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《真实的基督教》 第279节



真实的基督教 #279 (火能翻译,2015)

279. 七年前, 當我想起摩西曾提到的兩卷書:『耶和華戰記』與『詩歌』(民數記 21章), 有幾位天人前來, 告訴我這兩卷書屬於古聖言。其中『耶和華戰記』為歷史部分, 『詩歌』為預言部分。天人還說, 該聖言至今依然保存在天上, 為生前擁有該聖言的古人所用, 其中一部分來自迦南地及其周圍的敘利亞,米所波大米,阿爾巴尼亞,迦勒底,亞述,埃及,西頓,推羅,尼尼微等地。這些民族以象徵形式來敬拜上帝, 因而鑽研關於對應的知識。事實上, 他們當時的智慧就是以對應為基礎, 這些關於對應的知識使他們對天國有內在的覺悟和交流。那時, 熟悉古聖言中對應知識的人被稱為"智者"或"智人", 後來也稱為"占(卜)人"或"博士"(magi)。

[2]由於該聖言滿含對應, 間接地指向屬天和屬靈的實質, 結果許多人開始曲解其中的對應。於是, 因著主的聖治, 該聖言就在歷史中遺失了。

後來的聖言, 比之前稍弱的對應方式寫成(也就是比之前的聖言在對應方面更直接一點), 藉以色列眾先知傳遞。其中許多地名繼續保留下來——不僅包括迦南地, 也包括中東周圍各地。所有這些地名, 全都指向教會的境況和光景, 它們的含義從古聖言轉接而來。因此, 上帝吩咐亞伯蘭進迦南, 雅各的後裔在這裡繁衍發展。

[3]在此, 我蒙允透露一個前所未知的秘密:以色列舊約聖言之前流傳于中東的古聖言, 現今依然保存在韃靼人當中。

在心靈世界, 我與曾經生活在這個地域的靈和天人有過交談。他們說, 自古以來他們就擁有這本聖言, 他們就是照此聖言行敬拜之禮, 且說他們的聖言純由對應寫成。

他們還說到, 他們的聖言包括(約書亞記10:12-13)及(撒母耳記下1:17-18)所提到的『雅煞珥書』, 此外還包括摩西曾提到的『耶和華戰記』和『詩歌』(民數記21:14-15, 27-30)。我在他們面前誦讀摩西曾引用過的經文, 他們就查找, 看這段話是否依然包含在他們的聖言中, 結果他們找到了。由此我明白, 這本古聖言現今依然保存在他們當中。交談中, 他們還說他們敬拜耶和華, 有人以耶和華為可見之上帝 , 有人則以其為不可見之上帝。

[4]他們接下來說, 他們不允許外人參與進來, 除了與他們和平相處的中國人, 因為中國的皇帝出自他們當中。還說中國人如此之多, 他們不敢相信世界上有任何比中國人口還多的地方。這話看來是不錯的, 從中國為抵禦外侵而修築的萬里長城即可見一斑。

我還聽天人說, 『創世記』前面數章, 包括創造,亞當夏娃,伊甸園,亞當夏娃的後代, 一直到挪亞洪水,挪亞的子孫, 都包含在古聖言中。摩西就是從這本古代聖言抄錄了這些故事。

出自韃靼地區的天人和靈住在南部偏東的高原, 與其他人隔離。他們不讓基督徒世界的人們進來, 如果有基督徒設法上來, 就會防範他們, 防止他們再來。如此分別, 在於他們擁有不同的聖言。

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True Christianity #279 (Rose, 2010)

279. The third memorable occurrence. Seven years ago, when I was remembering that Moses mentions two books called The Wars of Jehovah and The Pronouncements (Numbers 21), some angels became present and said to me that these books were the ancient Word. Its historical portion was called The Wars of Jehovah and its prophetical portion was called The Pronouncements. The angels said that that Word is still preserved in heaven and is used by ancient peoples there who had had that Word when they were in the world. Some of the ancient peoples who are still using that Word in heaven came from the land of Canaan and its neighbors, such as Syria, Mesopotamia, Arabia, Chaldea, Assyria; Egypt; and Sidon, Tyre, and Nineveh. The people in all these countries had symbolic worship and therefore studied correspondences. The wisdom of their times was in fact based on the study of correspondences. That study gave them inner awareness and communication with the heavens. The people who knew the correspondences in that Word were called "the wise" and "the intelligent. " Later they were called "diviners" and "magi. "

[2] Since that Word was full of correspondences that referred indirectly to heavenly and spiritual realities, and consequently many people began to falsify its correspondences, by the Lord's divine providence that Word disappeared over the course of time.

