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《真实的基督教》 第774节



真实的基督教 #774 (火能翻译,2015)

774. 主永远与每个人同在, 无论善恶, 因为若没有祂的同在, 没人能够存活。 但祂的降临只为接受祂的人, 他们就是那些信靠祂, 并遵守祂诫命的人。 主的永恒临在赋予人理性能力和变成属灵的能力。 正是显为灵界太阳的主发出的光带来这一切, 人以觉知接受这光, 这光就是赋予他理性能力的真理。 然而, 主只降临到将热与光, 即爱与真理相结合的人身上, 因为同一个太阳发出的热是对主对邻之爱。 主的临在本身和带来觉知的启示, 好比世上阳光的临在; 除非这光与热结合, 否则地上的万物都是荒凉的。 但主的降临好比热的降临, 它发生于春天, 因为那时热会与光结合起来, 所以土地变得松软, 种子发芽并结果。 这就是灵的属灵环境和身体的属世环境之间的对应。

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True Christianity #774 (Rose, 2010)

774. The Lord is constantly present with every human being, the evil as well as the good. No one would be alive if the Lord were not present. Only when we let him in, however - that is, believe in him and do what he commands - does he come in.

The Lord's constant presence is what makes us rational, and what gives us the capacity to become spiritual. The light that emanates from the Lord as the sun of the spiritual world is what has this effect. We receive this light in our intellect; this light is the truth, and the truth is the source of our rationality.

When we add heat to this light, that is, when we add love to this truth, then the Lord comes in to us. The heat in question emanates from the same sun in the spiritual world; it takes the form of love for God and for our neighbor.

The situation in which the Lord is merely present with us, enlightening our intellect, is like the presence of the sun's light in the world. Unless heat is added to this light, everything on earth remains desolate. When, however, the Lord actually comes in to us, it is like the heat that comes into everything in the spring. Since heat and light work together at that time of year, the ground becomes workable, and the seeds sprout and grow up to bear fruit. (This also illustrates the parallel between the spiritual circumstances that affect our spirits and the earthly circumstances that affect our bodies.)

True Christian Religion #774 (Chadwick, 1988)

774. The Lord is perpetually present with every person, wicked as well as good, for no one could live without His presence. But His coming is restricted to those who receive Him, and these are those who believe in Him and keep His commandments. It is the Lord's perpetual presence which gives a person the faculty of reason and the ability to become spiritual. This is brought about by the light which comes from the Lord as the sun of the spiritual world, which a person can receive in his understanding. That light is the truth which gives him the power of reasoning. The Lord's coming, however, takes place with the person who combines heat with that light, that is, combines love with truth. For the heat radiated by that same sun is love for God and towards the neighbour. The Lord's presence by itself, and the enlightenment it brings to the understanding, can be compared with the presence of sunlight in the world; unless it is combined with heat, everything upon earth is desolate. But the Lord's coming can be compared with the coming of heat, which happens in springtime. Since then heat is combined with light, the earth is softened up, seeds sprout and bear fruit. Such is the parallel between the spiritual environment of a person's spirit and the natural environment of his body.

True Christian Religion #774 (Ager, 1970)

774. The Lord's presence is unceasing with every man, both the evil and the good, for without His presence no man lives; but His Coming is only to those who receive Him, who are such as believe on Him and keep His commandments. The Lord's unceasing presence causes man to become rational, and gives him the ability to become spiritual. This is effected by the light that goes forth from the Lord as the sun in the spiritual world, and that man receives in his understanding; that light is truth, and by means of it man has rationality. But the Lord's coming is to him who joins heat with that light, that is, love with truth; for the heat that goes forth from that same sun is love to God and love toward the neighbor. The mere presence of the Lord, and the consequent enlightenment of the understanding, may be likened to presence of solar light in the world; unless this light is joined with heat all things on earth become desolate. But the coming of the Lord may be likened to the coming of heat, which takes place in spring; because heat then joins itself with light, the earth is softened, and seeds sprout and bring forth fruit. Such is the parallelism between the spiritual things which are the environment of man's spirit, and the natural things which are the environment of his body.

True Christian Religion #774 (Dick, 1950)

774. The Lord is constantly with every man, evil as well as good, for without His presence no man can live; but His Coming is only with those who receive Him, and these are they who believe on Him and do His commandments. The continual presence of the Lord causes man to become rational, and makes it possible for him to become spiritual. This is the effect of the light which proceeds from the Lord as the Sun in the spiritual world, and which man receives in his understanding; for this light is truth, by means of which he has rationality. But the Coming of the Lord is with those who unite heat with that light, that is, who unite love with truth; for the light proceeding from that Sun is love to God and towards the neighbor. The mere presence of the Lord and the consequent enlightenment of the understanding, may be compared to the presence in the world of the sun's light; and unless that were united with heat, everything on the earth would perish. On the other hand, the Coming of the Lord may be compared to the coming of heat in spring time; and because the heat then unites with light, the earth is softened, and seeds begin to sprout and proceed to produce fruit. Such is the parallelism between the spiritual environment of man's spirit and the natural environment of his body.

Vera Christiana Religio #774 (original Latin,1770)

774. Praesentia Domini perpetua est apud unumquemvis hominem tam malum quam bonum, nam absque praesentia Ipsius non vivit ullus homo; sed Adventus Ipsius est solum apud illos, qui Ipsum recipiunt, qui sunt qui credunt in Ipsum et faciunt mandata Ipsius: Praesentia Domini perpetua facit, ut homo fiat rationalis, et quod fieri possit spiritualis; hoc facit Lux procedens a Domino ut Sole in Mundo spirituali, quam homo recipit intellectu, et Lux illa est veritas, per quam ei est rationalitas; Adventus autem Domini est apud illum, qui luci isti calorem conjungit, hoc est, veritati amorem, calor enim ex eodem illo Sole procedens, est amor in Deum, et erga proximum. Sola praesentia Domini, et inde illustratio intellectus, comparari potest cum praesentia Lucis solaris in Mundo, quae nisi conjungitur cum calore, desolantur omnia super tellure; ast adventus Domini comparari potest cum adventu caloris, qui fit tempore veris, et quia tunc calor se conjungit luci, emollescit terra, egerminant semina, et ferunt fructus; talis paralelismus est inter spiritualia, in quibus est spiritus hominis, et inter naturalia, in quibus est corpus ejus.

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