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属天的奥秘 第9928节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9928

9928. That he die not. That this signifies that the representative does not perish, and therewith the conjunction with the heavens, is evident from the signification of "dying," when said of Aaron and his office, as being the ceasing of the representatives, and consequently of conjunction with the heavens; for by Aaron was represented the Lord, and by his office the whole work of salvation, and on the part of man, worship. That this worship was representative, and that by means of representative worship there was conjunction with the heavens, has been abundantly shown. (See the places cited in n. 9320; also what was the representative of a church with the Israelitish and Jewish nation, n. 9280, 9457, 9481, 9576, 9577; and that the conjunction of the Lord and of heaven with man at that time was by means of representatives, n. 9481.) From this also it was that when Aaron was performing holy things he was clothed with garments that represented heavenly things; and that if he had done otherwise he would have died; especially if he had gone in to perform holy things without the knowledge of the people; for with the people there was the representative of a church, and with Aaron the representative of the Lord, from whom and toward whom is everything of worship.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9928

9928. 'That he may not die' means so that what is representative, and the joining to heaven through it, may not be lost. This is clear from the meaning of 'dying', when the subject is Aaron and his office, as the demise of things that are representative and consequently of the joining to heaven. For Aaron represented the Lord, while his office represented the whole work of salvation, and - on man's part - worship. This worship, as has been shown extensively before, was representative, and through representative worship a joining to heaven was effected, see the places referred to in 9320 (end). It has also been shown what a representative of the Church among the Israelite and Jewish nation was, in 9280, as well as 9457, 9481, 9576, 9577, and that the Lord and heaven were joined to mankind at that time through things that were representative, 9481. So it was also that Aaron wore garments that represented heavenly realities whenever he performed sacred duties, and that if he did otherwise he would die. Especially would he die if he went to perform sacred duties and the people were not aware of it; for with the people that which was representative of the Church existed, and with Aaron that which was representative of the Lord, the Source and the Object of all worship.

Latin(1748-1756) 9928

9928. `Ne moriatur': quod significet ne repraesentativum pereat, et sic conjunctio cum caelis, constat ex significatione `mori' cum de Aharone et ejus officio, quod sit cessatio repraesentativorum, et inde conjunctionis cum caelis; per Aharonem enim repraesentabatur Dominus, et per officium ejus {1}omne opus salvationis, et a parte hominis, cultus; qui cultus quod fuerit repraesentativus, et quod per cultum repraesentativum conjunctio cum caelis, multis (d)prius ostensum est, videantur loca citata n. 9320 fin., tum quid repraesentativum {2}Ecclesiae apud gentem Israeliticam et Judaicam {3}, n. 9280, ut et n. 9457, 9481, 9576, 9577, et quod conjunctio Domini (c)ac caeli cum homine tunc per repraesentativa fuerit, n. 9481; inde quoque fuit quod Aharon indutus esset vestibus, quae {4}repraesentabant caelestia, cum obiret sancta, et quod si aliter fecisset, moreretur; imprimis si ad sancta obeunda iret nesciente populo, nam apud populum erat Ecclesiae repraesentativum, et apud Aharonem repraesentativum Domini, a Quo et ad Quem omne cultus. @1 omnis cultus$ @2 in Ecclesia$ @3 i instituta$ @4 repraesentarent$

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