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《真实的基督教》 第334节



真实的基督教 #334 (火能翻译,2015)

334. 第三個經歷:

在這之後, 其中一位天人說:"跟我來, 我帶你去那個叫嚷著"多有智慧啊"的地方。在那裡將看到更可怕之人, 他們有人類的臉與身, 然而並非人類。"


"不, 他們不是真的動物, 只是像動物般的人而已。"他回答:"他們無法辨認一個真理是真還是假, 然而他們能使任何願意之事物看來好像是真的。我們稱這類人為'證明販子'。"

我們順著叫聲來到那個地方, 發現那裡有一撮人, 外面圍著一大群人, 其中一些人還有貴族血統。當這些貴族們聽到裡面那撮人正在進行爭辯, 是為了支持貴族們所說的論點, 如此一致地贊同他們, 便轉向其它人並說:"他們真有智慧啊!"

[2]那天人對我說:"我們不要接近他們, 讓我們叫其中一位出來吧。"於是照此辦了, 把他叫到一邊。我們討論了各種論點, 他都能證明各個論點, 使每一個論點看起來都完全正確。於是, 我們問他能否證明各論點的對立面也是正確的。他回答:"一樣可以, 與之前論點的證明一樣簡單。"

然後, 他發自內心直率地說:"什麼是真理?整個自然界的任何真理不就是一些人為證明為真實的道理嗎?說出任何你喜歡的內容, 我都能證明它是真的。"

我說:"那就證明這個是真的:信是教會中第一重要的。"他照著辦了, 並且表現出的技巧與能力令現場的學者們都拍手稱讚。接著, 我請他證明:義也是教會中第一重要的; 他就這樣做了。然後, 我請他證明:義對教會毫無作用。於是, 他精心粉飾各個論點, 用貌似正確的理由來裝飾, 旁觀者們彼此對望, 說:"他不夠智慧嗎?"

我跟他說:"難道你不知道, 義就是活出良善的生活, 信就是相信真實的事情?活出良善生活的人擁有良善的信仰, 難道不對嗎?因此信是義的一部分, 義也是信的一部分。你看不出這是真的嗎?"

"我要確證一下它的真實性, "他說:"然後我就能明白。"他照著行, 然後評論:"現在我明白了。"然而過了片刻, 他證明出其對立面也是真的, 並且說:"我看得出, 這也是真的。"

聽到這, 我們笑了, 說:"它們不是對立的嗎?兩個彼此對立的事物如何看起來都是真的呢?"

他被激怒了, 回答說:"你們搞錯了。事實上, 它們都是真的, 因為若非某人確證為真, 沒有什麼是真的。"

[3]站在他旁邊的, 在世時曾是一位高級大使。他對此感到驚訝, 說:"我承認在世上確實有類似的事情發生, 不過你還是荒唐至極。如果你能, 請確證一下:光就是暗, 並且暗就是光。"

"再簡單不過了, "他回答說:"光與暗是什麼, 不是在乎我們眼睛的狀態嗎?當我們的眼睛從太陽光下離開, 還有當我們盯睛於太陽時, 光不就轉變成陰暗了嗎?誰都知道, 當我們眼睛的狀態改變時, 光會看起來如同陰暗; 相反, 當眼睛恢復到正常的狀態時, 陰暗便看起來如同光明了。對貓頭鷹來說, 看夜間的黑暗如同白晝的光明, 視白晝的光明如同夜間的黑暗, 太陽本身對它們而言只不過是個黑色昏暗的圓球而已。如果我們眼睛如同貓頭鷹, 那稱哪個為光, 哪個為暗呢?那麼, 除了我們眼睛的狀態之外, 光會是什麼呢?倘若如此, 光不是暗, 暗不就是光嗎?因此, 第一個論點是真, 另一個也是真。"

[4]看到這個證詞讓一些人混淆不清, 於是我說:"我察覺到這個'證明販子'並未意識到真實之光與假像之光的存在。這兩種形式都顯現為光; 但微弱,虛假之光並非真正的光, 與真光相比, 是黑暗。貓頭鷹靠著微弱虛假之光起作用, 因為它的眼睛充滿著捕捉和吞食鳥兒的渴望; 這樣的光使它的眼睛能在夜間看見。確切地說, 就像貓兒的眼睛, 閃爍如同地下室的蠟燭, 因為它們眼中這微弱昏暗之光充滿著追捕吞食老鼠的欲望。那麼很清楚, 太陽之光是真正的光, 欲望之光是昏弱假像之光。"

[5]在這之後, 大使請這位"證明販子"來確證以下的真實性:烏鴉是白色, 而非黑色。他的反應是:"對我來說, 一樣簡單。"

"取一根針, 或用剃刀, 撥開或剃掉烏鴉的羽毛。"他說:"或者拔掉羽毛, 看看烏鴉的皮膚, 不是白色的嗎?繞著週邊的黑色只不過是個陰影, 憑此就來斷定烏鴉的顏色嗎?研究光學的專家也會告訴你, 黑色只是陰影而已; 將一塊黑色的石頭或一片黑色的玻璃碾成完好的粉末, 你將會發現, 這些粉末是白色的。"

"但是, 當你看著它時, "這大使說:"那只烏鴉真的是白色的嗎?"

