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《白马》 第6节

(一滴水译本 2022)




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The White Horse (New Century Edition 2020) 6

6. The Word and Its Spiritual or Inner Meaning from Secrets of Heaven

The necessity and excellence of the Word. From earthly light, 1we know nothing about the Lord, heaven and hell, our life after death, or the divine truths that are essential for our spiritual and eternal life: 8944, 10318, 10319, 10320. Evidence for this is the fact that many people, including scholars, do not believe in these things even though they were born where the Word is present and have been taught from it about these matters: 10319. That is why it became necessary for there to be some revelation from heaven, since we are born for heaven: 1775. For this reason there has been a revelation in every era: 2895. Information about the various kinds of revelation in this world over time: 10355, 10632. The earliest people, the ones who lived before the Flood, whose era was called the Golden Age, 2had direct revelation and therefore had divine truth written on their hearts: 2896. The ancient churches that existed after the Flood had a Word containing both historical and prophetic material: 32686, 2897. (See The New Jerusalem and Its Teachings 4247 for information about these churches.) Its historical materials were called The Wars of Jehovah and its prophetic materials were called Pronouncements: 52897. This Word was like our own Word as far as its inspiration was concerned, but it was accommodated 6to those churches: 2897. It was mentioned by Moses: 2686, 2897. However, this Word has been lost: 72897. There were also prophetic revelations among other peoples, as we can see from Balaam’s prophecies [Numbers 23, 24]: 2898.

[2] The Word is divine throughout and in every detail: 639, 3305, 10321, 10637. The Word is divine and holy down to the smallest letters and the tip of every letter: 89349 (which includes evidence from eyewitness experience). How people nowadays explain the claim that the Word is inspired down to the smallest letters: 1886.

[3] The church takes a particular form where the Word exists and the Lord is known by means of it, and therefore where divine truths have been revealed: 3857, 10761. Still, though, this does not mean that people are part of the church by merely being born where the Word exists and the Lord is known by means of it; people are part of the church only if they are being regenerated 9by the Lord by means of truths from the Word—that is, they are living lives of love and faith: 6637, 10143, 10153, 10578, 10645, 10829.


1. On lumen, the Latin here translated “earthly light,” see note 1 in New Jerusalem 48. [Editors]

2. On the Flood, see note 1 in Last Judgment 26; on the four ages that included the Golden Age, see note 3 in Other Planets 39. [Editors]

3. On the four modes of writing that Swedenborg identified in the Word, among which are the historical (or narrative) mode and the prophetic mode, see Secrets of Heaven 66, 2606. For later, more specific statements on the “Word” mentioned here as existing among the ancient churches after the Flood, see Sacred Scripture 101103; Revelation Unveiled 11; True Christianity vol. 1 (= Swedenborg [1771] 2006) §§264266, 279, and Other Planets 159. See also notes 5 and 7 below. [LSW]

4. This work, referred to by its short title New Jerusalem in this edition, was published by Swedenborg in London in 1758. [Editors]

5. Books called The Wars of Jehovah and Pronouncements are mentioned in the Book of Numbers 21:14 and 21:27, respectively, though the mention in the latter verse depends upon interpretation (for example, some translations read “proverbs” or “ballads” rather than “pronouncements”). As Swedenborg indicates a few sentences farther on in this section, both books are lost. [GFD, SS]

6. On the meaning of the technical term accommodation in Christian theology, see note 1 in New Jerusalem 254. [Editors]

7. Swedenborg states in Revelation Unveiled 11:2 that this Word was preserved among the people of “Great Tartary.” The precise referent of this term in Swedenborg’s works has been the subject of debate. For brief discussions of this matter, see True Christianity vol. 1 (Swedenborg [1771] 2006) §§264266, 279, and the notes for Other Planets 159; and Acton 1983, 3–6. For fuller discussion, see Hallengren 1998, 17–41. [GFD]

8. On the Latin terms jotha, “jot,” here translated “smallest letter”; and apex, “tip”, see note 2 in New Jerusalem 255. [Editors]

