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《真实的基督教》 第473节


  473.但人凭理智之光不会明白这一切,因为这光被谬误遮蔽,人们所信奉的这些谬误起因于属外在身体感官的表象。人只会感觉他凭自己的生命而活,因为工具觉得原理就是它自己的,所以无法在原理和工具之间作出区分。根据学术界众所周知的理论,这两个原因共同起作用,如同一个原因一样。主因(principal cause)是生命,辅因(instrumental cause)是人的心智。表面上看,动物里面也有受造的生命,但这同样是个谬论;因为动物只是接受光和热的受造器官,这光和热既有尘世的,也有灵界的。每一个物种都是某种属世之爱的形式,通过天堂与地狱间接接受灵界的光和热;温顺的动物通过天堂接受,凶猛的动物则通过地狱。唯独人直接从主接受光和热,也就是智慧和爱。这就是人和动物的区别。

真实的基督教 #473 (火能翻译,2015)

473. 但人凭理智之光不会明白这一切, 因为这光被谬误遮蔽, 人们所信奉的这些谬误起因于属外在身体感官的表象。 人只会感觉他凭自己的生命而活, 因为工具觉得原理就是它自己的, 所以无法在原理和工具之间作出区分。 根据学术界众所周知的理论, 这两个原因共同起作用, 如同一个原因一样。 主因 (principal cause) 是生命, 辅因 (instrumental cause) 是人的心智。 表面上看, 动物里面也有受造的生命, 但这同样是个谬论; 因为动物只是接受光和热的受造器官, 这光和热既有尘世的, 也有灵界的。 每一个物种都是某种属世之爱的形式, 通过天堂与地狱间接接受灵界的光和热; 温顺的动物通过天堂接受, 凶猛的动物则通过地狱。 唯独人直接从主接受光和热, 也就是智慧和爱。 这就是人和动物的区别。

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True Christianity #473 (Rose, 2010)

473. Why do we not know this from any light of reason? Because that light is overshadowed by our mistaken ideas, which arise because we trust what our outer physical senses tell us. We have the sensation that our aliveness comes from a life within us, because what is instrumental feels what is principal as its own; it cannot tell them apart. The principal cause and the instrumental cause together behave as one cause, according to a theory known to the world of learning. The principal cause is life; the instrumental cause is the human mind.

It also appears as though animals possess a life that has been created as part of them, but this is a similarly mistaken idea. Animals are organisms created to receive light and heat from the physical world and from the spiritual world at the same time. Every species is a form of some earthly love. It receives the light and heat of the spiritual world indirectly through heaven and hell - the gentle animals through heaven and the savage animals through hell. The difference between us and them is that only human beings receive light and heat (that is, wisdom and love) directly from the Lord.

True Christian Religion #473 (Chadwick, 1988)

473. The reason why man is not sufficiently enlightened by his reason so as to know this, is that mistakes arising from believing in the appearances perceived by the body's external senses cast a shadow across that light. The reason why man cannot help feeling that it is his own life that makes him alive, is that the instrumental feels the principal as belonging to itself, so as to be unable to distinguish them. The principal and the instrumental causes act as a single cause according to a theorem well known to the learned. The principal cause is life, the instrumental cause is the human mind. Even animals seem to possess life created in them, but this is a similar fallacy, for they are organs created to receive light and heat from the natural world, and at the same time from the spiritual world. Each species is a form taken by some natural love, and it receives light and heat from the spiritual world transmitted through heaven and hell; through heaven in the case of gentle animals, through hell in the case of dangerous ones. Man is the only creature to receive light and heat, that is, wisdom and love, directly from the Lord, and this is the difference between man and animals.

True Christian Religion #473 (Ager, 1970)

473. But man does not know this from any light of reason, for that light is obscured by fallacies that arise from the appearances pertaining to the external bodily senses, and that are believed in. Man has no other feeling than that he lives from his own life, because the instrumental feels the principal to be its own, and is unable therefore to distinguish between the principal and the instrumental, for these two causes act together as one cause, according to a theory known in the learned world. The principal cause is life, and the instrumental cause is man's mind. The appearance is also that beasts possess life created within them, but this is a similar fallacy; for beasts are organs created to receive light and heat both from the natural world and from the spiritual world. For each species is a form of some natural love, and receives light and heat from the spirit world mediately through heaven and hell; the gentle beasts through heaven, and the fierce through hell. Man alone receives light and heat, that is, wisdom and love, immediately from the Lord. This is the difference.

True Christian Religion #473 (Dick, 1950)

473. The reason why man does not know all this from the light of reason is that this light is obscured by the fallacies he is induced to believe by the appearances presented by the external bodily senses. Man cannot but feel that the life from which he lives is his own, because what is instrumental perceives its principal as its own. It cannot, therefore, distinguish between them; for principal and instrumental causes act together as one cause, according to a proposition well known in the learned world. Life is a principal cause, and the instrumental cause is man's mind. It appears also, as if animals possess life in themselves; but this is a similar fallacy, for they are organs created to receive light and heat from the natural world and at the same time from the spiritual world. Every species is a form of some natural love and receives light and heat from the spiritual world mediately through heaven and hell, the gentle kinds through heaven and the fierce through hell. Man alone receives light and heat, that is, wisdom and love, immediately from the Lord; and this constitutes the difference between man and the animals.

Vera Christiana Religio #473 (original Latin,1770)

473. Sed quod homo hoc non sciat ex aliqua luce rationis, est quia fallaciae ex creditis apparentiis sensuum externorum corporis, adumbrant illam lucem. Quod homo non aliter sentiat, quam quod vivat ex sua vita, est quia instrumentale sentit principale ut suum, et non potest ideo distinguere illa, nam causa principalis et causa instrumentalis unam causam simul agunt, secundum theorema notum in Orbe erudito; causa principalis est vita, et causa instrumentalis est mens hominis. Apparet sicut bestiae etiam vitam in se creatam possideant, sed est similis fallacia; sunt enim Organa creata ad recipiendum lucem et calorem e Mundo naturali et simul e Mundo spirituali, nam unaquaevis species est forma alicujus amoris naturalis, et recipit lucem et calorem e Mundo spirituali mediate per coelum et infernum, bestiae mites per coelum, ac immites per infernum. Solus homo recipit lucem et calorem, hoc est, sapientiam et amorem, immediate a Domino: haec differentia est.

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