這"證明販子"回答道:"作為一個人, 你只會從事物的表面現象來思考嗎?當然, 你可以從表面現象來說烏鴉是黑, 但不可真的如此思想。例如, 你可從表面現象來說太陽升升落落, 但作為一個人, 你不可以真的這樣想, 因為太陽保持靜止, 只是地球轉動而已。烏鴉也是如此, 外表就是外表, 事實上烏鴉是徹徹底底,完完全全的白色。我還觀察到一個事實, 當它變老時, 也會轉變成白色。"

附近的旁觀者轉身看著我。於是我說:"烏鴉羽毛的羽杆是發白的, 這倒是真的, 它的皮膚也是如此。不僅烏鴉如此, 遍世界的所有鳥類都是如此; 我們每個人都以鳥類的外表顏色來辨別它們。若非如此, 我們就得說所有鳥類都是白色的, 也就荒唐無意義了。"

[6]然後, 大使問他能否證明自己是個瘋子。"當然, "他回答:"我能夠證明, 只是我不想這麼做。每個人都是瘋子。"

於是, 人們請他發自內心地說出, 他是否是開玩笑, 或者他是否真的相信並不存在什麼真理, 那只是人們設法去證明為真理而已。他回答:"這是我堅信的, 我發誓。"

之後, 這位萬能的"證明販子"被送到天人那裡檢驗他的屬性如何。在一番評估之後, 天人說:"他毫無認知力。原因在於, 對他而言, 在理性層面之上的一切都被關閉, 只有之下的層面被打開。在理性層面之上, 有屬靈之光; 之下, 是屬世之光。屬世之光的性質在於能使人證明他所喜歡的。但若無屬靈之光流入屬世之光, 人不能看見真理是否為真, 因此也不知道偽謬是否為偽。明白真理與偽謬的能力來自屬靈之光對屬世之光的流注, 屬靈之光來自天國的上帝, 也就是主。因此, 這位萬能的"證明販子"既不是人, 也不是獸, 是個獸人。"

[7]我向天人詢問這類人的命運如何, 他們將如何活下去, 因為屬靈之光是人生命的源泉, 是他們認知的源泉。天人說, 只要這類人獨處, 就無法思考或談論任何事情; 像個沉默的機器人站著, 毫無意識可言。然而, 一旦他們的耳朵聽到任何聲音時, 就會被叫醒。

天人接著說:"那些內在至惡者才會變得如此。從上而來的屬靈之光無法流注到他們之中, 只有通過塵世而有的某些屬靈事物給了他們辯解與證明的能力。"

[8]當他們這完這些話, 我聽到一位檢驗過他的天人說:"就你所聽之言, 做個總結吧。"

我的總結如下:能證明任何想證明之事, 並非聰明; 能看清真理之真以及偽謬之偽, 並能為此證明, 才是真聰明。

在這之後, 我向那幫"證明販子"聚集之地望去, 他們仍不時發出"多有智慧啊"的叫聲。突然, 一大片黑雲遮蔽了他們, 有貓頭鷹和蝙蝠在其間盤旋。

我被告知:"在雲中盤旋的貓頭鷹和蝙蝠是對應, 用來展現他們的思想。對偽謬的諸多證明, 為了使它們看起來如同真理, 在靈界中以各樣夜行之鳥的樣式來代表。這些鳥的眼睛被某種虛弱假光所點亮, 使他們在夜間能看見物體如同白晝。那些能夠設法將偽謬證明得如同真理的人們, 也有相似的微弱虛假之光照。他們的視野低下, 無法開闊提升。"

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True Christianity #334 (Rose, 2010)

334. The third memorable occurrence. Afterward one of the angels said, "Follow me to the place where people are shouting, 'They are so wise!'" He added, "The people you are going to see are bizarre. You will see faces and bodies that make them look human, though they are not. "

I said, "They are animals, then?"

He answered, "They are not true animals; they are human animals. They are completely unable to see whether a truth is true or not, yet they can take anything they want and make it appear to be true. We call them providers of arguments. "

We followed the sound of shouting and came to the place. There we found a group of men. The group was surrounded by a crowd of people, some of whom were of noble lineage. When the nobles heard that the men in the group were providing arguments to support everything the nobles had said and were favoring them with such obvious agreement, the nobles turned to one another and said, "They are so wise!"

[2] The angel said to me, "We should not go up to them; instead we should call one of them away from the group. "

We called one away and left with him. We said various things and he provided arguments to support all the details to the point where what we had said seemed absolutely true. Then we asked him whether he could provide arguments to support points that were opposite to these. He said, "Just as well as I could for the first points. "

Then openly and from the heart he said, "What is truth? Does any truth exist in the nature of things beyond what people make out to be true? Say whatever you like and I will make out that it is true. "

I said, "Make this true, that faith is the most important thing in the church. "

He did this with such skill and ability that scholars who were nearby were amazed and burst into applause. Then I asked him to make it true that goodwill was the most important thing in the church. He did it. Then I asked him to make it true that goodwill has nothing to do with the church. In both cases he fleshed out and adorned his argument with seemingly good material to the point where others present looked at each other and said, "He is wise, isn't he!"

I said to him, "Don't you know that goodwill is living a good life and having faith is believing the right things? Isn't it true that people who live a good life have a good faith? Therefore having faith is part of goodwill, and goodwill is part of having faith. Don't you see that this is the truth?"

"I will make it true and then see," he replied. He did so and said, "Now I see it. " Yet he soon made its opposite true and said, I also see that this is true.

We laughed and said, "Aren't they opposites? How can you see two opposite things as both being true?"