Another Word, written in correspondences that were less indirect, was given through the prophets of the children of Israel. In it many of the names of places were retained - places not only in the land of Canaan but also in the surrounding areas in the Middle East. All these names referred to aspects and conditions of the church. Their meanings were taken over from the ancient Word. This is why Abram was commanded to go into that country and why his descendants through Jacob were established there.

[3] Here I am allowed to relate something previously unknown about the ancient Word that used to exist in the Middle East before the Israelite Word: it is still preserved among the peoples who live in Great Tartary.

I have spoken with spirits and angels in the spiritual world who were originally from that area. They said that they possessed this Word and had done so since ancient times; that they followed this Word in conducting their divine worship; and that their Word consisted entirely of correspondences.

They said that their Word included the Book of Jasher that is mentioned in Joshua 10:12-13, and 2 Samuel 1:17-18. Other books it contains are The Wars of Jehovah and The Pronouncements, which are mentioned by Moses (Numbers 21:14-15, ). When I read these people the words that Moses quoted from it, they looked up the passages to see whether the words were still in their text, and they found the passages. These events made it clear to me that the ancient Word still exists among them. During our conversation they said that they worship Jehovah. Some of them worship Jehovah as a God who can be seen, some as a God who cannot be seen.

[4] They went on to say that they do not let in foreign immigrants except the Chinese, with whom they have peaceful relations because the Chinese emperor is from their area. They also said that their territory is so heavily populated that they cannot imagine that any other part of the entire world is populated more heavily. This seems plausible given the many miles of the Great Wall that the Chinese once built to protect themselves from an invasion of these people.

I have also heard from angels that the first chapters in Genesis, which deal with creation, Adam and Eve, the garden of Eden, their children and descendants right down to the flood, and also Noah and his children, are in that Word as well. Moses copied these stories from that Word.

The angels and spirits from Great Tartary are found in a southern region toward the east. They are separated from all others by their location on a high plateau. They do not let in people from the Christian world. If some manage to climb up to them, they put them under guard to keep them from leaving. The reason for this separation is that they have a different Word.

True Christian Religion #279 (Chadwick, 1988)

279. The third experience.

Seven years ago, when I was collecting the passages which Moses wrote drawing on the two books called The Wars of Jehovah and The Utterances (Numbers 21), some angels were present who told me that those books were the ancient Word; its historical parts are called The Wars of Jehovah, the prophetical parts The Utterances. They said that this Word was still preserved in heaven and was used by the ancients there, whose Word it had been when they were in the world. The ancients, among whom this Word is still in use in heaven, were in part from the land of Canaan and the neighbouring countries, for instance, Syria, Mesopotamia, Arabia, Chaldaea, Assyria, Egypt, Sidon, Tyre and Niniveh. The inhabitants of all these kingdoms had a representative form of worship, and thus a knowledge of correspondences. The wisdom of those times came from that knowledge, which endowed them with inward perception and communication with the heavens. Those who knew the correspondences of that Word were called wise and intelligent, and in later times soothsayers and sorcerers.

[2] But because that Word was full of the sort of correspondences which conveyed celestial and spiritual ideas distantly, so that many people began to falsify it, therefore by the Lord's Divine providence in course of time it vanished, and another Word was given written by correspondences not so distant; this was done through the prophets among the Children of Israel. This Word retains many place names, not only in the land of Canaan, but also in the adjacent parts of Asia; all of these meant matters concerning the church and its states. But these meanings were taken over from the ancient Word. That was the reason why Abram was ordered to go into that land, and his descendants through Jacob were brought into it.

