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《真实的基督教》 第472节



真实的基督教 #472 (火能翻译,2015)

472. 根据前文所述, 可理解并断定, 下列事物不是创造的:

(1) 无限者;

(2) 爱和智慧;

(3) 生命;

(4) 光和热;

(5) 甚至活动本身。

但接受这些事物的器官是创造的, 并已被创造。 这些事可用以下对比来说明: 光不是创造的, 但它的器官—眼睛, 是创造的; 声音是空气的活动, 不是创造的, 但它的器官—耳朵, 是创造的; 作为活动最初源头的热也不是创造的, 因为热的接收者, 即自然界三个王国的万物已被创造出来, 自然万物根据接受热的多少而被作用, 而不是作用。

这是按着创世的法则, 即: 哪里有主动, 哪里就有被动, 这二者必结合如一。 若主动者是创造的, 就象被动者一样, 那太阳及其光和热还有存在的必要吗? 一切受造物岂不无需它们便可永存? 但事实上, 如果这些东西被取走, 受造宇宙将陷入混沌。

尘世太阳本身由受造物质构成, 它的活动产生火。 提及这些事物是为了举例说明。 若本质为智慧的属灵之光和本质为爱的属灵之热未流入人内并被人接受, 人的情形也是一样。 整个人无非是接受光和热的有组织的形式而已, 这光和热既有来自尘世太阳的, 也有来自灵界太阳的, 因为这两个世界彼此对应。 否认人是接受神的爱与智慧的形式, 也会否认爱与智慧的流入, 因而否认一切善出于神。 与神的结合也将被否认, 结果, 人能成为神的居所和圣殿, 便沦为一句毫无意义的空话。

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True Christianity #472 (Rose, 2010)

472. From the points just made we can see and conclude that the following things cannot be created:

1. The Infinite

2. Love and wisdom

3. Life

4. Light and heat

5. The quality of being active, when regarded in its own right

Nevertheless, organs that are able to receive the above can be and are created.

These points can be illustrated through analogies. Light cannot be created, but its organ, the eye, can. Sound, which is a motion in the atmosphere, cannot be created, but its organ, the ear, can. Likewise incapable of being created is heat, which is the primary active thing that all objects in the three kingdoms of nature have been created to receive; and as they receive it they do not act but are rather acted upon.

[2] A feature of creation is that where there are active entities, there are also passive entities; the two types of entities join together to become, in effect, one thing. If the active entities were able to be created the way the passive entities are, there would be no need for the sun or for heat and light from it. All created things would subsist without them. But in reality, if the sun and its heat and light were removed, the whole created universe would fall into chaos.

[3] The sun of our world is made up of created substances whose activity produces fire. These points have been made for the purpose of illustration.

It would be similar for us if spiritual light, which is essentially wisdom, and spiritual heat, which is essentially love, stopped flowing into us and being received by us. An entire human being is nothing but a form organized in such a way as to receive those two qualities, from both the physical and the spiritual worlds, since the worlds correspond to each other. If you deny that we are forms for receiving love and wisdom from God, you have to rule out the existence of inflow as well, along with the idea that everything good comes from God, and that a partnership with God is possible. Then there would be no point to the statement that we are able to be a dwelling place and a temple for God.

True Christian Religion #472 (Chadwick, 1988)

472. From what has been said we can reach the perception and conclusion that the following are not capable of being created, viz: (1) the Infinite, (2) love and wisdom, (3) and so life, (4) and light and heat, (5) in fact activity regarded in itself. Organs, however, for receiving these can be and have been created. These matters can be illustrated by the following comparisons. Light cannot be created, but the appropriate organ, the eye, can. Sound which is an activity of the atmosphere cannot be created, but the appropriate organ, the ear, can. Neither can heat be created, and heat is the prime source of activity, but everything in the three realms of nature has been created so as to receive heat, and in proportion to its reception everything is acted upon rather than acts.

[2] A law of creation ensures that active elements are accompanied by passive ones, and that the two are linked to form a single whole. If the active elements could be created, as the passive ones are, would there be any need of the sun and the heat and light it emits? All created things would continue in existence without them, would they not? Yet if heat and light were taken away, the created universe would collapse into chaos.

[3] The very sun of this world consists of created substances, and their activity produces fire. These examples are given as illustrations. It would be much the same with man, if spiritual light, which is in essence wisdom, and spiritual heat, which is in essence love, were not flowing into man and being received by him. The whole man is nothing but a form so organised as to be capable of receiving both of these, emanating from the natural as well as the spiritual world, since they correspond one to the other. A denial that man is a form for the reception of love and wisdom from God would involve denying also that anything flows in, including all good from God, as well as the possibility of being linked with God. So to say that man can be a dwelling-place and temple of God would be utterly meaningless.