Annoyed, he answered, "You're mistaken. They are in fact both true, since nothing is true except what people make out to be true. "

[3] Standing near him there was someone who had been a high-ranking ambassador in the world. He was astounded at this and said to the provider of arguments, "I will admit that something similar goes on in the world, but you are nevertheless insane. If you can, make it true that light is darkness and darkness is light. "

The provider of arguments replied, "I'll do it with ease! What is light and darkness other than a state of our eye? Doesn't light change into shadow when our eye comes out of the bright sun and also when we stare intently straight at the sun? We all know that the state of our eye then changes so that light looks like a shadow. And the reverse: when the state of our eye stabilizes, the shadow looks like light. Night birds see the darkness of night as the light of day and the light of day as the darkness of night, and the sun itself looks to them like nothing but a dark and dusky ball. If we had eyes like a night bird, which would we call light and which would we call darkness? What then is light but a state of our eye, and if it is only a state of our eye, isn't light darkness and darkness light? Therefore the first point is true and the second point is true. "

[4] Because this argumentation was actually convincing to some people, I said, "I notice that the provider of arguments doesn't know there is such a thing as true light and deceptive light. Both of these types of light appear to be light, but faint, deceptive light is not a true light. Relative to true light it is darkness. Night birds function in faint, deceptive light. Inside their eyes there is an obsession to hunt and devour birds. This light enables their eyes to see at night. Similarly, cats' eyes in basements look like candles because of the faint, deceptive light inside their eyes from their obsession to hunt and devour rats and mice. Clearly then, the light of the sun is true light; the light of obsession is faint, deceptive light. "

[5] After that the ambassador asked the provider of arguments to make it true that crows are white, not black. He responded, "This too I will do with ease. "

"Take a needle or a razor," he said, "and cut open the feathers of a crow. Then pluck the feathers out and look at the crows skin. Aren't they both white? What is the surrounding blackness then except a shadow that shouldn't be used as a basis for judging the color of the crow? Blackness is only a shadow, as people skilled in the science of optics will tell you. Or grind a black stone or a black piece of glass to a fine powder and you'll see that the powder is white. "

The ambassador replied, "But in fact the crow looks black to our eyes. "

The provider of arguments rejoined, "Are you, a human being, really sure you want to think about something on the basis of appearances? On that basis it is indeed acceptable to speak of crows as being black, but you cannot think it. For another example, on the basis of appearance it is fine to say that the sun rises and sets, but because you are human you cannot think that, because the sun stands still while the earth moves around it. It is the same with the crow. Appearance is appearance. Say whatever you want - crows are completely and utterly white. In fact, they become white as they age. I've seen it myself. "

The people nearby turned to look at me, so I said, "It is true that the shafts of crows feathers are whitish, as is their skin. This is true, however, not only of crows but also of all the birds in the universe; and we all distinguish birds on the appearance of their color. If this were not the case, we would say that every bird is white, which would be pointless and absurd. "

[6] Then the ambassador asked him, "Can you make it true that you yourself are insane?"

The provider of arguments said, "I could, but I don't want to. Who isn't insane?"

Then people asked the provider of arguments to say from the heart whether he was joking or whether he really believed that there is no truth except what people make out to be true. He replied, "That is what I believe, I swear. "

Afterward this provider of arguments that support all points of view was sent to angels who had the ability to assess his nature. After the assessment they said, "He does not possess even a speck of understanding. In his case, everything above his rational faculty is closed off; only what is below it is opened up. Above people's rational faculty there is spiritual light; below it there is earthly light. The nature of earthly light with people is that it can provide arguments to support whatever they want; but if no spiritual light flows into the earthly light, people cannot see whether anything true is true or not. They also cannot see whether anything false is false or not. Spiritual light flowing into earthly light is what allows us to see truth and falsity. Spiritual light comes from the God of heaven, who is the Lord. Therefore this provider of arguments to support all points of view is not a human being or an animal: he is a human animal. "

[7] I asked the angels what happens in the long run to people like this: "Can they keep company with the living, given that human life comes from spiritual light and that it is spiritual light that gives us understanding?"

The angels said, "When they are alone, people like this cannot think or say anything. They stand like silent robots, as if they were utterly unconscious. They wake up as soon as their ears catch any sound. "

"It is people who are inwardly evil who become like this," the angels added. "Spiritual light cannot flow into them from above; they merely bring something spiritual from the world that gives them the ability to come up with supporting arguments. "

[8] After that I heard the voice of one of the angels who had assessed the provider of arguments saying to me, "Draw a universal conclusion from what you have heard. "

The conclusion I drew was the following: Being able to provide arguments to support whatever you want is not intelligence; intelligence is being able to see that what is true is true and what is false is false and to provide arguments to support that.

Afterward I looked over at the group where the providers of arguments were standing. The crowd around them was shouting, "They are so wise!" To my surprise, a dark cloud encompassed them. There were bats and screech owls flying around in the cloud.

I was told, "The bats and screech owls flying in the cloud are correspondences and manifestations of the thinking of the providers of arguments. In this world those who provide arguments to support falsities until they look like truths are represented in the form of night birds. The eyes of night birds are lit from inside by a faint, deceptive light that allows them to see objects in the dark as if they were in the light. People who provide arguments to support falsities until they look like truths and then believe they are true have a similar but spiritual form of faint, deceptive light. All of them have lower vision; none has higher sight. "

True Christian Religion #334 (Chadwick, 1988)

334. The third experience.

After this one of the angels said: 'Come with me to the place where they are shouting "How wise!" You will see monstrous people there, with the faces and bodies of human beings, though they are not human beings.'

'Are they animals then?' I asked.

'No,' he replied, 'they are not animals, but bestial people. They are those who are utterly unable to see whether truth is truth or not, although they can make anything they wish appear to be true. We call such people proof-mongers.'

We followed the noise of shouting and reached its source. There we found a group of men surrounded by a crowd. There were in the crowd some people of noble lineage, who, on hearing that they proved everything they said, and so obviously agreed in supporting each other, turned around and said 'How wise!'

[2] But the angel said to me, 'Let us not approach them, but let us call out one from the group.' We did so, and took him aside; we discussed a variety of subjects, and he proved each point so that it seemed exactly as if it were true. So we asked him whether he could also prove the opposite. He replied he could do so as well as the earlier points. Then he spoke openly and from the heart: 'What is truth? Is there any truth in the whole of nature other than what someone makes true? Say anything you please, and I will make it true.'

