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Potts(1905-1910) 9406

9406. And under His feet. That this signifies the ultimate sense which is the sense of the letter itself, is evident from the signification of "feet," as being natural things (see n. 2162, 3147, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952); thus the soles, which are under the feet, denote the ultimate things of nature. That "under the feet" here denotes the ultimate sense of the Word, which is the sense of the letter, is because it is said of the Divine truth or Word, which is from the Lord, and which is the Lord, as can be seen from what goes before; and the ultimate of truth Divine, or the Word, is such as is the sense of the letter, which is natural, because for the natural man. That the sense of the letter contains within it an internal sense, which is relatively spiritual and celestial, is evident from all that has been hitherto shown about the Word. But the more worldly and bodily a man is, the less he apprehends this, because he does not suffer himself to be raised into spiritual light, and thereby to see what is the nature of the Word; namely, that in the letter it is natural, and in the internal sense spiritual; for the nature of lower things, down to ultimate ones, can be seen from the spiritual world, or from the light of heaven; but not the reverse (n. 9401e); thus it can be seen that such is the Word in the letter. [2] As the Word in the letter is natural, and by "the feet" are signified natural things, therefore the ultimate of the Word, like the ultimate of the church, is called "the place of the feet" of Jehovah, and also His "footstool," and likewise relatively a "cloud" and "darkness;" as in Isaiah:

They shall open thy gates continually, to bring unto thee the army of the nations, and their kings shall be brought. The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the fir-tree, the pine-tree, and the box together; to adorn the place of My sanctuary; and I will make the place of My feet honorable (Isa. 60:11, 13). The subject here treated of is the Lord, and His kingdom and church. By "the army of the nations" are meant those who are in the goods of faith; and by "kings," those who are in the truths of faith. (That "nations" denote those who are in the goods of faith, see n. 1259, 1328, 1416, 1849, 4574, 6005; and that "kings" denote those who are in truths, n. 1672, 2015, 2069, 3009, 4575, 4581, 4966, 5044, 5068, 6148). "The glory of Lebanon," or the cedar, denotes spiritual good and truth; "the fir-tree, the pine-tree, and the box," denote the natural goods and truths that correspond; "the place of the sanctuary" denotes heaven and the church, and also the Word; "the place of the feet" denotes heaven, the church, and also the Word, in ultimates. The reason why the Word also is here signified, is that heaven is heaven from the Divine truth that proceeds from the Lord; in like manner the church; and the Divine truth which makes the church and heaven is the Word. Consequently also the inmost of the tent, where was the ark containing the law, is called "the sanctuary," for the law is the Word (n. 6752). [3] Again:

The heavens are My throne, and the earth is My footstool (Isa. 66:1). Exalt ye Jehovah our God, and adore ye toward His footstool; holy is He. Moses and Aaron among His priests. He spoke unto them in the pillar of cloud (Ps. 99:5-7). "The footstool of Jehovah toward which they were to adore" denotes Divine truth in ultimates, thus the Word. That in the representative sense "Moses and Aaron" denote the Word, see n. 7089, 7382, 9373, 9374; and that a "cloud" denotes the Word in the letter, or Divine truth in ultimates, see the preface to Genesis 18; n. 4060, 4391, 5922, 6343, 6752, 8106, 8781; from which it is plain what is meant by "speaking in the pillar of cloud." [4] Again:

We heard of Him in Ephrathah; we found Him in the fields of the forest. We will enter into His tabernacles; we will bow down ourselves at His footstool (Ps. 132:6, 7). The subject here treated of is the Lord and the revelation of Himself in the Word; "to find Him in Ephrathah" denotes to do so in the spiritual celestial sense of the Word (n. 4585, 4594); "in the fields of the forest" denotes in the natural or literal sense of the Word (n. 3220, 9011); "the footstool" denotes the Divine truth that proceeds from the Lord, in ultimates. [5] Again:

Jehovah bowed the heaven, and thick darkness was under His feet. He made darkness His hiding place, darkness of waters, clouds of the heavens. At the brightness before Him His clouds passed (Ps. 18:9, 11, 12). The subject here treated of is the coming and presence of the Lord in the Word; "thick darkness under His feet" denotes the sense of the letter of the Word; in like manner "darkness of waters and clouds of the heavens." That nevertheless the Divine truth, such as it is in the heavens, is in this sense is signified by "making darkness His hiding place;" and that at the presence of the Lord the internal sense appears in its glory, such as it is in heaven, is signified by "His clouds passing at the brightness before Him." In Nahum:

The way of Jehovah is in the storm and tempest, and the clouds are the dust of His feet (Nah. 1:3);

where also "the clouds" denote the Word in the sense of the letter, which also is "the storm and tempest in which is the way of Jehovah." [6] When truth Divine, such as it is in heaven, shines through with a man from the very sense of the letter, then this sense is described by "feet whose brightness is like that of burnished brass"; as also in Daniel:

I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and behold a man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with gold of Uphaz. His body also was like a beryl, and His face as the face of lightning, and His eyes as torches of fire, His arms and His feet like the shining of burnished brass, and the voice of His words like the voice of a crowd (Dan. 10:5-6);

where by "a man clothed in linen" is meant in the supreme sense the Lord, and because the Lord is meant, the Divine truth that is from Him is also meant, for the Divine truth that is from the Lord is the Lord Himself in heaven and in the church; truth Divine, or the Lord in ultimates, is meant by "arms and feet like the shining of burnished brass;" and also by "the voice of his words like the voice of a crowd." In like manner in Ezekiel 1:7. [7] The successive states of the church on this earth in respect to the reception of the truth Divine that proceeds from the Lord are also meant by the image seen by Nebuchadnezzar; in Daniel:

The head of the image was gold, his breast and his arms silver, his belly and thighs brass, his legs iron, his feet part iron and part clay, which did not cohere. And a stone out of the rock broke in pieces the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold (Dan. 2:32-35, 43). The first state of the church in respect to the reception of the truth Divine that proceeds from the Lord is the "gold," because by "gold" is signified celestial good, which is the good of love to the Lord (n. 113, 1551, 1552, 5658, 8932); the second state is signified by the "silver," which denotes spiritual good, which is the good of faith in the Lord and of charity toward the neighbor (see n. 1551, 2954, 5658, 7999); the third state is signified by the "brass," which denotes natural good (n. 425, 1551); and the fourth state by the "iron," which denotes natural truth (n. 425, 426); the "clay" denotes falsity which does not cohere with truth and good. That "a stone out of the rock broke in pieces the iron, the brass, the silver, and the gold" signifies that the church perishes in respect to the reception of truth from the Word, when falsity and evil are confirmed by the sense of the letter of the Word, as is the case when the church is in its last state, when it is no longer in any heavenly love, but only in worldly and bodily love. Such was the Word in respect to its reception among the Jewish nation when the Lord came into the world; and such is the Word with many at this day, insomuch that it is not even known that there is anything internal in the Word; and if it were to be said that there is, and its nature were to be told, it would not be received; when yet in the most ancient times, which were signified by "gold," nothing else was seen in the sense of the letter of the Word than what is heavenly, almost abstractedly from the letter. From all this it can now be seen that by "the God of Israel" as seen "under His feet" is signified the Word in the ultimate sense, which is the sense of the letter.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9406

9406. 'And under His feet' means the lowest level of meaning, which is that of the letter itself. This is clear from the meaning of 'feet' as natural things, dealt with in 2162, 3147, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952, so that the soles under the feet are the lowest things in the natural order. The reason why the lowest level of meaning in the Word, which is the sense of the letter, is meant here by 'under the feet' is that these words refer to Divine Truth or the Word, which comes from the Lord and is the Lord, as may be recognized from what has come before. And the lowest level of God's truth or the Word is the Word as it exists in the sense of the letter, that is, the natural sense since it is intended for the natural man. The fact that the sense of the letter contains an internal sense, which in comparison is spiritual and heavenly, is clear from all those things which have been shown up to now regarding the Word. But the more worldly- and bodily-minded a person is, the less he understands this, because he does not allow himself to be raised into spiritual light and from there to see what the Word is like, namely that in the letter it is natural and in the internal sense is spiritual. For it is possible to see from the spiritual world or the light of heaven what lower things down to the lowest are like, but not from below upwards, 9401 (end), and so to see that the Word in the letter is as described above.

