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《天堂与地狱》 第13节










13. 三, 在天堂, 主的神性是对主之爱和对邻之仁

在天堂, 从主发出的神性被称为神性真理, 我们将在下文说明原因. 这神性真理从主的神性之爱流入天堂. 神性之爱和由此而来的神性真理就像尘世太阳的火和由此而来的光那样彼此关联, 爱就像太阳的火, 由此而来的真理就像太阳的光. 此外, 出于对应, 火表示爱, 光表示从爱发出的真理. 由此清楚可知从神性之爱发出的神性真理是何性质. 就其本质而言, 它是与神性真理结合的神性良善, 并且它因被如此结合, 故将生命赋予天堂的一切事物, 正如在尘世, 与阳光结合的太阳之热使地上的万物在春夏结出果实. 若热不与光结合, 因而那光是冷的, 情况则不然. 这时, 万物必死气沉沉, 毫无生命. 好比热的神性良善就是天使当中的爱之良善, 爱之良善便通过并出于好比光的神性真理.

注: 在圣言中, “火”在正反两方面意义上都表示爱(天国的奥秘 934, 4906, 5215节). “神圣和属天的火”表示神性之爱和属这爱的一切情感(天国的奥秘 934, 6314, 6832节). 火所发之“光”表示从爱之良善发出的真理, 因为在天堂, 光表示神性真理(天国的奥秘 3195, 3485, 3636, 3643, 3993, 4302, 4413, 4415, 9548, 9684节).




13. 源於主的神性在天國

被稱為"聖理,"至於為何如此稱呼, 後文有解釋。聖理從主的聖仁而出, 注入天國。聖仁與聖理, 如同自然界太陽的火與火發出的光。因著對應, 火代表仁, 光代表理, 所以仁好比太陽之火, 出自仁的理好比太陽之光。

由此可以確定出於聖仁的聖理有怎樣的性質。就本質而言, 它是聖善與聖理的結合, 這樣的結合而給天國中的萬有帶來生命;正如世間太陽的熱與光的結合, 使得春夏時節大地生機盎然。如果熱未與光聯合, 光就是冷的, 使得萬物枯萎消亡。

啟為熱的聖善, 是在天人之中與之間的仁之善;比作光的聖理, 則是此善的工具與載體。

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Heaven and Hell #13 (NCE, 2000)

13. The Lord's Divine Nature in Heaven Is Love for Him and Thoughtfulness toward One's Neighbor

In heaven, the divine nature that emanates from the Lord is called divine truth, for reasons that will be given below. This divine truth flows into heaven from the Lord, out of his divine love. Divine love and the divine truth that derives from it are like the sun's fire and the light that comes from it in our world. The love is like the sun's fire, and the derivative truth is like the light from the sun. By reason of correspondence, fire means love and light means the truth that flows from it. 1

This enables us to determine the character of the divine truth that emanates from divine love: in its essence, it is divine good united to divine truth, and because it is united, it gives life to everything in heaven the way the warmth of the sun, united to its light, makes everything fruitful on earth in spring and summer. It is different when the warmth is not united to light, when the light is therefore cold. Then everything slows down and lies there, snuffed out.

The divine good we have compared to warmth is the good of love within and among angels, and the divine truth we have compared to light is the means and the source of this good of love.


1. In the Word, fire means love in both senses [that is, love for good and for evil]: 934, 4906, 5215; holy and heavenly fire means divine love and every affection that belongs to it: 934, 6314, 6832; the derivative light means the truth that flows from the good of love, and light in heaven is divine truth: 3395 [3195?], 3485, 3636, 3643, 3993, 4302, 4413, 9548, 9684.