'Establish then,' I said, 'the truth of the following proposition: faith is all the church needs.' He did so, with such cleverness and skill that the learned men who were present clapped to express their admiration. Next I asked him to establish the truth of the proposition that charity is all the church needs; and this too he did. Then I asked him about the proposition that charity is of no use to the church; and he so dressed up either proposition and adorned them with plausible arguments that the bystanders looked at one another and said: 'Isn't he wise?'

'Don't you know,' I said, 'that living a good life is charity, and having a correct belief is faith? Does not the person who lives a good life also have a correct belief? And consequently faith is a part of charity, and charity a part of faith? Can't you see that this is true?'

'I shall establish the truth of it,' he said, 'and then I shall see.' He did so, and then remarked: 'Now I see.' But a moment later he established the truth of the opposite, and then he said: 'I see that this too is true.' We smiled at this and said: 'Are they not opposites? How can two opposite propositions both appear to be true?' He was indignant at this and answered: 'You are wrong. Both propositions are true, because there is no truth other than what someone establishes as true.'

[3] A man was standing nearby who in the world had been an ambassador of the highest rank. He was astonished at this and said: 'I admit that something like this goes on in the world, but still you are crazy. Establish, if you can, the truth of the proposition that light is darkness and darkness is light.'

'Nothing easier,' he replied. 'What are light and darkness but conditions of the eye? Is not light changed into shadow, when the eye comes in from sunlight, and also when one stares fixedly at the sun? Everyone knows that then the condition of the eye changes, and light then seems like shadow; and in the opposite case when the eye returns to its normal condition, the shadow seems like light. Does not the owl see the darkness of the night like broad day, and daylight like the darkness of the night? And then it actually sees the sun itself as a dark and dim ball. If a person had the eyes of an owl, which would he call light and which darkness? So what is light but a condition of the eye? And if so, is not light darkness, and darkness light? So just as one proposition is true, so also is the other.'

[4] But seeing that this proof had confused some people I said: 'I have observed that this proof-monger is unaware of the existence of true light and false light. Both of these forms of light appear to be light; but false light is not really light, but compared with true light is darkness. The owl operates by false light, for its eyes are filled with a desire to pursue and devour birds; this light enables its eyes to see by night, exactly like cats' eyes, which glitter like candles in cellars. The false light in this case arises from the desire to pursue and devour mice which fills their eyes and has this effect. This makes it plain that the sun's is the true light, and the light of desire is a false light.'

[5] After this the ambassador asked the proof-monger to establish the truth of the proposition that a raven is white and not black. 'Another easy task,' he replied. 'Take,' he said, 'a needle or a razor and open up the feathers and plumage of a raven; or take away the feathers and plumage and look at the bare skin of the raven, is it not white? What is the blackness that surrounds it but a shadow, which must not be used to judge the raven's colour? Consult the experts on optics, and they will tell you that blackness is merely shadow; or grind a black stone or a piece of black glass into fine powder, and you will see that the powder is white.'

'But when you look at it,' said the ambassador, 'surely the raven appears black?' But the proof-monger replied: 'As a human being are you willing to think about anything from appearances? Of course you can speak from appearances of the raven as black, but you cannot really think so. For instance, you can speak from appearances of the sun rising and setting; but as a human being you cannot really think it does, because the sun remains unmoving, and it is the earth which moves. It is the same with the raven; appearances are only appearances. Say whatever you like, the raven is utterly and completely white. It also turns white when it grows old, a fact I have observed.'

At this the bystanders looked at me. So I said that it is true that the feathers and plumage of the raven have inside a whitish tinge, and so does its skin. But this is true not only of ravens, but of all birds throughout the world; and everyone distinguishes birds by their colouring. If not, we should have to say that every bird is white, which is absurd and useless.

[6] Then the ambassador asked whether he could establish the truth of the proposition that he himself was insane. 'Yes,' he said, 'I can, but I don't want to. Everyone is insane.'

Then they asked him to speak from the heart and say whether he was joking, or whether he really believed that there was no truth but what someone established as true. He replied, 'I swear I do so believe.'

Afterwards this universal proof-monger was sent to some angels to have his nature examined. After doing this they said that he did not possess a grain of understanding. 'The reason is,' they said, 'that in his case everything above the rational level is shut off, and only what is below this level is open. Spiritual light is above the rational level, and natural light is below it, and it is natural light which enables a person to prove whatever he likes. But if there is no spiritual light flowing into natural light, a person cannot see whether some truth is true, and consequently not whether a falsehood is false either. The ability to see either comes from the presence of spiritual light in the natural light, and spiritual light comes from the God of heaven, who is the Lord. Therefore the universal proof-monger is neither a man nor an animal, but a beast-man.'

[7] I asked the angels about the fate of such people; how could they be in the company of the living, since spiritual light is the source of people's life; and this is the source of their understanding. They said that as long as such people are alone, they cannot think or talk about anything, but they stand as dumb as machines and as if fast asleep. But they wake up as soon as their ears catch any sound. They added that it is those who are inmostly wicked who become like that. Spiritual light from above cannot flow into them, but only some spirituality through the world; this is what gives them the ability to make up proofs.

[8] When they had said this, I heard one of the angels who had examined him say: 'Make a general conclusion out of what you have heard.' My conclusion was this: it is not the mark of an intelligent person to be able to prove anything he likes; but to be able to see that truth is true and falsehood is false, and to prove that, is the mark of an intelligent person.

After this I looked towards the gathering where the proof-mongers stood with the crowd around them shouting 'How wise!'; and suddenly a dark cloud overshadowed them, with owls and bats flying about in it. I was told: 'The owls and bats flying about in that cloud are correspondences, so as to display their thoughts. The proving of falsities, so that they seem like truths, is represented in the spiritual world in the form of birds of nocturnal habit, whose eyes are inwardly enlightened by a false light; this enables them to see objects in darkness as if in daylight. Those who prove false propositions until they seem true and are afterwards believed to be true, have a similar, spiritual, false light. They are all able to see behind them, but nothing at all before them.'

