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属天的奥秘 第10244节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10244

10244. That they die not. That this signifies lest the representative perish, is evident from the signification of "dying," when said of the ministration of Aaron and of his sons, as being the cessation of the representatives, and consequently of conjunction with heaven (see n. 9928). The case herein is this. In the church that existed with that nation, conjunction with heaven, and through heaven with the Lord, was solely by means of representatives, that is, by means of external things that represented internal ones; and therefore as soon as they did not minister according to the prescribed rituals, the representative perished, and with it conjunction with heaven. And when conjunction with heaven perished, they had no protection against hell. Hence the death of the sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, for they put incense upon strange fire (Lev. 10:1, 2), by which was represented worship from some other love than the love of the Lord. Hence their separation from heaven, and extinction. The like would have happened if Aaron or his sons had come near to minister unwashed; for thus they would have represented worship not from heaven, but profane, which is from hell. From all this it is evident that by "dying," when said of the ministration of Aaron and of his sons, is signified the extinction of the representatives, and consequently of conjunction with the heavens.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10244

10244. 'That they may not die' means so that what is representative may not be lost. This is clear from the meaning of 'dying', when it refers to the services performed by Aaron and his sons, as the demise of things that were representative and consequently of a link with heaven, dealt with in 9928. The implications of this are that in the Church established among that nation a link with heaven, and through heaven with the Lord, was achieved solely by means of things that were representative, that is, by means of external things that represented internal ones. Therefore as soon as they ceased to perform priestly functions according to the prescribed rituals, that which was representative was lost, and with it the joining to heaven. And when the link with heaven was lost they had no protection against hell. This accounts for the death of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu; for they placed incense onto foreigna fire, Lev 10:1,2. Their action represented worship springing from a love other than that of the Lord, as a consequence of which they were separated from heaven and annihilated. The consequences would have been the same if Aaron or his sons had drawn near to serve without washing; for then they would have represented worship that did not spring from heaven, but profane worship which came from hell. From all this it is evident that 'dying', when it refers to the services performed by Aaron and his sons, means the annihilation of things that were representative and consequently of the joining to heaven.


a i.e. unauthorized or profane

Latin(1748-1756) 10244

10244. `Ne moriantur': quod significet ne pereat repraesentativum, constat ex significatione `mori' cum de ministratione Aharonis et filiorum ejus, quod sit cessatio repraesentativorum, et inde conjunctionis cum caelo, de qua n. 9928. Cum his ita se habet: conjunctio cum caelo, et per caelum cum Domino, in Ecclesia apud illam gentem, erat unice per repraesentativa, hoc est, per externa quae (x)repraesentabant interna; quapropter ut primum non ministrabant secundum praescripta ritualia, periit repraesentativum, et cum illo conjunctio cum caelo: et cum periit conjunctio cum caelo, non {1}aliqua illis tutela contra infernum {2}fuit; inde mors filiorum Aharonis, Nadabi et Abihu, dederunt enim suffimentum super ignem alienum, Lev. x 1, 2, per quod repraesentabatur cultus ex alio amore quam Domini, inde separatio illorum a caelo et exstinctio {3}; similiter contigisset si Aharon {4}aut filii ejus illoti accessissent ad ministrandum, {5}nam sic repraesentavissent cultum non e caelo, sed profanum, qui ab inferno; ex quibus patet quod per `mori' cum de ministratione Aharonis et filiorum ejus, significetur exstinctio repraesentativorum, et inde conjunctionis cum caelis. @1 amplius illis aliqua$ @2 erat, ita nec contra mortem$ @3 i Levit. x 1 seq$ @4 et$ @5 sic enim$

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