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《灵界经历》 第4083节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4083

4083. But he was thrown out from there into his own place, that snowy whiteness became black, which surprised him, and he became indignant because he did not wish to appear in this way, because then he was ugly in their eyes. He spoke with me, saying he wondered why anyone could be like that and make it a matter of conscience not to lie with the wife of another. Thus they are entirely devoid of conscience, and even such as to marvel that anyone should have a conscience about committing adultery. Such at this day is the Christian world, ridiculing at heart and despising those who have conscience, not regarding them as anything and that he has no part in society, but has withdrawn himself from the social community if it is not like himself.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4083

4083. But being ejected thence his snowy whiteness became black, at which I wondered. He was then indignant, as he was loath thus to appear, because aware of his looking deformed before the eyes of spectators. He spoke with me and expressed his wonder that there could be anyone so scrupulous as to make conscience of lying with another man's wife. Thus such persons are without conscience, and can wonder that conscience should withhold any from adulteries. Such is the Christian world at this day; they ridicule in their head and despise the conscientious; they think them to be nothing, and no part of society, but that everyone who is not of their character has [voluntarily] withdrawn himself from the common society of men.

Experientiae Spirituales 4083 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4083. sed ejectus inde in locum suum, niveum istud factum est nigrum, quod miratus, et indignatus quia sic apparere nollet, quia tunc deformis coram oculis eorum, loquebatur mecum, et dicebat, quod miratus, quid aliquis talis esse possit, ut haberet conscientiam pro tali, ut non concumbat cum alterius uxore; sic ut absque ulla conscientia sunt, et quidem tales ut mirentur quod aliquis habeat conscientiam, quin adulteria committat, talis est hodie orbis Christianus, rident eos corde suo, contemnunt, putant fere non esse aliquid, et quod sit non pars societatis, sed se a societate communi abstraxerit, si non talis esset.

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