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《真实的基督教》 第292节



真实的基督教 #292 (火能翻译,2015)

292. 這條誡命還有一層屬世之義:我們不可崇奉任何死人活人為神明; 這在中東及周邊國家和地區流行的另一偶像崇拜方式。眾多異教神明的產生正由此而來, 例如巴力,阿什托雷斯,基抹,米勒公,別西卜。在希臘和羅馬還有薩圖恩,朱庇特,尼普頓,普路同,阿波羅,雅典娜等等。其中一些開始只是當作聖人來拜, 後來被賦予神性能力, 最終崇奉為神。一些民族還崇奉活人為神明, 這個事實可從瑪代大利烏王的禁令看出, 三十日內禁止任何人向上帝求告, 除了此王以外, 否則會被扔進獅子坑內(但以理書6:8-28)。

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True Christianity #292 (Rose, 2010)

292. This commandment, "There is to be no other God before my face," also has an earthly meaning that we must not worship any person, dead or alive, as a god. Worshiping people as gods was another practice in the Middle East and in various surrounding areas. The many gods of the nations there were of this type, such as Baal, Ashtoreth, Chemosh, Milcom, and Beelzebub. In Athens and Rome there were Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Apollo, Athena, and so on. People worshiped some of these at first as holy people, then as supernatural beings, and finally as gods. The fact that these nations also worshiped living people as gods can be seen from the edict of Darius the Mede that for a thirty-day period no one was to ask anything of God, only of the king, or be thrown into the lions' den (Daniel 6:8-28).

True Christian Religion #292 (Chadwick, 1988)

292. This commandment 'There is not to be any other God before my face' also means in the natural sense that no human being, alive or dead, is to be worshipped as a god, another practice found in Asia and various surrounding countries. Many of the heathen gods were no more than this, such as Baal, Ashtaroth, Chemosh, Milkom, Beelzebub; and at Athens and Rome, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Apollo, Pallas, etc. Some of these were first worshipped as saints, then as divine powers, and finally as gods. It is clear from the edict of Darius the Mede that they also worshipped living human beings as gods. This decree stated that for a period of thirty days no one should ask anything of God, but only of the king; otherwise he would be thrown into the lions' den (Daniel 6:8-end).

True Christian Religion #292 (Ager, 1970)

292. This commandment, "There shall be no other God in My presence" means also in the natural sense, that no man dead or living should be worshiped as a god. This, too, was done in Asia and in various surrounding countries. Many of the gods of the heathen were simply men, as Baal, Ashtaroth, Chemosh, Milcom, Beelzebub; and at Athens and Rome, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Apollo, Pallas, and so forth. Some of these were worshiped first as saints, then as divinities and finally as gods. That they also worshiped living men as gods, appears from the edict of Darius the Mede,

That for thirty days no man should ask anything from God, but from the king only; otherwise, he should be cast into a den of lions (Daniel 6:8-28).

True Christian Religion #292 (Dick, 1950)

292. This commandment, "Thou shalt have no other god before Me," also means in the natural sense, that no man, dead or alive, ought to be worshipped as a god, as was done in Asia, and various neighboring countries. Many of the gods of the Gentiles, as Baal, Ashtaroth, Chemosh, Milcom, and Beelzebub, were merely human beings; and at Athens and Rome so were Saturn, 1 Jupiter, 2 Neptune, 3 Pluto, 4 Apollo, 5 Pallas and the others. Some of these were at first worshiped as holy, then as beings with divine powers, and finally as gods. Men still living were also worshipped as gods, as is evident from the decree of Darius the Mede,

that no one, for thirty days, should ask any petition of God but of the king alone, on pain of being cast into the den of lions, Daniel 6:8-28.


1. Saturnus, Saturn, earliest king of Latium, became Roman god of civilization.

2. Jupiter or Jove, son of Saturn.

3. Neptune, god of the sea.

4. Pluto, king of the lower world.

5. Apollo, god of divination, healing, poetry and music.

Vera Christiana Religio #292 (original Latin,1770)

292. Per hoc Praeceptum, Non erit Deus alius coram faciebus meis, in Sensu naturali etiam intelligitur, quod non aliquis Homo defunctus aut vivus colendus sit sicut Deus, quod quoque in Orbe Asiatico, et circum illum variis in locis factum est; multi dii Gentium non fuerunt alii, sicut Baal, Astaroth, Chemos, Milkom, Beelsebub; ac Athenis et Romae Saturnus, Jupiter, Neptunus, Pluto, Apollo, Pallas, etc.; quorum aliquos primum coluerunt ut Sanctos, postea ut Numina, et denique ut Deos. Quod etiam coluerint Homines vivos ut deos, constat ex Edicto Darii Medi, quod nemo intra 30 dies peteret aliquid a Deo, sed a Rege solo, si secus, conjiceretur in foveam leonum, Daniel 6:8. ad fin.

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