Heaven and Hell #13 (Harley, 1958)


The Divine going forth from the Lord is called in heaven Divine Truth, for a reason which will be shown in what follows. This Divine Truth inflows into heaven from the Lord from His Divine Love. The Divine Love and the Divine Truth therefrom are related to each other as are the fire of the sun and the light therefrom in the world, love being as the fire of the sun and the truth therefrom as light from the sun. Moreover, from correspondence fire signifies love, and light, truth going forth from love. 1From this, the nature of Divine Truth going forth from Divine Love can be confirmed. In its essence, it is Divine Good conjoined to Divine Truth, and because it is conjoined, it gives life to all things of heaven, just as the heat of the sun conjoined to light in the world makes all things of the earth fruitful, as happens in spring and summer. It is otherwise when heat is not conjoined to light, thus when the light is cold. Then all things are torpid and lifeless. This Divine Good which is compared to heat is the good of love with the angels, whereas the Divine Truth which is compared to light is that through which and from which comes the good of love.


1. In the Word "fire" signifies love, in a two-fold sense (Arcana Coelestia 934, 4906, 5215). "Holy and heavenly fire" signifies Divine Love, and every affection which is of that love (Arcana Coelestia 934, 6314, 6832). "Light" from fire signifies truth going forth from the good of love, for light in heaven is Divine Truth (Arcana Coelestia 3395, 3485, 3636, 3643, 3993, 4302, 4413, 4415, 9548, 9684).


Heaven and Hell #13 (Ager, 1900)


The Divine that goes forth from the Lord is called in heaven Divine truth, for a reason that will presently appear. This Divine truth flows into heaven from the Lord from His Divine love. The Divine love and the Divine truth therefrom are related to each other as the fire of the sun and the light therefrom in the world, love resembling the fire of the sun and truth therefrom light from the sun. Moreover, by correspondence fire signifies love, and light truth going forth from love. 1From this it is clear what the Divine truth that goes forth from the Lord's Divine love is-that in its essence it is Divine good joined to Divine truth, and being so conjoined it vivifies all things of heaven; just as in the world when the sun's heat is joined to light it makes all things of the earth fruitful, which takes place in spring and summer. It is otherwise when the heat is not joined with the light, that is, when the light is cold; then all things become torpid and lie dead. With the angels this Divine good, which is compared to heat, is the good of love; and Divine truth, which is compared to light, is that through which and out of which good of love comes.


1. In the Word "fire" signifies heavenly love and infernal love (Arcana Coelestia 934, 4906, 5215).

"Holy and heavenly fire" signifies Divine love, and every affection that belongs to that love (934, 6314, 6832).

"Light" from fire signifies truth going forth from good of love; and light in heaven signifies Divine truth (3195, 3485, 3636, 3643, 3993, 4302, 4413, 4415, 9548, 9684).


De Coelo et de Inferno #13 (original Latin)


Divinum a Domino procedens vocatur in caelo Divinum Verum, ex causa de qua in sequentibus. Divinum hoc verum influit in caelum a Domino ex Divino amore Ipsius. Divinus amor et inde Divinum verum, se habent comparative sicut ignis solis et lux inde in mundo, amor sicut ignis solis, et verum inde sicut lux e sole: ex cor respondentia etiam ignis significat amorem, et lux verum inde procedens. 1Inde constare potest, quale est Divinum verum ex Divino amore Domini procedens, quod sit in sua essentia Divinum bonum conjunctum Divino vero; et quia conjunctum est, vivificat omnia caeli, sicut calor solis conjunctus luci in mundo fructificat omnia telluris, ut fit tempore veris et aestatis; aliter quando calor non conjunctus est luci, ita quando lux frigida est, tunc torpent omnia et jacent exstincta. Divinum illud bonum, quod comparatum est calori, est bonum amoris apud angelos; ac Divinum verum, quod comparatum est luci, est per quod et ex quo bonum amoris.


1. Quod "ignis" in Verbo significet amorem in utroque sensu (934, 4906, 5215).

Quod "ignis" sacer et caelestis significet Divinum amorem, et omnem affectionem quae illius amoris (934, 6314, 6832). Quod "lux" inde significet verum procedens ex bono amoris, et "lux in caelo" Divinum verum (3395 [3195?] 3485, 3636, 3643, 3993, 4302, 4413, 4415, 9548, 9684).

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