4082. About adulterers
There are adulterers who ensnare by means of marital love and of love toward little children. Such a one was with me who wanted to be concealed, afraid lest anyone be present. They were rising up out of the ground in front near Gehenna like something airy and hardly visible. This one seemed to himself to be removing bandages that were put upon him, continually removing them. By this was meant that he was eager to remove obstacles so that he would be able to come into houses where there were beautiful wives. Afterwards he went out of his body as a snow white, small man, as if he were inwardly such, and came toward me.
This meant that he would pretend innocence, so that no one would suspect him of such a thing. Coming toward me, he was let down below, toward the loins, where he bent himself around both loins, and indeed, around the inward parts, which symbolize chaste marital love, then through the foot, bending himself into a kind of spiral shape. This symbolized the fact that he wanted to steal in through such things as were pleasing to them. And as he kept on going, he became ever less visible, so that he could hardly be seen, symbolizing his fantasy, that he wanted it to be entirely hidden to the husband that he was of that character.
There are adulterers who act insidiously by means of conjugial love and a love towards infants. One of this character was with me, who wished to be concealed, dreading lest any others should be present. Those of this stamp arose from the ground in front about Gehenna, like a certain something aerial and inconspicuous. The one alluded to seemed to himself to remove continually certain bandages or scarves which were cast upon him, by which was signified that he studied to remove the obstacles which prevented his entrance into such houses as contained beautiful wives. He afterwards issued out of his body, having a snowy aspect, being small in stature, as if it had been his interior self, and then came to me. By this was signified that he would put on the appearance of innocence, so that no one would suspect anything of evil concerning him. Coming to me he stooped downwards towards the loins and then wound himself around the loins on both sides, and indeed about the interior parts which signify a chaste conjugial love, and then through the foot, bending himself into a kind of spiral flexure, by which was signified that he would insinuate himself by means of such things as are agreeable. As he proceeded he became in the process still more invisible, so that he could scarcely be perceived, by which was signified the character of his phantasy, that he wished his quality to be entirely undiscovered by the husband.
4082. De adulteris
Sunt adulteri, qui insidiantur per amorem conjugialem, et per amorem erga infantes; talis apud me fuit, qui voluit in occulto esse, timens ne aliquis adesset, surgebant ex humo antrorsum circa Gehennam, sicut quoddam aereum inconspicuum, is sibi removere videbatur fascias, quae ei objiciebantur, continuo removendo, quo significabatur, quod sic removere studuerit obstacula, ut potuisset venire in tales domos, ubi pulchrae uxores: postea exibat e corpore suo, ut niveus, parvus, sicut interius ejus esset, et veniebat ad me, quo significabat, quod indueret innocentiam, ut nemo quid tale de eo suspicari posset; veniens ad me, demissus infra, versus lumbos, ubi se flectebat circum utrosque lumbos, et quidem circum interiores partes, quae significant castum amorem conjugialem, tum per pedem, et quidem in quendam flexum spiralem, quo significabat quod se insinuare vellet per talia quae iis dulcia essent: et cum pergebat pergendo magis inconspicuus factus, usque ut vix posset percipi, quo significabatur phantasia ejus, quod prorsus vellet latere coram marito quod talis esset,