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《真实的基督教》 第773节



真实的基督教 #773 (火能翻译,2015)

773. 主来是为了从信靠祂的人中建立一个新天堂, 从今后信靠祂的人中兴起一个新教会; 这二者是祂来的目的。 创造宇宙的真正目的不是别的, 正是为了建立一个由人类形成的天人天堂, 以便所有信神的人可以在此永远幸福生活。 因为在神里面, 且本质上就是神的圣爱没有其它目的; 也在神里面, 且是神的圣智, 也不会产生其它结果。 正是由于创造宇宙的目的就是为了由人类形成的天人天堂, 同时还有地上的教会 (因为人通过教会进入天堂), 也由于人类的救赎 (这在生于尘世的人里面完成) 是创造的延续, 所以圣言多处论及表示形成天堂的创造, 如以下经文:

神啊, 求你为我造清洁的心, 使我里面重新有正直的灵。 (诗篇51:10)

你张手, 它们饱得美食。 你发出你的灵, 它们便受造。 (诗篇104:28, 30)

将来受造的民要赞美耶和华。 (诗篇102:18)

雅各啊, 创造你的耶和华; 以色列啊, 造成你的那位, 我已救赎了你。 我曾提你的名召你, 你是属我的。 就是凡称为我名下的人, 是我为自己的荣耀创造的, 是我所做成, 所造作的。 (以赛亚43:1, 7)

都是在你受造之日预备齐全的。 你从受造之日所行的都完全, 后来在你中间又察出不义。 (以西结书28:13, 15)


好叫人看见, 知道, 思想, 明白, 这是耶和华的手所作的, 是以色列的圣者所造的。 (以赛亚41:20)


耶和华创造诸天, 铺张穹苍, 赐气息给地上的众人, 又赐灵性给行在其上的人。 (以赛亚42:5; 45:12, 18)

看哪, 我造新天新地, 你们当因我所造的永远欢喜快乐, 因我造耶路撒冷为人所喜。 (以赛亚65:17-18)

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True Christianity #773 (Rose, 2010)

773. The purpose of the Lord's Coming is to form a new heaven made up of people who have believed in him, and to establish a new church made up of people from now on who believe in him. These are the two goals of his Coming. His ultimate purpose in creating the universe was exactly this: to form an angelic heaven made up of people. In this heaven, all who believe in God will live in eternal bliss. The divine love that God has, and that is his essence, cannot intend anything other than this, and the divine wisdom that God has, and that is God, cannot produce any other outcome than this.

The universe was created for the purpose of having an angelic heaven made up of members of the human race, and also for the purpose of having a church in the world, since the church gives the human race access to heaven. In addition, saving people, which requires that they be born in the world, is itself an ongoing act of creation. For this reason the Word sometimes uses the word "create," and means by it "forming people for heaven. " See, for example, the following passages.

[2] Create for me a clean heart, O God, and renew a firm spirit within me. (Psalms 51:10)

You open your hand, and they are filled with goodness. You send forth your spirit, and they are created. (Psalms 104:28, 30)

The people who are yet to be created will praise Jah. (Psalms 102:18)

Thus says Jehovah, the one who created you, O Jacob; the one who formed you, O Israel: "I have redeemed you. I have called you by my name; you [are mine]. All who are called by my name I have created for my glory. " (Isaiah 43:1, 7)

They were prepared [for you] on the day you were created. You were perfect in your ways on the day you were created, until perverseness was found in you. (Ezekiel 28:13, 15)

This statement concerns the king of Tyre.

. . . so that they may see, recognize, consider, and understand that the hand of Jehovah has done this and the Holy One of Israel has created it. (Isaiah 41:20)

From the passages just quoted, it becomes clear what creating means in the following passages.

