of letters inflected and variously curved, each of which contained a certain meaning; that the vowels there represented sound, which corresponds to affection; that in that heaven they cannot pronounce the vowels i and e, but employ instead of them y and eu; and that the vowels a, o, and u are in use among them, because these have a full sound. They also said that they did not sound any consonants hard, but soft, and for this reason certain Hebrew letters had dots within them, as a sign that they should have a soft pronunciation. They added that a hardness in sounding letters was in use in the spiritual heaven, because there the angels are in truths; and truth admits of hardness; but not so, good in which are the angels of the Lord's celestial or third heaven. They said, moreover, that they had the Word among them written in letters inflected with the up-tuned flourishes (tittles) which have a meaning of their own. From this it was plain what is signified by these words of the Lord:

"One jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled" Matthew 5:18;

and also:

"It is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail" Luke 16:17.

Vera Christiana Religio #278 (original Latin,1770)

278. SECUNDUM MEMORABILE. Quondam ad me e Coelo demissa est chartula exarata literis Hebraicis, sed scriptis sicut apud Antiquos, apud quos illae literae quae hodie quoad aliquam partem lineares sunt, fuerunt inflexae cum corniculis sursum vergentibus; et dicebant Angeli, qui tunc apud me erant, quod scirent integros Sensus ex ipsis literis, et quod illos scirent imprimis ex flexuris linearum et apicum literae, et explicabant quid significarent seorsim et quid conjunctim, dicentes quod H, quod additum est nominibus Abrami et Sarai, significaret Infinitum ac Aeternum; explicabant etiam coram me Sensum Verbi Psalm 32:2, ex solis literis seu syllabis, quod Sensus illarum in summa esset, QUOD DOMINUS ETIAM MISERICORS SIT ILLIS, QUI MALEFACIUNT: informabant me, quod Scriptura in Tertio Coelo ex literis inflexis et varie incurvatis, quarum unaquaevis contineret quendam Sensum, constaret; et quod Vocales ibi essent pro sono, qui correspondet affectioni, et quod in illo Coelo non possent enuntiare vocales i et e, sed pro illis y et eu, et quod vocales a, o, et u, illis in usu essent, quia dant sonum plenum; tum quod non exprimerent aliquas Literas consonantes aspere, sed molliter, et quod inde sit, quod literae quaedam Hebraicae intus punctatae sint, in signum ut molliter enuntientur, dicentes quod asperitas in literis esset in usu in spirituali Coelo, ex causa quia ibi in veris sint, ac verum admittit asperum, non autem bonum, in quo sunt Angeli Regni coelestis Domini seu Tertii Coeli: dicebant etiam quod Verbum apud se conscriptum haberent literis inflexis cum corniculis et apicibus significativis; ex quo patuit, quid etiam significant haec Domini verba, Non Jotha et Corniculum praeteribit de Lege, donec omnia fiunt, Matthaeus 5:18. Tum, Facilius est Coelum et Terram transire, quam Legis unum Apicem cadere, Luca 16:17.

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