[2] Since the Word in the letter is natural, and natural things are meant by 'the feet', the lowest level of the Word, like the lowest of the Church, is called 'the place of Jehovah's feet', also 'His footstool',a as well as 'clouds and darkness' in comparison, as in Isaiah,

They will keep Your gates open continually, to bring to You the armyb of the nations, and their kings in procession.c The glory of Lebanon will come to You, the fir, the pine, and the box tree together, to beautify the place of My sanctuary; and I will make the place of My feet glorious. Isa 60:11, 13.

This refers to the Lord and to His kingdom and Church. 'The army of the nations' is used to mean those with whom forms of the good of faith exist, and 'kings' to mean those with whom the truths of faith are present. For the meaning of 'nations' as those with whom forms of the good of faith exist, see 1259, 1328, 1416, 1849, 4574, 6005, and for that of 'kings' as those with whom truths are present, 1672, 2015, 2069, 3009, 4575, 4581, 4966, 5044, 5068, 6148. 'The glory of Lebanon', or the cedar, is spiritual good and truth; 'the fir, the pine, and the box tree' are corresponding, natural forms of good and truth; 'the place of the sanctuary' is heaven and the Church, and the Word as well; 'the place of the feet' is heaven, the Church, and the Word as well, on their lowest levels. The reason why the Word as well is meant is that heaven is heaven, and the Church likewise the Church, by virtue of Divine Truth emanating from the Lord, and Divine Truth which makes the Church and heaven is the Word. This also explains why the inmost part of the tent in which the ark containing the law was is called 'the sanctuary'; for 'the law' is the Word, 6752. In the same prophet,

The heavens are My throne and the earth My footstool. Isa 66:1.

[3] In David,

Exalt Jehovah our God, and worship at His footstool. Holy is He! Moses and Aaron were among His priests; He spoke to them in the pillar of cloud. Ps 99:5-7.

'Jehovah's footstool' which they were to worship at is Divine Truth on its lowest levels, thus the Word. 'Moses and Aaron' in the representative sense are the Word, see 7089, 7382, 9373, 9374, and 'cloud' is the Word in the letter or Divine Truth on its lowest levels, see Preface to Genesis 18, and 4060, 4391, 5922, 6343 (end), 6752, 8106, 8781; and from all this it is evident what 'speaking in the pillar of cloud' means.

[4] In the same author,

We heard of Him in Ephrathah, we found Him in the fields of the wood. We will enter His dwelling-places, and we will bow down at His footstool. Ps 132:6, 7.

This refers to the Lord and the revelation of Himself in the Word. 'Finding Him in Ephrathah' means doing so in the spiritual-celestial sense of the Word, 4585, 4594, 'in the fields of the wood' in the natural or literal sense of the Word, 3220, 9011 (end). 'Footstool' stands for Divine Truth emanating from the Lord, as it exists on the lowest levels of the Word.

[5] In the same author,

Jehovah bowed heaven, and thick darkness was under His feet. He made darkness His hiding-place - darkness of waters, clouds of the heavens. From the brightness before Him His clouds passed away. Ps 18:9, 11, 12.

This refers to the Lord's coming and presence in the Word. 'Thick darkness under His feet' stands for the sense of the letter of the Word, as does 'darkness of waters' and 'clouds of the heavens'. The fact that this very sense holds within itself Divine Truth as this exists in the heavens is meant by 'He made darkness His hiding-place'; and the fact that at the presence of the Lord the internal sense then appears, as it exists in heaven, and in its glory, is meant by 'from the brightness before Him His clouds pass away'. In Nahum,

The way of Jehovah is in storm and tempest, and the clouds are the dust of His feet. Nahum 1:3.

Here also 'the clouds' stands for the Word in the sense of the letter, which is also meant by 'storm and tempest', in which 'the way of Jehovah' lies.

