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属天的奥秘 第10241节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10241

10241. Their hands and their feet. That this signifies the interiors and exteriors of man, is evident from the signification of "hands," as being the interiors of man (of which below); and from the signification of "feet," as being the exteriors of man, thus his natural things, for these are exterior. (That the "feet" denote what is natural, thus the exteriors of man, see n. 2162, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952, 9406.) But that the "hands" denote the interiors is because the higher things of the body extend into the hands, and there terminate, consequently by the "hands" is signified whatever pertains to man, and also his power (see the places cited in n. 10019). But when both the "hands" and the "feet" are mentioned, then there is signified whatever is in the internal and also in the external man, or both spiritual and natural things. For this reason by "lifting up the hand" is signified power in the spiritual; and by "lifting up the foot," power in the natural (see n. 5327, 5328); moreover, by the extremes of man are signified all that pertains to him (n. 10044), and the extremes are the hands and feet. From all this it can be seen why Aaron and his sons were to wash the hands and feet when they entered into the Tent of meeting, or came near to the altar to minister.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10241

10241. 'Their hands and their feet' means the person's interiors and exteriors. This is clear from the meaning of 'hands' as a person's interiors, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'feet' as a person's exteriors, thus his natural things since these are exterior; for natural things, thus those belonging to the exterior man, are meant by 'feet', see 2162, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952, 9406. But the reason why interior things are meant by 'hands' is that the higher parts of the body extend into the hands and come to an end in them, so that whatever exists with a person, also the power he possesses, is meant by 'hands', see the places referred to in 10019. But when both hands and feet are spoken of, whatever exists in the internal man and also in the external man, or spiritual things and natural things, is meant. This explains why 'lifting up the hand' means power in the spiritual, while 'lifting up the foot' means power in the natural, 5327, 5328. Furthermore the extremities of a person mean everything within him, 10044, and the hands and feet are extremities. From all this it becomes clear why it was that Aaron and his sons had to wash their hands and feet whenever they went into the tent of meeting or approached the altar to minister.

Latin(1748-1756) 10241

10241. `Manus suas et pedes suos': quod significet interiora et exteriora hominis, constat ex significatione `manuum' quod sint interiora hominis, de qua sequitur, et ex significatione `pedum' quod sint exteriora hominis, {1}ita naturalia ejus, nam haec sunt exteriora {2}; quod `pedes' sint naturalia, ita quae {3}exterioris hominis, videatur n. 2162, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952, 9406. Quod autem `manus' sint interiora, est quia superiora corporis se exporrigunt in manus, et ibi terminantur; inde per `manus' significatur quicquid est apud hominem, et quoque potentia ejus, videantur loca citata, n. 10,019; cum autem nominantur et manus et pedes, tunc significatur quicquid est in interno et quoque in externo {4}homine, seu spiritualia et naturalia; inde est quod per `extollere manum' significetur potentia in spirituali, et `extollere pedem' potentia in naturali, n. 5327, 5328; praeterea per extrema hominis significantur omnia ejus, n. 10,044, et extrema sunt manus et pedes. Ex his constare potest unde est quod Aharon et filii ejus lavarent manus et pedes cum intrarent in tentorium conventus aut accederent ad altare ad ministrandum. @1 sive$ @2 i, spiritualia autem interiora$ @3 externi$ @4 hominis, ita interiora et exteriora$

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