True Christian Religion #334 (Ager, 1970)

334. Third Memorable Relation:

After this, one of the angels said, "Follow me to the place where they shout, "O how wise!" and you will see monsters of men; you will see faces and bodies that are human, and yet they are not men."

"Are they beasts, then?" I asked.

He replied, "They are not beasts, but beastmen; for they are those who are utterly unable to see whether truth is truth or not, and yet can make whatever they wish seem true. With us, such are called Confirmers."

We followed the shouting, and came to the place; and behold, an assembly of men, and around about them a throng, and in the throng some of noble birth, and when these heard them prove whatever they themselves were saying and uphold it with so manifest a concurrence, they turned around and shouted, "O how wise!"

[2] But the angel said to me, "Let us not go among them, but call one of the assembly to us." And we called one out and withdrew with him, and talked over various subjects; and had confirmed them one by one until they seemed to be perfectly true.

We asked him whether he could confirm things contrary to each other; and he said he could just as well as the others. He then said openly and from his heart, "What is truth? Is there anything true in the nature of things, other than what man makes true? Say what you please and I will make it true."

I said, "Make this true that faith is the all of the church." And this he did so dexterously and skillfully that the learned bystanders admired and applauded. I then asked him to make it true that charity is the all of the church; and he did so; and then that charity is no part of the church; and he so clothed and decorated both statements with appearances that the bystanders would look at each other, and say, "Is he not wise?"

I then said, "Do you not know that to live well is charity, and to believe well is faith? Does not he who lives well also believe well? Thus does not faith belong to charity and charity to faith? Do you not see that this is true?"

He answered, "I will make it true, and I shall see." This he did and said, "I see it now." But immediately he made the contrary true, and then he said, "I see that this is true also."

At this we smiled and said, "Are they not contraries? How can two contraries both be true?"

Becoming angry at this, he said, "You are wrong; both are true, inasmuch as there is nothing true but what man makes true."

[3] There was one standing near who in the world had been an ambassador of the highest grade. He was astonished at this and said, "I acknowledge that something like this goes on in the world, nevertheless you are insane. Make it true, if you can, that light is darkness, and that darkness is light."

He answered, "I can do that easily. What are light and darkness but states of the eye? Is not light turned to shade when the eye turns from sunlight, as also when a man fixes his eye intently upon the sun? Who does not know that the state of the eye is then changed, and that therefore light appears as shade? And again, when the former state of the eye returns, this shade appears as light. Does not the owl see the darkness of night as the light of day, and the light of day as the darkness of night, and even the sun itself as an opaque and dusky globe? If a man had eyes like an owl's what would he call light and what darkness? What then is light but a state of the eye? And if light is only a state of the eye, is not light darkness and darkness light? Therefore both statements are true."

[4] But as this confirmation confounded some, I said, "I have noticed that this confirmer does not know that there is a true light and a fatuous light, and that both kinds seem to be light; yet the fatuous light in reality is not light, but compared to true light is darkness. An owl is in fatuous light; for within its eyes there is a passion for tearing birds to pieces and devouring them, and this light causes its eyes to see at night, precisely like those of cats, whose eyes in cellars look like lighted candles. It is the fatuous light arising within their eyes from the passion for tearing mice to pieces and devouring them, which produces this effect. Evidently, therefore, the light of the sun is true light, and the light of greed is fatuous light."

[5] After this, the ambassador asked the confirmer to make it true that a raven is white and not black.

He answered, "That also I can easily do." And he said, "Take a needle or a razor, and open the quills and feathers of a raven; then remove the quills and feathers, and look at the raven's skin; is it not white? What is the blackness that surrounds it, but a shade, from which we must not judge of the color of the raven? For proof that black is only a shade, consult those skilled in the science of optics, and they will tell you that if you grind a black stone or black glass to fine powder, you will see that the powder is white."

But the ambassador said, "Does not the raven appear to the sight to be black?"

The confirmer answered, "Are you, who are a man, willing to consider a subject from appearances? You may indeed say according to the appearance that a raven is black but you cannot think so. As for example you may say according to the appearance, that the sun rises and sets; but as you are a man you cannot think so, because the sun is motionless and the earth moves. It is the same with a raven. The appearance is an appearance. Say what you will, a raven is totally white; it even becomes white when it grows old; this I have seen."

After this the bystanders looked at me; therefore I said, "It is true that the quills and feathers of a raven partake of whiteness inwardly; so does its skin; but this is the case not only with ravens but all the birds in the universe as well; and everyone distinguishes birds by their apparent colors; if this were not done, we might say that every bird is white, which would be absurd and meaningless."

[6] Then the ambassador asked him whether he could make it true that he was himself insane; and he answered, "I can, but I do not wish to do so. Who is not insane?"

Finally, they asked him to say from his heart whether he was jesting, or really believed that there is nothing true but what man makes true; and he said, "I swear that I believe it."

Afterwards this universal confirmer was sent to the angels, who examined his character; and after the examination they said that he did not possess a single grain of understanding, because in him everything above the rational was closed, and only that below the rational was open; above the rational there is spiritual light, and below the rational natural light; and this light in man is such that by it he can confirm whatever he pleases. When spiritual light does not flow into natural light, man does not see whether any truth is a truth, nor, therefore, whether any falsehood is a falsehood; these must be seen from spiritual light in natural light, and spiritual light is from the God of heaven, who is the Lord. Therefore this universal confirmer is neither man nor beast, but is a beast-man.

[7] I asked the angels about the lot of such, whether they could be with the living, since man has life from spiritual light, and from this comes his understanding. They said that such, when they are alone, are unable to think at all and therefore to speak, but stand dumb like automatons and as it were in a deep sleep; but that they wake up the moment their ears catch anything. They added that those who are inmostly wicked become such; into these spiritual light from above cannot flow, but only something spiritual from the world from which they derive their faculty of confirming.