9. On regeneration, see note 1 in New Jerusalem 22. [Editors]

White Horse (Ryder translation 2007) 6

6. The Word and its Spiritual or Internal Sense from the Arcana Caelestia. 1

The necessity for, and the excellence of, the Word. In the dim light 2of the natural order of things nothing may be known about the Lord, or about heaven and hell, or about the life of a person after death, or about the divine truths through which a person has spiritual and eternal life; see 8944, 10318-10320. This may be agreed from the fact that many men, and scholars among them, do not believe these things, even though they are born where the Word is, and through it are instructed about these things: 10319. It was necessary therefore for there to be some revelation from heaven, because the human race was born for heaven: 1775. There has therefore been a revelation in every age: 2895, and there have been various types of revelation on this earth, one after another: 10355, 10632. There was instant revelation for the most ancient peoples, who lived before the Flood, whose era was called the Golden Age, and therefore divine truth was inscribed upon their hearts: 2896. The Word was historical and prophetical for the ancient churches 3who came after the Flood: 2686, 2897. Details concerning these churches may be seen in The New Jerusalem and Its [Heavenly] Doctrine 247. The historical parts of the Word were called 'The Wars of Jehovah', and the prophetical parts 'The Pronouncements': 2897. That Word was similar to our Word as regards inspiration, but adapted for those churches: 2897. It was mentioned by Moses: 2686, 2897. But that Word was completely lost: 2897. There were also prophetical revelations amongst other peoples, as appears from the prophecies of Balaam: 2898. The Word is divine in all its single parts; see 639, 680, 10321, 10637. The Word is divine and holy down to the last jot and tittle, 4as has been demonstrated to me by an experience 5: 1870. How it is explained today that the Word is inspired down to the last jot: 1886.

The Church exists in particular where the Word is, and through it the Lord is known, and the divine truths revealed: 3857, 10761. But indeed those who are born where the Word is, and where through the Word the Lord is known, are not simply by that very reason of the Church: those people are of the Church who are given rebirth by the Lord through the truths from the Word, who live according to the truths there, so, those who live a life of love and faith: 6637, 10143, 10153, 10578, 10645, 10829.


1. The vast majority of Swedenborg's posits in this section are introduced with the Latin conjunction quod; I have dispensed with the equivalent English that in each case in order to ease fluent reading.

2. Swedenborg uses lumine (from lumen) for 'light' here. The Rev'd. John Elliott helpfully points out that Swedenborg tends to use lumen when referring to light of inferior quality, reserving lux for light which is divinely inspired.

3. De Nova Hierosolyma (NH) has in antiquis...; De Equo Albo has no in, and I have translated it as a dative case 'for."

4. The Rev'd. John Elliott points out that 'tittle' does not appear in the modern English version of the New Testament, and suggests replacing it with 'small part;' but 'tittle' is such a lovely little word, and besides has for me strong redolences of biblical readings ringing in my childhood ears, that I have decided to keep it. Tittle is in fact the mark or dot over the letter i, i.e., jot.

5. I am grateful for the Revd John Elliott's advice that 'Swedenborg is using ab experientia here [and elsewhere] to mean an experience that he had in the spiritual world and that he recounts in Arcana Caelestia 1870.

White Horse (Willmott translation 1955) 6


Nothing can be known from the light of nature concerning the Lord, heaven and hell, man's life after death, and the Divine truths through which man has spiritual and eternal life, (8944, 10318, 10319, 10320). This can be confirmed from the fact that many persons, men of education among them, do not give credence to these things, although born where the Word is, and by means of it instructed concerning them, (10319). It was therefore necessary that there should be some revelation from heaven, since man was born for heaven, (1775). In every age, therefore, there has been a revelation, (2895). Various forms of revelation have succeeded each other on this earth, (10355, 10632). With the most ancient people, who lived before the flood, and whose time was called the golden age, there was immediate revelation; and for that reason Divine Truth was written on their hearts, (2896). In the Ancient Churches, which existed after the flood, the Word was both historical and prophetical, (2686, 2897); concerning which

Churches see The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine 247. The historical books of this Word were called The Wars of Jehovah, and the prophetical books, The Enunciations, (2897). That Word was similar to our Word as to inspiration, but adapted to those Churches, (2897). It is mentioned by Moses, (2686, 2897). That Word has been lost, however, (2897). There were also revelations by prophecy with others, as appears from Balaam's prophecies, (2898).

The Word is Divine in all and every part, (639, 680, 10321, 10637). As to every tittle and jot, the Word is Divine and holy, from experience, (9349). The manner in which it is explained at this day, that the Word is inspired as to every jot, (1886). The Church exists specifically where the Word is, and where the Lord is known by it and Divine truths revealed, (3857, 10761). But they who are born where the Word is, and where the Lord is thereby known, are not on that account of the Church: they are of the Church who are regenerated by the Lord by means of truths from the Word, who are they who live in accordance with the truths therein, thus they who live a life of love and faith, (6637, 10143, 10153, 10578, 10645, 10829).