[3] I am allowed to report this new piece of information about the ancient Word, which was in Asia before the Israelite Word existed. It is still preserved there among the peoples who live in Great Tartary. I have spoken with spirits and angels in the spiritual world who came from there. They said that they possess the Word, and have done so from ancient times; and they conduct their Divine worship in accordance with that Word. It is composed purely of correspondences. They said that it also contains the book of Jashar mentioned in Joshua (Joshua 10:12-13), and in the Second Book of Samuel (2 Samuel 1:17-18); they also have the books called The Wars of Jehovah and The Utterances, which are mentioned by Moses (Numbers 21:14-15, 27-30). When I read in their presence the words which Moses took from this source, they looked to see whether they were there, and they found them. This made it clear to me that they still have the ancient Word. During our conversation they mentioned that they worship Jehovah, some of them as an invisible God, and some as visible.

[4] They went on to say that they do not allow foreigners to enter their territory, except the Chinese, with whom they have peaceful relations, because the Chinese Emperor comes from there. 1 They added that they are so populous that they do not believe any region in all the world is more so. This too is plausible when one considers the wall so many miles long, which the Chinese in former times constructed as a defence against invasion by them.

Moreover I was told by angels that the first chapters of Genesis, dealing with creation, Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, their sons and descendants down to the flood, as well as Noah and his sons, are also found in that Word, and were copied from it by Moses. Angels and spirits from Great Tartary are to be seen in the southern quarter towards the east. They are separated from others by living on a higher level. They do not allow anyone from Christian countries to visit them, and if any do go up, they put them under guard to prevent them leaving. The reason for this isolation is that they possess a different Word.


1. This may refer to the Yuan dynasty (13th-14th centuries) who were of Mongol origin; but perhaps the reference is to the non-Chinese Manchu dynasty who ruled China from 1644.

True Christian Religion #279 (Ager, 1970)

279. Third Memorable Relation:

Seven years ago, when I was collecting what Moses wrote in the twenty-first chapter of Numbers from the two books called The Wars of Jehovah and Enunciations, some angels were present who told me that those books were the ancient Word, the historical parts of which were called the Wars of Jehovah, and the prophetic Enunciations; and they said that this Word is still preserved in heaven, and in use among the ancient people there who had this Word when they were in the world. These ancient people, among whom that Word is still in use in heaven, were in part from the land of Canaan and the neighboring countries, as Syria, Mesopotamia, Arabia, Chaldea, Assyria, Egypt, Sidon, Tyre, and Nineveh; the inhabitants of all of which kingdoms had representative worship and consequently a knowledge of correspondences. The wisdom of that time was from that knowledge, and by it men had interior perception, and communication with the heavens. Those who knew the correspondences of that Word were called wise and intelligent, and afterward diviners and Magi.

[2] But because that Word was full of such correspondences as remotely signified things celestial and spiritual, and consequently began to be falsified by many, in course of time by the Lord's Divine Providence it disappeared, and another Word was given, written by correspondences not so remote, and this through the prophets among the sons of Israel. In this Word many names of the places, both in the land of Canaan and round about in Asia, are retained, all of which signified things and states of the church; but the significations were from the ancient Word. For this reason Abram was commanded to go into that land, and his posterity through Jacob were led into it.

[3] Of that ancient Word which existed in Asia before the Israelitish Word, I am permitted to state this new thing, namely, that it is still preserved there among the people who dwell in Great Tartary. In the spiritual world I have talked with spirits and angels from that country, who said that they have a Word, and have had it from ancient times; and that they conduct their Divine worship according to this Word, and that it consists solely of correspondences. They said, that in it also is the Book of Jasher, which is mentioned in Joshua (10:12, 13), and in 2 Samuel (1:17, 18); and that they have also among them the books called the Wars of Jehovah and Enunciations, which are mentioned by Moses (Numbers 21:14, 15, and27-30); and when I read to them the words that Moses had quoted therefrom, they searched to see if they were there, and found them; from which it was evident to me that the ancient Word is still among that people. While talking with them they said that they worshiped Jehovah, some as an invisible God, and some as visible.

