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《真实的基督教》 第293节



真实的基督教 #293 (火能翻译,2015)

293. 就屬世或文字意義而言, 此誡命還表示:除了上帝, 不可愛任何人超過其它一切; 除非來自上帝的, 不可愛任何事物超過其它一切。這也與主所說的符合(馬太福音22:37-39;路加福音10:25-28)。超過其它一切而去愛的任何人, 其實是視之為神明; 超過其它一切而去愛的任何事物, 其實視其為神性之物。例如, 倘若我們愛我們自己高於其它一切, 或愛世界高於其它一切, 對我們而言, 我們自己或世界就是我們的"上帝"。這就是為何此類人內心不承認上帝的原因。他們因此與地獄中的同類相連接, 地獄其實就是所有愛自己或愛世界高過其它一切之人的聚集之地。

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True Christianity #293 (Rose, 2010)

293. In the earthly meaning, which is the literal meaning, the first commandment also entails that we are to love above all else no one except God and nothing except what comes from God. This also accords with the Lord's words (Matthew 22:37-39; Luke 10:25-28). Someone we love above all else is a god to us; and something we love above all else is divine to us. For example, if we love ourselves above all else, or if we love the world above all else, to us we ourselves are our god, or else the world is. This explains why under these circumstances we do not believe at heart in any god; because of this we are connected to people like ourselves in hell, where all are gathered who have loved themselves or the world above all else.

True Christian Religion #293 (Chadwick, 1988)

293. In the natural or literal sense this commandment also means that no one is to be loved above all except God, nor anything except what comes from God. This too agrees with the Lord's words (Matthew 22:37-39; Luke 10:25-28). Anyone or anything which is loved above all is, to the lover, God and divine. For instance, if anyone loves himself or the world above all else, then he or the world is his own god. This is why such people do not in their hearts acknowledge any God. They are therefore linked with like minds in hell, where all are gathered who have loved themselves or the world above all.

True Christian Religion #293 (Ager, 1970)

293. In the natural sense, which is the sense of the letter, this commandment means also that no one except God, and nothing but what proceeds from God, is to be loved above all things, which also accords with the Lord's words (Matthew 22:35-37; Luke 10:25-28). For any person or thing that is loved above all things is God and is Divine to the one who so loves. For example, to one who loves himself or the world above all things, himself or the world is his God; and this is why such persons do not in heart acknowledge any God, and in consequence are conjoined with their like in hell, where all who love themselves and the world above all things are gathered.

True Christian Religion #293 (Dick, 1950)

293. In the natural sense, which is the sense of the Letter, this commandment also means that no one but God, and nothing but what proceeds from God, is to be loved above all things, according to the Lord's words, Matthew 22:35-37; Luke 10:25-28. For any person or thing that is loved above all else, becomes to the one who loves, a god and is divine. Thus when one loves himself or the world above all things, self or the world becomes his god. For this reason such men in their heart do not acknowledge any god. They are therefore associated with their like in hell, where all are gathered together who have loved themselves and the world above all things.

Vera Christiana Religio #293 (original Latin,1770)

293. In Sensu naturali, qui est Sensus literae, per hoc Praeceptum etiam intelligitur, quod non quisquam praeter Deum, et quod non quicquam praeter id quod procedit a Deo, super omnia amandum sit, quod etiam est secundum verba Domini, Matthaeus 22:35-37, 1 Luca 10:25-28, nam qui et quod super omnia amatur, ille et illud amatori est Deus et Divinum; sicut qui se super omnia amat, aut quoque Mundum, illi est Ipse aut Mundus suus Deus; quae causa est quod iidem corde non agnoscant aliquem Deum; hi ideo conjuncti sunt consimilibus in Inferno, ubi collecti sunt omnes, qui se et mundum super omnia amaverunt.


1. Sic Schmidt, sed 22:37-39 apud Novum Testamentum Graecum et Biblia Anglica.

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