[8] When this had been said I heard a voice from the angels who examined him, saying, "From what you have heard form a universal conclusion."

This was the conclusion: That the ability to confirm whatever one pleases is not an indication of understanding; but the ability to see that truth is truth, and that falsehood is falsehood, and to confirm it is an indication of understanding.

After this, I looked toward the assembly where the confirmers were standing with the crowd about them crying, "O how wise!" And lo! a dusky cloud enveloped them, and in the cloud owls and bats were flying. And it was told me, "The owls and bats that are flying in the cloud were correspondences and therefore appearances of their thoughts; because in this world confirmations of falsities to such an extent that they seem to be truths, are represented under the form of birds of night, whose eyes are illumined within by a fatuous light, whereby they see objects in darkness as in light. Such fatuous spiritual light do those have who confirm falsities until they seem like truths, and who afterward believe them to be truths. All such have a sort of backward sight, but no forward sight."

True Christian Religion #334 (Dick, 1950)

334. The third experience. After this one of the angels said, "Follow me to the place where they call out, 'Oh, how wise!'" adding, "You will see monstrosities of men; you will see faces and bodies that are human, and yet are not men." "Are they beasts, then?" I asked, and he answered, "They are not beasts, but beast-men; for they are such as cannot discern whether truth is truth, or not; and yet they can make whatever they please appear like truth. Such people with us are called confirmers." So we proceeded towards the shouting and came to a place where we saw an assembly of men surrounded by a crowd of people. In the crowd were some of noble rank, who, on hearing the opinions they advanced confirmed by the assembly and meeting with manifest approval, turned round and cried out, "Oh, how wise!"

[2] One of the angels, however, said, "Let us not approach them, but let us summon one from the assembly." So we called one, and taking him aside, we conversed on various subjects; and he advanced such confirmatory proofs as to make every one of them appear to be true. When we asked him if he could also prove the contrary points of view, he replied that he could, just as easily. Then, speaking frankly and in all sincerity, he said, "What is truth? Is there anything true in the nature of things but what man makes true? State any proposition you please, and I will make it true." I then asked him to make this proposition true, that faith is the all in all of the Church. This he did with such skill and ingenuity that the learned by-standers were amazed, and applauded him. Thereupon I begged him that he should prove this true, that charity is the all in all of the Church, and he did so; and also that charity has nothing to do with the Church. He dressed up both sides of the question with such pleasing appearances that the by-standers looked at one another and said, "Is not this a wise man?" Then I said, "Do you not know that charity is to live well, and that faith is to believe well? Does not he who lives well, also believe well? and consequently does not faith belong to charity, and charity to faith? Do you not see that this proposition is true?" He replied, "First let me prove it true, and then I shall see it;" and having proved it true he said, "Now I see it." Soon after, however, he proved the contrary proposition true, and said, "I see that this also is true." At this we smiled and said, "Are not these contrary propositions? How then, can two contraries appear true?" To this he replied with warmth, "You are mistaken; both propositions are true; for nothing is true but what a man makes so."

[3] There was standing near a person who in the world had been an ambassador of the highest rank. He was surprised at this assertion, and said, "I agree that reasoning like this is prevalent in the world; nevertheless you are not of sound mind. If you can, prove this to be true, that light is darkness, and darkness light." He replied, "I will do so with ease. Light and darkness are only states of the eye. Is not light changed to shade when the eye is withdrawn from strong sunlight, as when a man has kept his eye fixed intently on the sun? Every one knows that a change then comes over the state of the eye, and light thereupon appears as shade; while on the other hand, when the former state of the eye is restored, that shade appears as light. The owl sees the darkness of night as the light of day, and the light of day as the darkness of night, and even the sun itself is nothing but a dark and dusky globe. If a man had eyes like an owl's, which would he call light and which darkness? Light then, is only a state of the eye, and if it is so, is not light darkness, and darkness light? Therefore both propositions are true."

[4] As this confirmation puzzled some of those present, I said: "I have observed that this confirmer does not know that there is true light and false light, and that both appear as light; still, false light in reality is not light, but darkness relatively to true light. The owl is in false light; for within its eyes is the lust of pursuing and devouring birds. This light enables its eyes to see in the night, just as cats see, whose eyes gleam in barns with a light like candles. It is a false light, kindled within their eyes by the lust of pursuing and devouring mice. It is thus evident that the light of the sun is true light, and false light is the light of lust."

[5] The ambassador then asked the confirmer to prove the proposition true, that a crow is white, and not black. He replied that he would do that too with ease. He continued: "Take a needle or a sharp knife, and clear away the quills and feathers of a crow. Then, remove the quills and feathers, and look at the crow's skin. Is it not white? The blackness surrounding it is but a shade, which by no means determines the color of the crow. Consult authorities on optics, and they will inform you that blackness is merely a shade. Again, grind a piece of black stone or glass into a fine powder, and you will see that the powder is white." But the ambassador replied: "Does not the crow appear black to the sight?" The confirmer answered: "Would you, as a man of sense, consider a thing from appearance? You may, indeed, say that according to appearance a crow is black, but you cannot imagine that to be the case. For example, you may say that, according to appearance, the sun rises and sets; but, as a man of sense, you cannot think so, because the sun is motionless, and it is the earth that moves. It is the same with the crow; appearance is but appearance. Say what you will, a crow is wholly and essentially white; and indeed whitens as it ages, as I myself have seen." The by-standers now looked at me. I therefore said: "It is true that the quills and feathers of a crow are within of a whitish color, as is also its skin; but this is the case not only with crows, but also with all birds in the universe. Yet every man distinguishes birds by the appearance of their color; otherwise we might say that every bird is white, which is absurd and pointless."