Jehovah is the one who creates the heavens, stretches out the earth, and gives life to the people upon it, and spirit to those who walk on it. (Isaiah 42:5; 45:12, 18)

Behold, I am creating a new heaven and a new earth. Enjoy forever what I am creating. Behold, I am going to create Jerusalem as a rejoicing. (Isaiah 65:17-18)

True Christian Religion #773 (Chadwick, 1988)

773. The Lord's coming is for the formation of a new heaven from those who have believed in Him, and to inaugurate a new church from those who believe in Him from now on; these are the two purposes in His coming. The purpose of the actual creation of the universe was none other than the formation of a heaven of angels from human beings, one where all who believe in God might live in everlasting blessedness. For the Divine love, which is in God and in essence is God, could have no other aim; nor could the Divine wisdom, which is also in God and is God, produce any other result. It is because the creation of the universe had as its purpose a heaven of angels formed from the human race, and at the same time a church on earth, as the means by which a person may pass into heaven, and because the salvation of people, which depends upon people being born in the world, is thus a continuation of creation, that the Word in many passages speaks of creating, by which is meant forming for heaven; for example, in the following:

Create for me, God, a clean heart, and make new a steadfast spirit within me, Psalms 51:10.

You open your hand, and they are filled with good; you send forth your spirit, and they are created, Psalms 104:28, 30.

The people who are going to be created will praise Jah, Psalms 102:18.

Thus spoke Jehovah your Creator, Jacob, who formed you, Israel. I have redeemed you, I have called you by your 1 name, you are mine. Everyone who is called by my name, I have created him to my glory, Isaiah 43:1, 7.

They were prepared on the day you were created. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, until perversity was found in you, Ezekiel 28:13, 15.

This is said of the king of Tyre.

So that they may see, know, attend and understand, that the hand of Jehovah has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has created this, Isaiah 41:20.

From these passages it can be clear what create means in the following:

Jehovah creating the heavens and spreading out the earth, giving breath to the people upon it, and spirit to those that walk upon it, Isaiah 42:5; 45:12, 18.

Behold, I create a new heaven and a new earth. Rejoice for ever, what I am creating. Behold, I shall make Jerusalem an exultation, Isaiah 65:17-18.


1. The Latin has 'my name', but the verse is quoted elsewhere in this form.

True Christian Religion #773 (Ager, 1970)

773. The Lord's coming is for the purpose of forming a new heaven of those who have believed in Him, and for the purpose of establishing a new church of those who shall hereafter believe in Him, inasmuch as these two are the ends for which He came. The very end for which the universe was created was no other than the formation from men of an angelic heaven, where all who believe in God shall live forever in eternal blessedness; for the Divine love which is in God and essentially is God, can intend nothing else, and the Divine wisdom which is also in God and is God, can effect nothing else. As the end for which the universe was created was an angelic heaven from the human race, and at the same time a church on earth (for man enters heaven through the church); and as the salvation of men (which is to be effected in men who are to be born in the world), is thus the continuation of creation, so throughout the Word the term "to create," which is frequently used, means to form for heaven, as in the following passages:

Create for me a clean heart, O God, and renew a firm spirit in the midst of me (Psalms 51:10).

Thou openest Thine hand, they are satisfied with good; Thou sendest forth Thy Spirit, they are created (Psalms 104:28, 30).

A people that shall be created shall praise Jah (Psalms 102:18).

Thus hath said Jehovah thy Creator, O Jacob, and thy Former, O Israel; I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name, thou art Mine. Everyone that is called by My name into My glory have I created him (Isaiah 43:1, 7).

In the day that thou wast created they were prepared. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee (Ezekiel 28:13, 15).

This is said of the king of Tyre:

That they may see, know, consider and understand that the hand of Jehovah hath done it, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it (Isaiah 41:20).

From all this the meaning of the term "to create" in the following passages can be seen:

Jehovah creating the heavens, spreading forth the earth, giving breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk in it (Isaiah 42:5; 45:12, 18).

Behold I create a new heaven and a new earth; be ye glad forever in that which I create; for behold I create Jerusalem a rejoicing (Isaiah 65:17, 18).

True Christian Religion #773 (Dick, 1950)

773. The Coming of the Lord is for the purpose of forming a new heaven from those who have believed on Him, and of establishing a New Church from those who hereafter believe on Him, for these are the two objects of His Coming. The end itself of the creation of the universe was that an angelic heaven might be formed from men, where all who believe on God might live in eternal blessedness; for the Divine Love which is in God, and which essentially is God, can intend nothing else, and the Divine Wisdom, which also is in God and which is God, can effect nothing else. Since the creation of the universe had for its end an angelic heaven formed from the human race, and at the same time a Church on earth, by which man shall pass to heaven; and since the salvation of men, that is, of men who should be born in the world, is thus a continuation of creation; therefore, the term "create" meaning to "form for heaven" is frequently used in the Word, as in these passages:

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a firm (A.V., right) spirit within me" Psalms 2:10.