[4] They also told me that they do not permit foreigners to come among them, except the Chinese, with whom they cultivate peaceful relations, because the Chinese Emperor is from their country; also that the population is so great that they do not believe that any region in the whole world is more populous, which is indeed credible from the wall so many miles in length which the Chinese formerly built as a protection against invasion from these people. I have further heard from the angels, that the first chapters of Genesis which treat of creation, of Adam and Eve, the garden of Eden, their sons and their posterity down to the flood, and of Noah and his sons, are also contained in that Word, and thus were transcribed from it by Moses. The angels and spirits from Great Tartary are seen in the southern quarter on its eastern side, and are separated from others by dwelling in a higher expanse, and by their not permitting anyone to come to them from the Christian world, or, if any ascend, by guarding them to prevent their return. Their possessing a different Word is the cause of this separation.

True Christian Religion #279 (Dick, 1950)

279. The third experience. Seven years ago I was collecting what Moses wrote in Numbers 21 from the two Books called "The Wars of Jehovah" and "The Enunciations." Some angels who were present told me that those Books were the ancient Word, its historical parts being called "The Wars of Jehovah" and its prophetical parts, "The Enunciations." They said that that Word was still preserved in heaven, and was in use among the Ancients there, who possessed it when they were in the world. Some of those ancient people, among whom that Word is still in use in heaven, were from the Land of Canaan, and from the neighboring countries of Syria, Mesopotamia, Arabia, Chaldea, Assyria, Egypt, Sidon, Tyre and Nineveh. The inhabitants of all these kingdoms practiced a representative form of worship, and consequently had a knowledge of correspondences. The wisdom of that time was from that knowledge, and by it men had an interior perception, and also had communication with the heavens. Those who understood the correspondences of that Word were called wise and intelligent, and later, diviners and magi.

[2] As, however, that Word was full of correspondences which in a remote way signified celestial and spiritual things, many people in consequence began to falsify it. Therefore, by the Lord's Divine Providence, it disappeared in the course of time, and another Word was given, written by correspondences less remote, and this, through the Prophets among the children of Israel. In this Word are retained many names of places not only in Canaan but also in the surrounding countries of Asia, all of which signified things and states of the Church; but the significations were adopted from the ancient Word. Because of the signification of Canaan, Abram was commanded to go into that land, and his posterity, descended from Jacob, were brought into it.

[3] It may be stated, as a circumstance not already known, that the ancient Word which existed in Asia before the Israelitish Word, is still preserved among the people of Great Tartary. 1 I have conversed in the spiritual world with spirits and angels from that country, who informed me that the inhabitants possess a Word, and have possessed it from ancient times, according to which they observe their own form of Divine worship, and which consists of pure correspondences. They said also that it contains the Book of Jasher which is mentioned in Joshua 10:12-13, and in 2 Samuel 1:17-18; and also that they possess the Books called "The Wars of Jehovah" and "The Enunciations," which are mentioned by Moses in Numbers 21:14-15, and 27-30. When I read to them the words that Moses quoted from these Books, they looked up to see whether they were in the original, and they found them there. It was thus evident to me that they still possess the ancient Word. In the course of our conversation they said that they worship Jehovah, some as an invisible, and some as a visible God.

[4] They told me further that they do not allow strangers to come among them, except the Chinese, with whom they cultivate peaceful relations, because the Emperor of China is from their country. They also said that they are so numerous that they do not believe there is another country in the whole world more densely populated. This, indeed, is credible from the great length of the wall which the Chinese built long ago as a protection against invasion from that people. I have, moreover, heard from angels that the early chapters of Genesis, which treat of creation, Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, and their children and posterity till the Flood, and of Noah and his sons, are also contained in that Word, from which they were copied by Moses. The angels and spirits from Great Tartary occupy a southern district towards the East, and live in isolation, as the country they inhabit is an elevated plateau, to which they admit no one from the Christian world. Should any make their way up they are placed under guard and not allowed to depart. They live thus isolated because they possess a different Word.


