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属天的奥秘 第10028节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10028

10028. And all the blood thou shalt pour out at the base of the altar. That this signifies Divine truth wholly in the sensuous, which is the ultimate of man's life, is evident from the signification of "the blood," as being the Divine truth from the Lord's Divine good (on which see just above, n. 10026); and from the signification of "the base of the altar," as being the sensuous which is the ultimate of man's life. That the base of the altar has this signification is because the altar was a representative of the Lord's Divine Human, wherefore its base signifies that which is the ultimate of life in the human, and the ultimate of life in the human is that which is called the external sensuous, which is here meant. That the altar was the chief representative of the Lord's Divine Human, may be seen above (n. 9388, 9389, 9714, 9964); that its base is its ultimate is evident; that this with man is the external sensuous, and what this is, see also above (n. 9212, 9216, 9996). [2] How the case herein is shall be briefly told. When a man is being purified, then first of all are learned such truths as can be apprehended by the sensuous man, such as are the truths in the sense of the letter of the Word; afterward are learned more interior truths, such as are collected from the Word by those who are in enlightenment, for these collect its interior sense from various passages where the sense of the letter is unfolded. From these, when known, truths still more interior are afterward drawn forth by those who are enlightened, which truths together with the former serve the church for doctrine, the more interior truths for doctrine to those who are men of the internal church, the less interior for doctrine to those who are men of the external church. Both the former and the latter men, provided they have lived according to these truths, are taken up into heaven among the angels, and are there imbued with angelic wisdom, which is from truths still more interior, and finally is from inmost truths in the third heaven. These truths, together with the former in their order, close in the ultimate truths of the external sensuous, and are all together there. From this it is plain that all interior truths are together in the truths of the sense of the letter of the Word, for these truths, as above said, are the ultimate ones. (That all interior things are stored up in order, and are together in ultimates, see n. 9828, 9836.) From all this it is evident what is meant by Divine truth being wholly in the sensuous, which is signified by "all the blood being poured out at the base of the altar."

Elliott(1983-1999) 10028

10028. 'And shall pour out all the blood at the base of the altar' means the whole of Divine Truth present on the level of sensory perception, which is the lowest level of life in a person. This is clear from the meaning of 'the blood' as Divine Truth springing from the Lord's Divine Good, dealt with just above in 10026; and from the meaning of 'the base of the altar' as the level of sensory perception, which is the lowest level of life in a person. 'The base of the altar' has this meaning because the altar was representative of the Lord's Divine Human, and therefore the base of it means that which forms the lowest level of life in the human being, and that which forms the lowest level of life in the human being is called outward sensory perception, which is what is meant here. The altar was the chief representative of the Lord's Divine Human, see 9388, 9389, 9714, 9964, 'the base', it is self-evident, being the lowest level of it. As regards this level in the human being, that it is outward sensory perception, and as regards the nature of it, see 9212, 9216, 9996.

[2] The implications of all this must be stated briefly. When a person is being purified he first of all learns the kinds of truths that someone who thinks on the sensory level can grasp; these are truths such as exist in the literal sense of the Word. Afterwards he learns more internal truths such as are gathered from the Word by those who have enlightenment; for these gather its inner meaning from various places where the literal sense there is explained. Then, once these truths are known, even more internal ones are taken in by those who have become enlightened. These even more internal truths together with the previous ones serve the Church as doctrinal teachings, the even more internal truths serving members of the internal Church, the other truths serving members of the external Church. Both groups of people, if they have led lives in accord with those truths, are raised to heaven among angels, and there they are endowed with angelic wisdom, which is the product of truths still more internal, and finally of inmost truths in the third heaven. These truths together with the previous ones in their own order terminate in the last and lowest, which belong to outward sensory perception, and exist together within them. From this it is evident that interior truths reside all together in the truths belonging to the literal sense of the Word, for the latter are the last and lowest, as has been stated. Within things that are last and lowest those which are more internal ones position themselves all in sequence, and within them they exist all together, see 9828, 9836. From this it is evident what should be understood by the whole of Divine Truth present on the level of sensory perception, meant by the requirement that all the blood was to be poured out at the base of the altar.

Latin(1748-1756) 10028

10028. `Et omnem sanguinem effundes ad fundamentum altaris': quod significet Divinum Verum totum in sensuali, quod ultimum vitae hominis, constat ex significatione `sanguinis' quod sit Divinum Verum ex Divino Bono (c)Domini, de qua mox supra n. 10,026, et ex significatione `fundamenti altaris' quod sit sensuale, quod ultimum vitae (o)hominis; quod `fundamentum altaris' id sit {2}, est quia altare fuit repraesentativum Divini Humani Domini, quare fundamentum ejus significat id quod ultimum vitae in humano (o)est, ac ultimum vitae in humano est (o)id (x)quod vocatur sensuale (o)externum, quod hic intelligitur; quod altare fuerit praecipuum repraesentativum Divini Humani Domini, videatur n. 9388, 9389, 9714, 9964; {3} quod fundamentum sit ultimum ejus, patet; quod id apud hominem sit sensuale externum, et quale id {4}, videatur n. 9212, 9216, 9996. [2] Quomodo cum his se habet, paucis dicendum est: cum homo purificatur, tunc omnium primum addiscuntur talia vera quae capi possunt a sensuali homine; talia vera sunt, qualia sunt {5} in sensu litterae Verbi; postea addiscuntur vera interiora qualia sunt (m)quae colliguntur ex Verbo ab illis qui in illustratione sunt, hi enim colligunt sensum interiorem ejus ex variis locis, ubi sensus litterae ibi explicatur; ex his cognitis (o)dein vera adhuc interiora ab illustratis hauriuntur, quae cum prioribus inserviunt Ecclesiae pro doctrina, haec pro doctrina illis qui internae Ecclesiae homines sunt, illa pro doctrina illis qui externae Ecclesiae homines sunt; hi et illi, si vixerunt secundum illa, in caelum inter angelos elevantur, ac ibi imbuuntur sapientia angelica, quae est ex veris adhuc interioribus, et tandem ex intimis in caelo tertio;(n) haec vera cum prioribus in suo ordine desinunt in ultima, quae sunt sensualis externi, ac ibi simul sunt; inde patet quod interiora vera omnia sint simul in veris sensus litterae Verbi, nam haec vera, ut supra dictum est, ultima sunt {6}; quod in ultimis se reponant interiora omnia ordine, et ibi simul sint, videatur n. 9828, (x)9836. Ex his patet quid intelligitur per quod Divinum Verum sit totum in sensuali, quod significatur per quod omnis sanguis effunderetur ad fundamentum altaris. @1 i principale$ @2 quod id sit fundamentum altaris altered to quod fundamentum altaris sit sensuale id sit ultimum vitae$ @3 i et$ @4 sensuale id sit ultimum vitae apud hominem$ @5 quae sunt altered to sunt quae$ @6 S first wrote hic sensus, ut supra dictum est, in se habet then d in se habet ultima sunt but did not amend the remainder of the clause$

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