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《天堂与地狱》 第142节






142. 另一个区别是, 对天使来说, 东方总在面前, 西方总在背后, 南方总在右, 北方总在左. 世人很难理解这一点, 因为他能面朝各个方向, 故有必要予以解释. 整个天堂都转向作为其共同中心的主; 所有天使因而也转向这个中心, 也就是主. 而且众所周知, 地上也有一个万物朝向一个共同中心的指向; 不过, 这个指向在尘世和在天堂的不同之处在于: 在天堂, 前面部分朝向共同中心, 但在尘世, 身体的下面部分朝向共同中心. 在尘世, 这种指向被称为向心力, 也叫万有引力. 事实上, 天使的内层向前转; 由于内层显现在脸上, 所以正是脸决定了方位.

注: 在天堂, 所有人都转向主(天国的奥秘 9828, 10130, 10189, 10420节). 然而, 不是天使转向主, 而是主使天使转向祂自己(天国的奥秘 10189节). 不是天使与主同在, 而是主与天使同在(天国的奥秘 9415节).



142. 第二個區別是, 對天人而言, 東方總在面前, 西方總在背後, 南方總在右邊, 北方總在左邊。對世人而言這十分費解(因為我們可面向所有方位), 故有必要加以解釋。

整個天國以主為共同的中心, 所有天人因而面朝同一個方向。地上的一切也指向一個共同的中心, 這是眾所周知的。所不同的是:在天國, 朝向共同中心的是前部;而在地球, 朝向共同中心的是下部。在我們這個世界, 這個方向就是所謂的"向心力"或"引力"。天人們的更深層級實際上朝向前方, 並且這些更深的層級表現在臉上, 因此由臉面來決定方向。

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Heaven and Hell #142 (NCE, 2000)

142. A second difference is that for angels, the east is always in front of them, the west behind them, south on the right, and north on the left. However, since this is hard to understand in this world, because we turn our faces in all different directions, it needs to be explained.

All heaven turns toward the Lord as its common center, so all angels turn in the same direction. It is recognized that everything points to a common center on earth as well, but the orientation in heaven is different from that on earth. In heaven, it is the forward parts that are turned toward the common center, while on earth it is the lower parts. This orientation in our world is what we call centripetal, and also gravitational. The deeper levels of angels are effectively turned forward; and since these deeper levels manifest themselves in the face, it is the face that determines the orientation. 1


1. All the people in heaven turn toward the Lord: 9828, 10130, 10189, 10219. Still, angels do not turn themselves toward the Lord; rather, the Lord turns them toward himself: 10189. There is no presence of angels with the Lord, but there is a presence of the Lord with angels: 9415.


Heaven and Hell #142 (Harley, 1958)

142. The SECOND difference is that to the angels the east is always facing them, the west behind, the south to the right and the north to the left. But since this can scarcely be comprehended in the world, because man turns his face to every quarter, it will, therefore, be explained. The entire heaven turns to the Lord as to its common centre, thus all the angels turn to Him. It is known that also on the earth there is a directing of all things towards a common centre. But there is this difference between the directing in the world and in heaven, that in heaven the front parts are turned to their common centre, but in the world the lower parts. In the world this directing is called centripetal force and also gravitation. The interiors of the angels are indeed actually turned forwards; and since the interiors manifest themselves in the face, therefore it is the face that determines the quarters. 1


1. In heaven all turn themselves to the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 9828, 10130, 10189, 10420).

Nevertheless, the angels do not turn themselves to the Lord, but the Lord turns them to Himself (Arcana Coelestia 10189).

It is not that the angels are present with the Lord, but the Lord is present with the angels (Arcana Coelestia 9415).


Heaven and Hell #142 (Ager, 1900)

142. Another difference is that to the angels the east is always before the face, the west behind, the south to the right, and the north to the left. But since this cannot be easily comprehended in the world, for the reason that men turn the face to every quarter, it shall be explained. The entire heaven turns itself to the Lord as to its common center; to that center do all the angels turn themselves. Also on the earth, as is well known, there is a directing of all things towards a common center; but there is this difference between this directing in the world and that in heaven, that in heaven the front parts are turned to the common center, but in the world the lower parts of the body. In the world this directing is called centripetal force, also gravitation. The interiors of angels are actually turned forwards; and since interiors manifest themselves in the face it is the face that determines the quarters. 1


1. In heaven all turn themselves to the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 9828, 10130, 10189, 10420).

Nevertheless, it is not the angels that turn themselves to the Lord, but the Lord turns the angels to Himself (10189).

It is not that the angels are present with the Lord, but the Lord is present with the angels (9415).


De Coelo et de Inferno #142 (original Latin)

142. Altera differentia est, quod angelis semper a facie sit oriens, a tergo occidens, ad dextrum meridies, et ad sinistrum septentrio; sed hoc quia aegre potest comprehendi in mundo, ex causa quia homo vertit faciem suam ad omnem plagam, ideo explicabitur. Totum caelum se vertit ad Dominum ut ad centrum suum commune; inde omnes angeli se illuc vertunt: quod ad centrum commune sit omnis directio etiam in tellure, notum est; at directio in caelo differt a directione in mundo, quod in caelo anteriora vertantur ad centrum suum commune, sed in mundo inferiora directio in mundo est quae vocatur centripetentia, et quoque gravitatio: interiora angelorum actualiter etiam versa sunt antrorsum et quia interiora se sistunt in facie, ideo facies est quae determinat plagas. 1


1. Quod omnes in caelo se vertant ad Dominum (9828, 10130, 10189, 10219 [10420?]).

Quod tamen angeli se non vertant ad Dominum, sed Dominus, illos vertat ad Semet (10189).

Quod praesentia angelorum apud Dominum non sit, sed praesentia Domini apud angelos (9415).

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