"Thou openest thine hand, they are filled with good... Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created" Psalms 104:28, 30.

"The people which shall be created shall praise Jah" Psalms 102:18.

"Thus saith JEHOVAH that created thee, I have called thee by my (A.V., thy) name; thou... (A.V., art mine). Every one that is called by my name I have created him for my glory."

They were "prepared...in the day that thou wast created... Thou wast perfect in thy ways in (A.V., from) the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee" Ezekiel 28:13, 15.

This last passage refers to the king of Tyre.

"That they may see, and know, and consider, and understand... that the hand of JEHOVAH hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it" Isaiah 41:20.

Hence it may be evident what "create" means in the following passages:

"JEHOVAH, He that created the heavens... He that spread forth the earth... He that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein" Isaiah 42:6; 45:12, 18.

"Behold, I create a new heaven and a new earth: Be ye glad... for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing" Isaiah 65:17-18.

Vera Christiana Religio #773 (original Latin,1770)

773. Quod Adventus Domini sit ad formandum novum Coelum ex illis qui crediderunt in Ipsum, et ad instaurandum novam Ecclesiam ex illis qui posthac in Ipsum credunt, est quia illa duo sunt fines Adventus Ipsius: ipse finis creationis Universi nec fuit alius, quam ut ex hominibus formaretur Coelum Angelicum, in quo omnes qui in Deum credunt, victuri sint in beatitudine aeterna, Divinus enim Amor, qui est in Deo et essentialiter Deus, non aliud potest intendere, et Divina Sapientia, quae etiam est in Deo et Deus, nec aliud potest producere. Quoniam Creatio universi pro fine habuit Coelum Angelicum ex Humano Genere, et simul Ecclesiam in terris, nam per hanc transibit homo in Coelum, et quoniam Salvatio hominum, quae fit ex hominibus nascituris in Mundo, sic est continuatio creationis, ideo passim in Verbo dicitur Creare, et per id intelligitur formare ad Coelum,

[2] ut in his locis, "Cor mundum CREA mihi Deus, et spiritum firmum innova in medio mei, Psalm 51:12. 1 Aperis manum, saturantur bono; emittis spiritum, CREANTUR, Psalm 104:28, 30. Populus, qui CREABITUR, laudabit Jah," Psalm 102:19. 2 Sic dixit Jehovah CREATOR tuus 3 Jacob, FORMATOR tuus Israel; redemi te, vocavi nomine tuo; Mihi tu; 4 omnem vocatum a Nomine meo, in gloriam meam CREAVI EUM, Esaias 43:1, 7. In die, quo CREATUS es, praeparata sunt; perfectus tu in viis tuis, in die quo CREATUS es, donec inventa est perversitas in te, Ezechiel 28:13, 15, haec de Rege Tyri. Ut videant, cognoscant, attendant et intelligant, quod manus Jehovae fecerit hoc, et Sanctus Israelis CREAVERIT hoc, Esaias 41:20. 5 Ex his constare potest, quid per Creare intelligitur in sequentibus his, "Jehovah CREANS Coelos, extendens Terram, dans animam populo super illa, et spiritum ambulantibus in illa, Esaias 42:5; 45:12, 18. Ecce Ego CREANS COELUM NOVUM ET TERRAM NOVAM, laetamini in aeternum, quae Ego CREANS: ecce Ego CREATURUS SUM HIEROSOLYMAM 6 exultationem," Esaias 65:17-18.


1. Sic Schmidt et Biblia Hebraica, sed 51:10 apud Biblia Anglica.

2. Sic Schmidt et Biblia Hebraica, sed 102:18 apud Biblia Anglica.

3. Prima editio: TUUS.
4. nomine tuo; Mihi tu; ubi in prima editione nomine meo tu.
5. Prima editio: 19, 20.
6. Prima editio: HIEROSCLYMAM.

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