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《天堂与地狱》 第551节








551. 五十八, 凡在地狱里的人都陷入源于自我之爱和尘世之爱的邪恶和由此而来的虚假

凡在地狱里的人都陷入邪恶和由此而来的虚假, 在那里, 没有人既陷入邪恶, 同时又处于真理. 在世上, 许多恶人对属灵真理, 就是教会的真理有所了解, 因为他们自童年时就接受教导, 后来通过听讲道和阅读圣言进行学习; 再后来则谈论真理. 其中有些人甚至使得别人以为他们从心里就是基督徒, 因为他们凭这些真理学会如何以伪装的情感进行谈论, 又如何仿佛出于属灵的信仰行事正直. 至于这类人, 就是那些其内在思维敌视这些真理, 小心翼翼不作他们所思想的邪恶, 仅仅因为世间的法律, 为了他们的名声, 地位和利益的人, 他们心里全是邪恶, 仅在其肉体方面, 而非其灵方面处于真理和良善. 因此, 在来世, 当他们的外在被剥去, 构成其灵的内在被揭开时, 他们便完全沉迷于邪恶和虚假, 根本不关心真理和良善. 由此清楚可知, 真理和良善作为他们所学来的东西仅仅居于他们的记忆, 他们谈论时就从记忆检索出来, 仿佛出于属灵的爱和信而假冒为善. 当这种人被带入其内在, 因而被带入其邪恶时, 他们就无法再谈论真理, 只能谈论虚假; 因为他们出于邪恶说话. 那时, 出于邪恶谈论真理是不可能的, 因为灵无非是他自己的邪恶, 虚假则从邪恶发出. 每个恶灵在被投入地狱之前, 都沦落到这种状态(参看499-512节). 这就是所谓真理和良善方面的消磨. 消磨仅仅是被带入人的内在, 也就是被带入灵自己的东西, 或被带入灵本身(参看425节).

注: 恶人在被投入地狱之前, 会被夺去真理和良善; 一旦这些元素被夺去, 他们就自愿搬到地狱(天国的奥秘 6977, 7039, 7795, 8210, 8232, 9330节). 主从不夺走他们的良善和真理, 而是他们向自己如此行(天国的奥秘 7643, 7926节). 一切邪恶都有虚假在里面; 因此, 那些陷入邪恶的人也陷入虚假, 尽管他们当中有些人并未意识到这一点(天国的奥秘 7577, 8094节). 那些陷入邪恶的人当凭自己思想时, 必思想虚假(天国的奥秘 7437节). 凡在地狱里的人都出于邪恶谈论虚假(天国的奥秘 1695, 7351, 7352, 7357, 7392, 7689节).



551. 皆因我欲和物欲而陷於惡和謬

地獄之靈皆迷於惡謬, 沒有哪個陷於惡而能明理。在人間, 許多惡人瞭解屬靈之理, 是因為他們從小受教, 後來也聽過佈道, 讀過聖言。於是, 他們談論真理, 甚至叫人認為他們是虔誠信徒。他們學會偽裝情感, 表現真誠, 仿佛是憑著心靈之信, 其實心裡所想的正好相反。出於法律, 名聲, 地位, 利益等方面的考慮, 他們小心翼翼地防止惡念外顯。他們心裡充滿惡欲, 表面行善守理, 靈裡卻不以為然。所以, 到了靈界, 當他們的外在脫落以後, 靈的內在秉性就顯明出來, 結果證明他們完全沉迷於惡謬之中, 對理和善漠不關心。由此可見, 他們的理和善只存於其記憶中。與人談論時, 他們將之取出, 表現得道貌岸然, 仿佛有信有德。

當此等人進入內在秉性以後(也就是進入惡性以後), 他不能再談論真理, 只能講說謬誤, 因為他的言語乃出於他的惡性。彼時, 人不能憑罪惡講說真理, 因為他的靈魂完全由罪惡構成, 從罪惡只能生出謬誤。

每個惡靈, 在被投入地獄以前, 都要被帶入這種狀態。該過程被稱為淨盡真理和善良的過程, 好讓他們進入各自的秉性之中, 或說進入各自的靈魂之中。

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Heaven and Hell #551 (NCE, 2000)

551. All the People Who Are in the Hells Are Absorbed in Evils and Consequent Falsities because of Their Love for Themselves and the World