White Horse (Whitehead translation 1892) 6


The necessity and excellence of the Word. From the light of nature nothing is known concerning the Lord, concerning heaven and hell, concerning the life of man after death, nor concerning the Divine truths by which man acquires spiritual and eternal life (8944, 10318, 10319, 10320). This may appear manifest from the consideration, that many, and among them men of learning, do not believe those things, although they are born where the Word is, and are thereby instructed concerning them (10319). Therefore it was necessary that there should be some revelation from heaven because man was born for heaven (1775). Therefore in every age of the world there has been a revelation (2895). Of the various kinds of revelation which have successively been made on this earth (10355, 10632). To the most ancient men, who lived before the flood, whose time was called the golden age, there was an immediate revelation, and thence Divine truth was inscribed on their hearts (9896). The ancient churches, which existed after the flood, had a historical and prophetical Word (2686, 2897): concerning which churches see The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (247). Its historical parts were called The Wars of Jehovah, and its prophetical parts, Enunciations (2897). That Word, as to inspiration was like our Word, but accommodated to those churches (2897). It is mentioned by Moses (2686, 2897). But that Word is lost (2897). Prophetical revelations were also made to others, as appears from the prophecies of Balaam (2898).

The Word is Divine in all and every particular part (639, 680[1-5] 10321, 10637). The Word is Divine and holy as to every point and iota, from experience (1349). How it is explained at this day, that the Word is inspired as to every iota (1886).

The church is especially where the Word is, and where the Lord is thereby known, and Divine truths are revealed (3857, 10761). But it does not follow from thence, that they are of the church, who are born where the Word is, and where the Lord is thereby known; but they who, by means of truths from the Word, are regenerated by the Lord, who are they who live according to the truths therein, consequently, who lead a life of love and faith (6637, 10143, 10153, 10578, 10645, 10829).

De Equo Albo 6 (original Latin 1758)


De Verbi Necessitate et Praestantia. Quod ex lumine naturae nihil sciatur de Domino, de Caelo et Inferno, de Vita hominis post mortem, et de divinis Veris per quae homini vita spiritualis et aeterna, 8944, 10318, 10319, 10320. Quod id constare possit ex eo, quod plures, et inter eos Eruditi, non credant illa, tametsi nati sunt ubi Verbum, et per id instructi de illis, 10319. Quod ideo necessum fuerit, ut aliqua Revelatio esset e Caelo, quia homo ad Caelum natus est, 1775. Quod ideo omni tempore fuerit Revelatio, 2895. De variis Revelationis speciebus in hac Tellure successive, 10355, 10632. Quod Antiquissimis, qui vixerunt ante Diluvium, quorum Tempus vocatum est Saeculum aureum, fuerit Revelatio immediata, et inde divinum Verum inscriptum cordibus eorum, 2896. Quod antiquis Ecclesiis, quae fuerunt post Diluvium, fuerit Verbum historicum et propheticum, 2686, 2897; de quibus Ecclesiis videatur in Nova Hierosolyma et Ejus Doctrina 247. Quod Historica ejus dicta fuerint Bella Jehovae, et Prophetica Enuntiata, 2897. Quod id Verbum fuerit simile nostro Verbo quoad Inspirationem, sed accommodatum illis Ecclesiis, 2897. Quod id memoratum sit a Mose, 2686, 2897. Sed quod id Verbum deperditum sit, 2897. Quod etiam propheticae Revelationes apud alios fuerint, sicut patet a Propheticis Bileami, 2898. Quod Verbum sit divinum in omnibus et singulis, 639, 680, 10321, 10637. Quod Verbum sit quoad omnem apicem et jotham divinum et sanctum, ab experientia, 1869. Quomodo explicatur hodie, quod Verbum quoad omnem jotham sit inspiratum, 1886.

Quod Ecclesia in specie sit ubi Verbum, et per id Dominus notus, ac divina Vera revelata, 3857, 10761. At quod ideo ab Ecclesia non sint, qui nati ubi Verbum, et per id Dominus notus, sed qui per Vera ex Verbo a Domino regenerantur, qui sunt qui vivunt secundum Vera ibi, ita qui vivunt vitam amoris et fidei, 6637, 10143, 10153, 10578, 10645, 10829.

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