4910. Those who fully believe they owe everything to their own intelligence appear to sit at a table and write there. Their speech breaks against their teeth and is somewhat of a whistle. They have a hat, or rather a mossa 1, down to the eyes, under which they seem to be thinking. They are extremely malicious and are banished to an infernal hellhole, where C[harles] XII 2is. The rest who are not such are not treated in this way. They are in hells under the mountains, with which hells they interact by virtue of being the opposite. There is a countless number of them, and they think of nothing else than entering into the affections of others whose wealth they want to have. They lay snares in many ways. On this account they also flow into people on earth from the head down to the mouth and down to the chest. Others do so from the feet up to the genitals. The former lay snares using the loves of others, into which they insinuate themselves; the latter do so using what others are thinking. I have been attacked by them in various ways. Their every effort is to have possession of a person and to lead the person, mimicking his nature and the things that are part of his life. They do this to such an extent that they penetrate deeply, in keeping with their practice in the world. They weave various deceits.
1. Swedish for "cap"
2. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4704.
4910. Those who have fully believed themselves to owe everything to self-intelligence, appear to sit at a table and there to write. Their speech issues at the teeth and becomes sibilant. They have a cap, or mossa, right down to the eyes, under which, as it were, they think. They are most malicious, and are sent away to that infernal den where Charles XII is. It is not so with the rest, who are not of such a character: they are in hells under the mountains to which, in opposites, they correspond. They are innumerable, and they think of nothing else but that they may enter into the affections of others whose wealth they wish to possess. They plot in many ways; wherefore they also inflow with man, from the head as far as to the mouth, and to the breast - others [inflow] from the feet as far as to the genitals. The latter plot by means of the loves of others, into which they insinuate themselves; the former [insinuate themselves] into those things which are of the thought. I was infested by them in various ways. They wish, in every effort, to possess and lead man, by imitating his nature and those things which are of his life, to such a degree as to penetrate considerably, according to practice in the world. They contrive various deceptions.
4910. Qui prorsus crediderunt se suae propriae intelligentiae omnia debere, apparent ad mensam sedere et ibi scribere, loquela eorum cadit ad dentes, et aliquantum sibilaris est, pileum seu m�ssa habent usque ad oculos, sub quo quasi cogitant, sunt malitiosissimi et ablegantur ad infernalem specum, ubi C. XII; reliqui non ita qui non tales, in infernis sunt sub montibus, quibus ex opposito correspondent: illi sunt innumeri, nec aliud cogitant, quam ut intrent in affectiones aliorum, quorum opes habere volunt; insidiantur multis modis, quapropter etiam apud hominem influunt a capite usque ad os, et ad pectus, alii a pedibus usque ad genitalia, hi per amores aliorum insidiantur, in quos se insinuant, illi per quae cogitationis sunt; infestatus sum variis modis ab illis, omni nisu volunt possidere hominem, ac ducere, imitando ejus naturam et illa quae ejus vitae sunt, usque adeo ut penetrent longe, secundum exercitium in mundo: nectunt dolos varios.