All the people who are in the hells are devoted to evil goals and the distortions that result. There is no one there devoted to evil goals and interested in true perceptions. Many evil people in the world know about spiritual truths, the truths of the church, since they have learned them first in childhood and later from sermons and from reading the Word and have gone on to take them for granted in their conversations. Some of them have even led others to believe that they were Christians at heart because they had learned from these truths how to talk with apparent affection and to behave honestly as though motivated by a spiritual faith. As for the ones who inwardly thought the opposite, though, and who carefully refrained from doing the evil things they were thinking of simply because of civil laws and for the sake of their reputation and rank and profit, they are all evil at heart, involved in what is true and good only physically, not in spirit. So when their outer layers are stripped off in the other life and the inner natures that constituted their spirits are unveiled, they are wholly absorbed in evil and false concerns, unconcerned with anything true and good. Then one can see that the true and good values simply dwelt in their memories as things they had learned about, and that they retrieved them from memory when they were talking and imitated good deeds as though they were motivated by a spiritual love and faith.

When people like this are let into their inner natures - into their evils, that is - they can no longer say anything true. They can only say what is false because their speech arises from their evil intentions. It is impossible to say anything true for evil ends because by then their spirits are made up of nothing but their own evil, and falsity emanates from evil.

Every evil spirit is distilled to this state before he or she is thrown into hell (see above, 499-512). This is called being stripped down as to what is true and good. 1The stripping down is simply the process of being let into their own inner natures, into what they have claimed as spirits, then, or into their spirits themselves. See also 425 above on these matters.


1. Before evil people are thrown down into hell they are stripped of what is true and good, and once these elements have been taken away, they move voluntarily into hell: Arcana Coelestia 6977, 7039, 7795, 8210, 8232, 9330. The Lord does not strip them [of good and truth]-they do it to themselves: 7642 [7643?], 7926. Every evil has something false within it; so people who are intent on evil are intent on what is false, even though some of them do not realize it: 7577, 8094. People who are intent on evil cannot help but think falsely when they are thinking on their own: 7437. All the people who are in hell say what is false, with evil intent: 1695, 7351-7352, 7357, 7392, 7698 [7689?].


Heaven and Hell #551 (Harley, 1958)


All who are in the hells are in evils and in falsities therefrom, and no one there is in evils and at the same time in truths. For the most part, evil men in the world have some knowledge of spiritual truths, which are the truths of the Church, having been taught them from childhood and later through preaching and the reading of the Word; and afterwards, they have talked about them. Some have even led others to believe that they are Christians at heart because of their knowing how to speak with pretended affection from truths, also how to act honestly as if from spiritual faith. But those among them whose interior thoughts have been hostile to these truths, and who have refrained from doing the evils that were in harmony with their thoughts, only because of the civil laws, or with a view to reputation, honours, and gain, are all of them evil in heart, and are in truths and goods not in respect of their spirit but only in respect of their body. Consequently, when their externals are taken away from them in the other life, and the internals that their spirit had are revealed, they are wholly in evils and falsities, and not at all in truths and goods; and it is clear that truths and goods resided only in their memory merely as things known, and that they brought them forth therefrom when talking, pretending to the goods seemingly from spiritual love and faith. When such are let into their internals and thus into their evils they are no longer able to speak what is true, but only what is false, since they speak from evils; for to speak true things from evils is then impossible, since the spirit is nothing but his own evil, and from evil that which is false goes forth. Every evil spirit is reduced to this state before he is cast into hell (see above, 499-512). This is called being vastated in respect of truths and goods. 1Vastation is simply being let into one's internals, that is, into what is the spirit's proprium, or into the spirit itself (on these matters see above, 425).


1. Before the evil are cast down into hell they are devastated of truths and goods, and when these have been taken away they are of themselves carried into hell (Arcana Coelestia 6977, 7039, 7795, 8210, 8232, 9330).

The Lord does not devastate them, but they devastate themselves (Arcana Coelestia 7643, 7926).

Every evil has in it what is false; therefore those who are in evil are also in falsity, although some do not know it (Arcana Coelestia 7577, 8094).

Those who are in evil must needs think what is false when they think from themselves (Arcana Coelestia 7437).

All who are in hell speak falsities from evil (Arcana Coelestia 1695, 7351-7352, 7357, 7392, 7689).