[6] The ambassador then put this question to him, "Can you prove it true that you are insane?" To this he replied, "I can, but I do not choose. Who, pray, is not insane?" Finally, they asked him to say in all sincerity, whether he was joking, or whether he believed that nothing is true but what a man makes true; and he replied, "I swear that I believe it."

Thereupon that universal confirmer was sent to the angels to be examined as to his true character. After examination they said that he did not possess a single grain of understanding, because all above the rational with him was closed, and only what was below the rational was open. Spiritual light is above the rational, and below the rational is natural light; and this light is of such a nature in man that he can confirm whatever he pleases. If, however, spiritual light does not flow into natural light, a man does not see whether anything true is true, nor, consequently, whether anything false is false; for this discernment arises solely from the presence of spiritual light in natural light, and spiritual light is from the God of heaven, who is the Lord. That universal confirmer is, therefore, neither a man nor a beast, but a beast-man.

[7] I spoke to the angels concerning the lot of such persons, asking whether they can be with the living, since a man has life and understanding from spiritual light. They said that these men when alone cannot think at all, and consequently cannot speak, but stand like mute automatons, as it were, in a deep sleep; but that they wake up as soon as any sound strikes their ears. They added that those who are inwardly evil become like them; for into them can flow no spiritual light from above, but only something of a spiritual quality by way of the world, and from this they acquire their skill in confirming.

[8] As they said this, I heard a voice from the examining angels, saying, "Form a general conclusion from what you have heard." I accordingly concluded: It is not the mark of an intelligent man to be able to confirm whatever he pleases; but to be able to see and confirm that to be true which is true, and that to be false which is false.

After this I looked towards the assembly where the confirmers were standing, surrounded by the crowd calling out, "Oh, how wise!" and I saw a dusky cloud overshadowing them, and in the cloud owls and bats on the wing. I was informed that the owls and bats flying about in the cloud were correspondences, and consequently presented appearances of the thoughts of those confirmers; for confirmations of falsities, in order that they may be given the appearance of truths, are represented in the spiritual world in the form of night birds, whose eyes gleam with a false light within them, by which they see objects in the dark as in the light. This false spiritual light those have who confirm falsities till they appear as truths, and are afterwards believed to be truths. All those have vision of a secondary character, that is, they see from effects, and are completely lacking in sight of a primary nature, that is, they do not see from causes.

Vera Christiana Religio #334 (original Latin,1770)


Post haec dixit unus ex Angelis, sequere me ad locum ubi vociferantur, O QUAM SAPIENTES, et dixit, videbis portenta hominum, videbis facies et corpora, quae sunt hominis, et tamen non sunt homines, et dixi, suntne tunc bestiae; respondit, non sunt bestiae, sed bestiae homines; sunt enim, qui prorsus non videre possunt, Numeri verum sit verum, vel non, et tamen possunt facere, ut appareat sicut verum quicquid volunt; tales apud nos vocantur CONFIRMATORES. Et sequuti sumus vociferationem, et venimus ad locum, et ecce Caetus Virorum, et circum Caetum turba, et in turba aliqui ex nobili stemmate, qui dum audiverunt, quod confirmarent omnia quae dicebant, et sibi tam manifesto consensu faverent, se converterunt, et dixerunt, O QUAM SAPIENTES.

[2] Sed dixit mihi Angelus, ne adeamus illos, sed evocemus e Caetu unum; et evocavimus, et cum illo secessimus, et loquuti sumus varia, et ille confirmabat singula, usque ut prorsus apparerent sicut vera; et quaesivimus illum num etiam possit confirmare contraria, dixit, quod tam bene ut priora: dixit tunc aperte, et ex corde, quid verum; Numeri datur aliquod verum in rerum natura, quam quod homo facit verum; dic quicquid 1 placet, et faciam id ut sit verum; et dixi, fac hoc Verum, quod Fides sit omne Ecclesiae, et fecit hoc ita dextre et solerter ut Eruditi circumstantes admirati sint, et adplauserint: postea petii, ut faceret verum, quod Charitas esset omne Ecclesiae, ac fecit; et postea, quod Charitas sit nihil Ecclesiae, ac investivit utrumque, et exornavit apparentiis, ut adstantes inspicerent se mutuo, et dicerent, estne hic Sapiens: et dixi, nonne scis, quod bene vivere sit Charitas, et quod bene credere sit Fides; numne qui bene vivit, etiam bene credit, et sic quod fides sit charitatis, et charitas fidei; videsne quod hoc verum sit, respondit, faciam id verum, et videbo, ac fecit, et dixit, nunc video; at mox fecit contrarium ejus, ut esset verum, et tunc dixit, video etiam quod hoc verum sit: ad haec subrisimus, et diximus, suntne contraria; quomodo possunt duo contraria videri vera; ad haec, indignatus respondit, erratis; est utrumque verum, quoniam non aliud est verum, quam quod homo facit verum.

[3] Stabat prope aliquis, qui in Mundo fuerat Legatus primi gradus; ille hoc miratus est, et dixit, agnosco, quod aliquid simile in Mundo sit, sed usque tu insanis, fac si potes ut sit verum, quod Lux sit Caligo, et Caligo Lux; et respondit, hoc faciam facile; quid Lux et Caligo nisi Status Oculi; numne mutatur lux in umbram, dum oculus ex aprico venit, ut et dum homo oculum intense figit in solem; quis non scit, quod status oculi tunc mutetur, et quod lux inde appareat ut umbra, ac vicissim dum status oculi redit, quod umbra illa appareat ut lux: nonne Noctua videt caliginem noctis ut lucem diei, et lucem diei ut caliginem noctis, et tunc omnino ipsum Solem ut globum opacum et furvum; si quis homo haberet oculos sicut noctua, quid vocaret lucem et quid caliginem; quid tunc Lux nisi status oculi, et si modo est status oculi, numne Lux est Caligo, et Caligo Lux, quare unum est verum et alterum est verum.

