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《白马》 第5节

(一滴水译本 2022)


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The White Horse (New Century Edition 2020) 5

5. Because the white horse means an understanding of the Word in its spiritual or inner meaning, what now follow are statements about the Word and about that meaning presented in Secrets of Heaven, since in that work everything in Genesis and Exodus is explained in terms of the spiritual or inner meaning of the Word.

White Horse (Ryder translation 2007) 5

5. Since 'the White Horse' signifies the understanding of the Word as regards its spiritual or internal sense, there will now follow all that has been revealed in Arcana Caelestia about the Word and that sense, for it is there that all things contained in Genesis and Exodus are explained according to the spiritual or internal sense of the Word.

White Horse (Willmott translation 1955) 5

5. Since by the White Horse is signified the understanding of the Word as to its spiritual or internal sense, those things now follow which have been shown in the ARCANA Coelestia concerning the Word and concerning that sense. For in that work all things contained in Genesis and Exodus are explained according to the spiritual or internal sense of the Word.

White Horse (Whitehead translation 1892) 5

5. Since "the White Horse" signifies the understanding of the Word as to its spiritual or internal sense, those particulars concerning the Word and that sense, which are shown in The Arcana Coelestia, are here subjoined: for in that work the whole contents of Genesis and Exodus are explained according to the spiritual or internal sense of the Word.

De Equo Albo 5 (original Latin 1758)

5. Quoniam per Equum Album significatur Intellectus Verbi quoad sensum spiritualem seu internum, sequentur nunc illa quae de Verbo et de illo Sensu in Arcanis Caelestibus ostensa sunt; nam ibi omnia, quae continentur in Genesi et in Exodo, secundum Sensum spiritualem seu internum Verbi explicata sunt.

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