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《灵界经历》 第4084节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4084

4084. From the things seen and from what was observed, it was obvious that such people show themselves as guiltless when in the company of the husband, also at first with the wife, in order to gain entrance, and also as chaste men who would think of such behavior as far from them. So also they can keep company with the husband, until he suspects nothing out of the way. The wife also speaks of him in the presence of the husband, he is praised by the husband, he is praised by the wife. The adulterous wife praises him in the ears of the husband, calling him a chaste person, and a friend, this going on for several years. He in their company also praises them, even their marital love, about which he also speaks correctly, also about the little children, and such subjects. So he speaks as an innocent person, when yet he is devoid of conscience, but an adulterer wearing a mask. This is the most common method [practiced by adulterers].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4084

4084. From the things seen, and from what was consequently perceived, it appeared that those of this character assumed the air of innocence in the company of the husband and also with the wife, in order to be admitted to their intimacy, and moreover were apparently so chaste, that they seemed to think of nothing less than of such wickedness. In this way they hope to succeed in retaining the confidence of the husband, while he suspects nothing out of the way; and so also the wife demeans herself in the presence of her husband. [The traitor] is praised by the husband and praised by the wife. The adulterous wife praises him to the ears of her husband, calls him chaste and friendly, and this often continues for several years. He in company praises them, and speaks highly of their conjugial love, concerning which he utters sound sentiments, and speaks kindly of the children, and the like. His discourse is thus that of a guileless soul, when yet he is destitute of conscience and is nothing but a masked adulterer. Such a kind of life is extremely common.

Experientiae Spirituales 4084 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4084. Ex iis quae visa, et quod perceptum, constabat, quod tales se ostendant insontes in consortio cum marito, etiam primum cum uxore, ut admittantur, etiam castos, ut nihil minus cogitent quam tale quid, sic etiam teneri possunt in consortio marito, usque ut nihil tale suspicetur, ita etiam [loquitur] uxor in praesentia mariti, laudatur a marito, laudatur ab uxore, uxor adultera eum laudat in auribus mariti, vocat castum, et amicum, sic per aliquot annos; is in consortio quoque laudat eos, etiam amorem eorum conjugialem, de quo etiam sane loquitur, tum de infantibus, et similibus, sic loquitur sicut insons cum tamen nullius conscientiae est, sed adulter sub specie tali. Talis modus est communissimus.

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