[4] Sed quia haec confirmatio confudit quosdam, dixi, animadverti, quod confirmator ille non sciat, quod detur Lux vera, et Lux fatua, et quod ambae illae Luces appareant sicut sint luces, sed usque Lux fatua in se non est Lux, sed respective ad Lucem veram est caligo; in Luce fatua est Noctua, est enim intra oculos ejus cupiditas insectandi et vorandi aves, et haec Lux facit oculos ejus tempore noctis videre, prorsus similiter ut Feles, quorum oculi in cellis apparent sicut candelae; est lux fatua oriunda ex cupiditate insectandi et vorandi mures intus in oculis illorum, quae id producit; inde patet, quod Lux Solis sit Lux vera, et quod Lux cupidinis sit lux fatua.

[5] Post haec, Legatus rogavit Confirmatorem, ut faceret hoc ut sit 2 verum, quod Corvus sit albus et non niger, et respondit, etiam hoc faciam facile, et dixit, sume acum seu novaculam, et aperi pennas et plumas Corvi, tum remove pennas et plumas, et specta Corvum a cute, nonne est albus; quid nigrum, quod circum est, nisi umbra, e qua non judicandum est de colore Corvi; quod nigrum sit modo umbra, consule gnaros Scientiae optices, et dicent, aut mole nigrum lapidem aut vitrum in tenuem pulverem, et videbis quod pulvis sit albus; sed respondit Legatus, apparetne Corvus niger coram visu; at Confirmator ille respondit, vis tu, qui es homo, cogitare aliquid ex apparentia; potes quidem loqui ex apparentia, quod Corvus sit niger, sed non potes id cogitare; ut pro exemplo, potes loqui ex apparentia, quod Sol oriatur et occidat, sed quia es homo, non potes cogitare id, quia Sol stat immotus, et Tellus progreditur; simile est cum Corvo; apparentia est apparentia; dic quicquid vis, Corvus est totus quantus albus; albescit etiam cum senescit, hoc vidi: post haec adstantes inspexerunt me, quare dixi, quod verum sit, quod pennae et plumae Corvi intus trahant ex albedine, pariter ejus cutis, sed hoc datur non modo apud corvos, sed etiam apud omnes aves in Universo; et omnis homo aves distinguit ex apparentia coloris illarum; si hoc non fieret, diceremus de omni ave quod sit alba, quod absurdum et irritum est.

[6] Postea Legatus quaesivit, num posset facere verum, quod ipse insaniret, 3 et dixit, possum sed non volo; quis non insanit. Deinde rogaverunt illum, ut diceret ex corde, num joculetur, vel Numeri credat, quod non sit aliquod verum, nisi quod homo facit verum, et respondit, juro quod credam. Post haec universalis ille Confirmator missus est ad Angelos, qui explorarent illum qualis est, et hi post explorationem dixerunt, quod ille ne quidem granum intellectus possideat, quoniam omne id quod supra rationale est, apud illum occlusum est, et solum id quod infra rationale est, apertum est; supra Rationale est Lux spiritualis, ac infra Rationale est Lux naturalis, et haec Lux apud hominem talis est, ut confirmare possit quicquid lubet; at si non Lux Spiritualis influit in lucem naturalem, homo non videt num aliquod verum sit verum, et inde nec quod aliquod falsum sit falsum, et hoc et illud videre, est ex luce spirituali in luce naturali, et Lux spiritualis est ex Deo Coeli, qui est Dominus; quare universalis ille Confirmator non est homo nec bestia, sed est bestia homo.

[7] Quaesivi Angelos de sorte talium, num possunt una esse cum vivis, quia vita homini est ex Luce spirituali, et ex hac 4 est intellectus ejus: et dixerunt, quod tales, cum soli sunt, non possint aliquid cogitare, et inde loqui, sed quod stent sicut automata muti, et sicut in alto sopore; at quod expergiscantur, ut primum auribus captant aliquid; et addiderunt, quod illi fiant tales, qui intime mali sunt; in hos 5 non potest Lux Spiritualis a superiori influere, sed modo aliquod spirituale per Mundum, unde illis facultas 6 confirmandi est.

[8] His dictis audivi vocem ex Angelis, qui exploraverunt illum, dicentem, 7 fac ex auditis illis universale Conclusum, et feci hoc, Quod posse confirmare quicquid lubet, 8 non sit Intelligentis, sed quod posse videre, quod verum sit verum, et quae falsum sit falsum, et id confirmare, sit Intelligentis. Post haec spectavi ad Caetum, ubi stabant Confirmatores, et turba circum illos clamabat, O QUAM SAPIENTES, et ecce Nubes fusca obvelavit illos, et in Nube volabant ululae et vespertiliones; et dicebatur mihi, ululae et vespertiliones in Nube illa volantes, sunt correspondentiae et inde apparentiae cogitationum illorum; quoniam confirmationes falsitatum usque ut appareant sicut veritates, repraesentantur in hoc Mundo sub formis avium noctis, quarum oculos fatua lux intus illuminat, ex qua vident objecta in tenebris sicut in luce: talis Lux fatua spiritualis est illis, qui confirmant falsa, usque dum videntur ut vera, ac postea creduntur vera; sunt omnes illi in visione posteriore, et non in aliquo visu priori.


1. Prima editio: quiquid.
2. Prima editio: si.
3. Sic DAC 233 et in margine exemplaris scriptoris. Prima editio: tu insanires.
4. Prima editio: hoc.
5. Prima editio: hoc.
6. Prima editio: facultus.
7. Prima editio: dicens.
8. Sic Errores Typographici.

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