[6] When God's truth as it is in heaven shines through for a person in the actual sense of the letter, this sense is then portrayed as 'the feet', which have a shine 'like that of burnished bronze', as also in Daniel,

I lifted up my eyes and saw, and behold, a Man clothed in linen whose loins were girded with gold of Uphaz, and His body was like tarshish;d and His face was like the appearancee of lightning, and His eyes were like fiery torches; His arms and His feet were like the shine of burnished bronze, and the sound of His words like the sound of a crowd. Dan 10:5, 6.

Here 'a Man clothed in linen' is used to mean in the highest sense the Lord; and since the Lord is meant it is also used to mean Divine Truth emanating from Him. For Divine Truth that emanates from the Lord is the Lord Himself in heaven and in the Church. God's truth or the Lord on lowest levels is meant by 'arms and feet like the shine of burnished bronze', and also by 'the sound of His words like the sound of a crowd'; and something similar is meant in Ezekiel 1:7.

[7] The successive state of the Church on this planet so far as reception of God's truth emanating from the Lord is concerned is also meant by the statue seen by Nebuchadnezzar, in Daniel,

The head of the statue was gold, its breast and its arms were silver, its belly and thighs were bronze, its legs were iron, its feet were partly iron and partly clay which did not cohere with each other. And the stone cut out of the rock smashed to pieces the iron, clay, bronze, silver, and gold. Dan 2:32-35, 43, 45.

The first state of the Church so far as reception of God's truth emanating from the Lord is concerned is 'the gold', because 'gold' means celestial good, which is the good of love to the Lord, 113, 1551, 1552, 5658, 8932. The second state is meant by 'the silver', this being spiritual good, which is the good of faith in the Lord and of charity towards the neighbour, 1551, 2954, 5658, 7999. The third state is meant by 'the bronze', which is natural good, 425, 1551. And the fourth state is meant by 'the iron', which is natural truth, 425, 426. 'The clay' means falsity, which does not cohere with truth and good. The smashing to pieces of the iron, bronze, silver, and gold by the stone cut out of the rock means the destruction of the Church so far as reception of truth from the Word is concerned when the sense of the letter of the Word is used to reinforce falsity and evil. This happens when the Church is in its final state, at which time it is no longer governed by any heavenly love, only by worldly and bodily love. This was how it was with the Word so far as reception of it among the Jewish nation was concerned when the Lord came into the world. And it is how it is with the Word among the majority at the present day. They are not even aware that there is anything inwardly present in the Word; and if they were told that there is and what it is like they would not accept it. Yet in most ancient times, which are meant by 'the gold', people saw within the sense of the letter of the Word nothing apart from what was heavenly, almost independently of the letter. From all this it may now be recognized that 'the God of Israel' and what was seen 'under His feet' means the Word on its lowest level of meaning, which is the sense of the letter.


a lit. the stool of His feet
b Though the Hebrew word means army it may be rendered alternatively as strength or as wealth. Most English versions of the Scriptures prefer one of these.
c lit. their kings will be led
d A Hebrew word for a particular kind of precious stone, possibly a beryl.
e lit. the face