Heaven and Hell #551 (Ager, 1900)


All who are in the hells are in evils and in falsities therefrom, and no one there is in evils and at the same time in truths. In the world evil men for the most part have some knowledge of spiritual truths, which are the truths of the church, having been taught them from childhood and later by preaching and by reading the Word; and afterwards they have talked about them. Some have even led others to believe that they are Christians at heart because of their knowing how to talk with pretended affection in harmony with the truth, also how to act uprightly as if from spiritual faith. But those of this class whose interior thoughts have been hostile to these truths, and who have refrained from doing the evils that were in harmony with their thoughts only because of the civil laws, or with a view to reputation, honors, and gain, are all of them evil in heart, and are in truths and goods not in respect to their spirit but only in respect to their body; and consequently, when their externals are taken away from them in the other life, and their internals which pertain to their spirit are revealed, they are wholly in evils and falsities, and not at all in truths and goods; and it is thus made clear that truths and goods resided only in their memory merely as things known about, and that they brought them forth therefrom when talking, putting on a semblance of good seemingly from spiritual love and faith. When such are let into their internals and thus into their evils they are no longer able to speak what is true, but only what is false; since they speak from evils; for to speak what is true from evils is then impossible, since the spirit is nothing but his own evil, and from evil what is false goes forth. Every evil spirit is reduced to this state before he is cast into hell (see above, 499-512). This is called being vastated in respect to truths and goods. 1Vastation is simply being let into one's internals, that is, into what is the spirit's own, or into the spirit itself (see above, 425).


1. Before the evil are cast down into hell they are devastated of truths and goods, and when these have been taken away they are of themselves carried into hell (Arcana Coelestia 6977, 7039, 7795, 8210, 8232, 9330).

The Lord does not devastate them, but they devastate themselves (7643, 7926).

Every evil has in it what is false; therefore those who are in evil are also in falsity, although some do not know it (7577, 8094).

Those who are in evil must needs think what is false when they think from themselves (7437).

All who are in hell speak falsities from hell (1695, 7351-7352, 7357, 7392, 7689)


De Coelo et de Inferno #551 (original Latin)


Omnes qui in infernis sunt, in malis et inde falsis sunt, ac nullus ibi qui in malis et simul in veris. Plerique mali in mundo sciunt vera spiritualia, quae sunt vera ecclesiae, didicerunt enim illa ab infantia, et dein ex praedicatione et ex lectione Verbi, ac postea locuti sunt ex illis; quidam etiam induxerunt alios credere quod Christiani corde essent, quia sciverunt ex veris cum simulata affectione loqui, et quoque sincere agere sicut ex spirituali fide: sed ii ex illis qui in se cogitaverunt contra illa, et abstinuerunt a malis faciendis secundum cogitata sua solum modo propter leges civiles, et propter famam, honores, et lucra, omnes corde mali sunt, et modo quoad corpus et non quoad spiritum in veris et bonis sunt; quapropter cum in altera vita eis auferuntur externa, ac revelantur interna, quae spiritus illorum fuerunt, sunt prorsus in malis et falsis, et non in aliquibus veris et bonis; et patet, quod vera et bona modo resederint in memoria eorum, non aliter ac scientifica, et quod inde deprompserint illa, cum locuti sunt, et simulaverunt bona sicut ex spirituali amore et fide. Cum tales immittuntur in sua interna, consequenter in sua mala, tunc non amplius loqui possunt vera, sed modo falsa, quoniam loquuntur ex malis, nam loqui ex malis vera est impossibile, quoniam tunc spiritus non est nisi quam suum malum, et falsum procedit ex malo. Unusquisque spiritus malus in hunc statum redigitur, antequam conjicitur in infernum (videatur supra, 499-512); hoc dicitur vastari quoad vera et bona; 1et vastatio non est nisi quam immissio in interna, ita in proprium spiritus, seu in ipsum spiritum. (De his quoque videatur supra, 425)


1. Quod mali, antequam dejiciuntur in infernum devastentur quoad vera et bona, et quod illis ademptis ferantur ex se in infernum (6977, 7039, 7795, 8210, 8232, 9330).

Quod Dominus non devastet illos, sed quod illi se ipsos (7642 [7643?] 7926).

Quod omne malum in se habeat falsum, quapropter qui in malo sunt, etiam in falso sunt, tametsi quidam id nesciunt (7577, 8094).

Quod qui in malo sunt, non possint nisi quam falsum, dum ex se, cogitare (7437).

Quod omnes, qui in inferno sunt, loquantur falsa ex malo (1695, 7351, 7352, 7357, 7357, 7698 [7689?]).

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