True Christian Religion #472 (Ager, 1970)

472. From the foregoing it can be perceived and concluded that the following things are not creatable, namely: (1) The infinite is not. (2) Love and wisdom are not. (3) Consequently life is not. (4) Light and heat are not. (5) Even activity itself viewed in itself is not. But organs receptive of these are creatable and have been created. These statements may be illustrated by the following comparisons: Light is not creatable, but its organ, the eye, is; sound, which is an activity of the atmosphere, is not creatable, but its organ, the ear, is; neither is heat, which is the primary active principle, for the reception of which all things in the three kingdoms of nature have been created, and according to this reception are acted upon, but do not act.

[2] It is from the order of creation, that wherever there are actives there are also passives, and that these two should join themselves together as a one. If actives were creatable as passives are there would have been no need of the sun, and heat and light from it, but all created things would have permanent existence without these. But if these should be taken away the created universe would lapse into chaos.

[3] The sun itself of this world consists of created substances, the activity of which produces fire. These things are presented for the sake of illustration. It would be the same with man, if spiritual light, which in its essence is wisdom, and spiritual heat, which in its essence is love, did not flow into man and were not received by him. The entire man is nothing but a form organized to receive light and heat, both from the natural world and from the spiritual world, for these two worlds correspond to each other. If it were denied that man is a form receptive of love and wisdom from God, influx would also be denied, and thus that all good is from God. Conjunction with God would also be denied, and consequently, that man can be an abode and temple of God would be an expression devoid of meaning.

True Christian Religion #472 (Dick, 1950)

472. From what has just been said one may perceive, and reach the conclusion, that the following things are not creatable: 1, The Infinite; 2, Love and wisdom; 3, Life thence derived; 4, Light and heat; 5, Activity, regarded in itself. It may, however, be concluded that organs receptive of all these are creatable, and have been created. This may be illustrated by the following comparisons. Light is not creatable, but its organ, the eye; nor sound, which is an activity of the atmosphere, but its organ, the ear; nor heat, which is the primary activity, and for the reception of which all things in the three kingdoms of nature have been created; and these do not act according to reception but remain passive.

[2] It is according to creation that where there are actives there are also passives, and that these two unite as one. If actives were creatable like passives, there would have been no need of the sun, and of the heat and light proceeding from it, but all created things would subsist without them; whereas if the sun with its heat and light were removed, the created universe would be reduced to chaos.

[3] The sun itself of this world consists of created substances, the activity of which produces fire.

These things are stated by way of illustrating what would happen to man if spiritual light which in its essence is wisdom, and spiritual heat which in its essence is love, did not flow into him and were not received by him. The whole man is nothing but an organized form adapted to receive heat and light both from the natural world and the spiritual, for the heat and light of both worlds correspond to each other. If it were denied that man is a form receptive of love and wisdom from God, the fact of influx would also be denied; and thus it would be denied that all good is from God. Conjunction with God would also be denied; and consequently to say that man can be an abode and temple of God would be but an empty phrase.

Vera Christiana Religio #472 (original Latin,1770)

472. Ex antedictis percipi et concludi potest, quod sequentia haec non creabilia sint, videlicet. 1. Quod non Infinitum. 2. Non amor et sapientia. 3. Et inde non vita. 4. Nec lux et calor. 5. Imo nec ipsa activitas in se spectata; sed quod Organa recipientia illa sint creabilia et creata. Haec per has comparationes illustrari possunt; quod Lux non creabilis sit, sed ejus organum, quod est oculus; quod sonus qui est activitas athmosphaerae, non creabilis sit, sed ejus organum quod est auris; quod nec calor qui est primarium activum, ad quem recipiendum creata sunt omnia quae in tribus Regnis naturae sunt, quae secundum receptionem non agunt sed aguntur.

[2] Ex Creatione est, quod ubi activa sunt, etiam passiva sint, 1 et quod duo illa ut in unum se conjungant; si activa creabilia forent, sicut passiva, non opus fuisset Sole, et inde calore et luce, sed omnia creata absque illis subsisterent, cum tamen, si illa removerentur, caderet Universum creatum in Chaos.

[3] Ipse Sol mundi consistit ex substantiis creatis, quarum activitas producit ignem: haec illustrationis causa adducta sunt. Simile foret cum homine, si Lux spiritualis, quae in sua essentia est sapientia, et Calor spiritualis, qui in sua essentia est amor, non influerent in hominem, et reciperentur ab homine; totus homo non aliud est, quam forma organizata ad receptionem duorum illorum, tam e Mundo naturali, quam e Mundo spirituali, correspondent enim sibi. Si negaretur quod homo sit Forma recipiens amoris et sapientiae a Deo, negaretur etiam influxus, et sic quod omne bonum sit a Deo, et quoque negaretur conjunctio cum Deo, et inde vox inanis foret quod homo possit esse habitaculum et templum Dei.


1. Prima editio: simt.

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