Latin(1748-1756) 9406

9406. `Et sub pedibus Ipsius': quod significet ultimum sensum, qui est sensus ipsius litterae, constat ex significatione `pedum' quod sint naturalia, de qua n. 2162, 3147, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952, ita plantae, quae sub pedibus, sunt ultima naturae; quod `sub pedibus' hic sit sensus ultimus Verbi, qui est sensus litterae, est quia dicitur de Divino Vero seu Verbo, quod a Domino et quod est Dominus, ut ex illis quae praecedunt constare potest; ac ultimum veri Divini seu Verbi est qualis est sensus litterae, qui est naturalis quia pro homine naturali; quod sensus litterae in se contineat sensum internum, qui est respective spiritualis et caelestis, constat ex omnibus illis quae de Verbo hactenus ostensa sunt; sed homo quo plus mundanus et corporeus est, eo minus hoc capit, quoniam is in lucem spiritualem non elevari se patitur, et inde videre quale est Verbum, quod nempe in littera sit naturale et in sensu interno spirituale; nam e mundo spirituali seu e luce caeli videri possunt inferiora usque ad ultima qualia sunt, non autem vicissim, n. 9401 fin., ita quod Verbum in littera tale sit. 2 Quia Verbum in littera est naturale, et per `pedes' significantur naturalia, ideo {1} ultimum Verbi, sicut ultimum Ecclesiae, {2} vocatur `locus pedum Jehovae,' ut et `scabellum pedum Ipsius,' et quoque `nubes et tenebrae' respective, ut apud Esaiam, Aperient portas Tuas jugiter, ad adducendum ad Te exercitum gentium, et reges eorum deducentur; gloria Libani ad Te veniet; abies, taeda, buxus simul ad decorandum locum sanctuarii Mei, et locum pedum Meorum honorabilem reddam, lx 11, 13;

agitur hic de Domino ac Ipsius regno et Ecclesia; per `exercitum gentium' intelliguntur qui in bonis fidei, et per `reges' qui in veris fidei; quod `gentes' sint qui in bonis fidei, videatur n. 1259, 1328, 1416, 1849, 4574, 6005, et quod `reges' qui in veris, n. 1672, 2015, 2069, 3009, 4575, 4581, 4966, 5044, 5068, 6148; `gloria Libani' seu cedrus est bonum et verum spirituale, `abies, taeda, et buxus' {3}sunt bona et vera naturalia correspondentia, `locus sanctuarii' est caelum et Ecclesia, et quoque Verbum, `locus pedum' est caelum, Ecclesia, ut et Verbum, in ultimis; quod etiam sit Verbum, est quia caelum est caelum ex Divino Vero procedente a Domino, similiter Ecclesia; et Divinum Verum quod facit Ecclesiam et caelum est Verbum; inde quoque intimum tentorii, ubi arca in qua lex, vocatur sanctuarium, 3 lex enim est Verbum, n. 6752: apud eundem, Caeli thronus Meus, et terra scabellum pedum Meorum, lxvi 1:

apud Davidem, Exaltate Jehovam Deum nostrum, et adorate versus scabellum pedum Ipsius; sanctus Ille; Moscheh et Aharon inter sacerdotes Ipsius; in columna nubis locutus est ad illos, Ps. xcix 5-7;

`scabellum pedum Jehovae versus quod adorarent' est Divinum Verum in ultimis, ita Verbum; quod `Moscheh et Aharon' in sensu repraesentativo sint Verbum, videatur n. 7089, 7382, 9373, 9374, et quod `nubes' sit Verbum in littera, seu Divinum Verum in ultimis, Praefatio ad Gen. xviii, n. 4060, 4391, 5922, 6343 fin., 6752, 8106, 8781; inde patet quid sit `loqui in columna nubis': apud eundem, 4 Audivimus de Ipso in Ephrata, invenimus Ipsum in agris silvae; intrabimus in habitacula Ipsius, et incurvabimus nos scabello pedum Ipsius, Ps. cxxxii 6, 7;

agitur ibi de Domino ac de revelatione Ipsius in Verbo; `invenire Ipsum in Ephrata' est in sensu Verbi spirituali caelesti, n. 4585, 4594, `in agris silvae' est in Verbi sensu naturali seu litterali, n. 3220, 9011 fin., `scabellum pedum' pro Divino Vero procedente a Domino, {4} in ultimis Verbi: apud eundem, 5 Jehovah inclinavit caelum, et densae tenebrae sub pedibus Ipsius; posuit tenebras latibulum Suum, tenebrae aquarum, nubes caelorum; a splendore ante Ipsum nubes Ipsius transiverunt, Ps. xviii 10, 12, 13 [A.V. 9, 11, 12];