1. Tartaria, Tartary, country of Central Asia.

Vera Christiana Religio #279 (original Latin,1770)


Ante septennium, quando recollegi illa, quae Moses ex binis illis Libris, BELLA JEHOVAE et ENUNTIATA, vocatis, Numeri 21, scripsit, aderant quidam Angeli, et mihi dixerunt, quod illi Libri essent Verbum vetustum, cujus HISTORICA vocata sunt BELLA JEHOVAE, et PROPHETICA vocata sunt ENUNTIATA, et dixerunt, quod id Verbum adhuc in Coelo conservatum sit, et in usu apud Antiquos ibi, apud quos, cum in Mundo fuerunt, id Verbum fuit. Antiqui illi, apud quos illud Verbum in Coelo adhuc in usu est, fuerunt quoad partem ex terra Canaane, et ex confiniis ejus, ut ex Syria, Mesopotamia, Arabia, Chaldaea, Assyria, ex Aegypto, ex Zidone, Tyro, Ninive, quorum omnium Regnorum incolae fuerunt in Cultu repraesentativo, et inde in Scientia correspondentiarum; Sapientia illius temporis fuit ex illa Scientia, et per illam fuit illis perceptio interior, et communicatio cum Coelis: illi qui correspondentias illius Verbi noverunt, vocati sunt Sapientes et Intelligentes, ac postea Divinatores et Magi.

[2] Sed quia id Verbum erat plenum talibus Correspondentiis, quae remote significabant Coelestia et Spiritualia, et inde a multis incepit falsificari, ideo ex Divina Domini Providentia id successu temporis evanuit, et aliud Verbum per Correspondentias non ita remotas conscriptum, datum est, et hoc, per Prophetas apud filios Israelis. In hoc Verbo retenta sunt plura Nomina locorum, non modo quae in terra Canaane, sed etiam quae circum circa in Asia fuerunt, quae omnia significabant res et status Ecclesiae; at significationes ex Verbo vetusto illo erant. Propter illam causam Abram in illam Terram ire jussus est, et ejus posteri ex Jacobo in illam introducti sunt.

[3] De Verbo illo vetusto, quod in Asia ante Verbum Israeliticum fuerat, referre licet hoc Novum, quod illud ibi adhuc reservatum sit apud Populos qui in Magna Tartaria habitant; loquutus sum cum Spiritibus et Angelis, qui in Mundo spirituali inde erant, qui dixerunt, quod possideant Verbum, et quod id ab antiquis temporibus possederint, et quod secundum hoc Verbum Divinum suum cultum obeant, et quod id ex meris Correspondentiis consistat: dixerunt, quod in illo etiam Liber JASCHAR sit, qui memoratur apud Joschuam 10:12-13, et in Libro 2 Samuelis 1:17-18: tum etiam, quod apud illos sint Libri, BELLA JEHOVAE ac ENUNTIATA, qui memorantur a Mose, Numeri 21:14-15, 27-30; et cum legi coram illis verba, quae Moses inde desumserat, inquisiverunt Numeri illa ibi 1 exstent, et invenerunt: ex his patuit mihi, quod Verbum vetustum adhuc apud illos sit. Inter loquendum cum illis dixerunt, quod Jehovam colant, quidam ut Deum invisibilem, quidam ut visibilem.

[4] Porro retulerunt, quod non patiantur ut Extranei ad illos intrent, praeter Chinenses, cum quibus pacem colunt, quia Imperator Chinensis inde est: tum etiam, quod tam populosi sint, ut non credant aliquam Regionem in Universo Mundo populosiorem esse; quod etiam credibile est ex Muro tot milliarium, quem Chinenses pro tutela sua contra invasionem ab illis olim exstruxerant. Praeterea audivi ab Angelis, quod Prima Capita Geneseos, in quibus de Creatione, de Adamo et Chaiva, de Horto Edenis, deque Filiis et posteris illorum usque ad Diluvium, et quoque de Noacho et ejus Filiis, agitur, in illo Verbo etiam sint, et sic quod a Mose inde exscripta sint. Angeli et Spiritus e Magna Tartaria apparent in Plaga meridionali a latere Orientis, et a reliquis separati sunt, per quod in Expanso eminentiori habitent; et quod non aliquem e Christiano Orbe ad se admittant, et quod si aliqui ascendunt, illos custodiant, ne exeant. Causa separationis istius est, quia aliud Verbum possident.


1. Sic Apocalypsis Revelata 11:2. Prima editio: ubi.

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