agitur hic de adventu et praesentia Domini in Verbo; `densae tenebrae sub pedibus Ipsius' pro Verbi sensu litterae, similiter `tenebrae aquarum et nubes caelorum'; quod usque isti (x)sensui insit Divinum Verum quale est in caelis, significatur per quod `posuerit tenebras latibulum Suum'; et quod ad praesentiam Domini {5}appareat sensus internus qualis est in caelo, in sua gloria, significatur per quod `a splendore ante Ipsum nubes Ipsius transeant': apud Nahum, Jehovae in procella et tempestate via, et nubes pulvis pedum Ipsius, i 3;

etiam ibi `nubes' pro Verbo in sensu litterae, qui etiam est `procella et tempestas, in qua Jehovae via.' Quando apud hominem translucet verum Divinum, quale est 6 in caelo, {6}ex ipso sensu litterae, tunc hic sensus describitur per `pedes' et per `splendorem eorum sicut aeris laevigati,' ut quoque apud Danielem, Sustuli oculos meos et vidi, ecce vir unus indutus linteis, cujus lumbi cincti auro Uphasi, et corpus ejus sicut tarshish, et facies Ipsius sicut facies fulguris, et oculi Ipsius sicut faces ignis, brachia Ipsius et pedes Ipsius sicut splendor aeris laevigati et vox verborum Ipsius sicut vox turbae, x 5, 6;

hic per `virum indutum linteis' in sensu supremo intelligitur Dominus, et quia Dominus, etiam intelligitur {7}Divinum Verum quod ab Ipso, nam Divinum Verum quod a Domino est Ipse Dominus in caelo et in Ecclesia; verum Divinum seu Dominus in ultimis intelligitur per `brachia et pedes sicut splendor aeris laevigati,' tum per `vocem verborum Ipsius sicut vox turbae'; similiter apud Ezechielem i 7. 7 Status Ecclesiae successivus in hac tellure (x)quoad receptionem veri Divini procedentis a Domino etiam intelligitur per statuam visam Nebuchadnezari, apud Danielem, Caput statuae aurum, pectus ejus et brachia ejus argentum, venter ejus et femora aes, crura ejus ferrum,pedes ejus ex parte ferrum et ex parte argilla, quae non cohaerebant; et lapis ex petra contrivit ferrum, argillam, aes, argentum, et aurum, ii 32, 33, [34, 35,] 43 [,45];

primus status Ecclesiae quoad receptionem veri {8} procedentis a Domino est `aurum,' quoniam per `aurum' significatur bonum caeleste, quod est bonum amoris in Dominum, n. 113, 1551, 1552, 5658, 8932, secundus per `argentum,' quod est bonum spirituale, quod est bonum fidei in Dominum et charitatis erga proximum, n. 1551, 2954, 5658, 7999, tertius per `aes,' {9}quod est bonum naturale, n. 425, 1551, et quartus per `ferrum,' quod est verum naturale, n. 425, 426; `argilla' est falsum, quod non cohaeret cum vero et bono; quod `lapis ex petra contriverit ferrum, aes, argentum, et aurum' significat (m)quod Ecclesia quoad receptionem veri ex Verbo pereat, cum falsum et malum confirmantur per sensum litterae Verbi,(n) quod fit cum Ecclesia in ultimo suo statu est, quando non amplius in aliquo caelesti amore sed solum in mundano et corporeo; tale fuit Verbum quoad receptionem ejus apud gentem Judaicam cum Dominus in mundum venit, et tale est apud plerosque Verbum hodie, usque adeo ut ne quidem sciatur quod aliquid internum sit in Verbo; et si diceretur quod sit et quale sit, non recipiatur; cum tamen in antiquissimis temporibus, quae significata sunt per `aurum,' in Verbi sensu litterae nihil aliud visum sit quam caeleste paene abstracte a littera. Ex his nunc constare potest quod per `Deum Israelis visum sub pedibus' significetur Verbum in sensu ultimo, qui est sensus litterae. @1 quoque$ @2 i in particulari apud unumquemvis hominem, qui est Ecclesia, et apud omnes in communi,$ @3 est bonum et verum naturale correspondens$ @4 i ita pro Ipso Domino,$ @5 pateat$ @6 in$ @7 Verum Divinum altered to Divinum Verum$ @8 i Divini$ @9 autem$

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