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属天的奥秘 第10302节


  10302.“又神圣”表没有邪恶的虚假。这从“神圣”的含义清楚可知,“神圣”是指从主发出的神性真理(参看6788749983028330922998189820节),因此“神圣”这个词用来描述没有邪恶的虚假之物。之所以“邪恶的虚假”,是因为没有邪恶,虚假也能存在,如教会之外的民族当中的一些正直之人,甚至教会之内的基督徒当中的一些人的情形。但被邪恶玷污的虚假本身就是邪恶,因为它源于邪恶。然而,存在于那些处于良善之人身上的虚假没有被邪恶玷污,而是从邪恶中洁净。因此,这种虚假被主几乎当作真理接受,也很容易地变成真理;因为那些处于良善的人渴望接受真理。关于两种虚假,即源于邪恶的虚假和非源于邪恶的虚假,可参看9304, 10109节提到的地方。

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Potts(1905-1910) 10302

10302. Holy. That this signifies free from the falsity of evil, is evident from the signification of "holy," as being the Divine truth that proceeds from the Lord (see n. 6788, 7499, 8302, 8330, 9229, 9818, 9820); hence that is called "holy" which is free from the falsity of evil. It is said "the falsity of evil," because there is falsity without evil, as in the case of some good people among the nations outside the church, and also with some among Christians within the church. But in itself the falsity that is defiled by evil is evil, for it is from evil; whereas the falsity with those who are in good is not defiled by evil, but is purified from it. Therefore also such falsity is accepted by the Lord almost as truth, and is also easily turned into truth, for they who are in good are inclined to receive truth. (Concerning falsity, both that from evil, and that not from evil, see at the places cited in n. 9304, 10109.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 10302

10302. 'Holy' means devoid of the falsity of evil. This is clear from the meaning of 'holy' as Divine Truth emanating from the Lord, dealt with in 6788, 7499, 8302, 8330, 9229, 9818, 9820, so that the word 'holy' is used to describe that which is devoid of the falsity of evil. The expression 'the falsity of evil' is used because falsity can exist devoid of evil, as it does with some upright people among nations outside the Church, and even with some among Christians within the Church. But falsity defiled by evil is in itself evil, since it arises from evil. Falsity however existing with those governed by good has not been defiled by evil; rather it has been purified from it. For this reason also such falsity is accepted by the Lord, almost as truth, and is also easily changed into truth; for those governed by good are eager to receive the truth. Regarding the two kinds of falsity, that which arises from evil and that which does not arise from evil, see in the places referred to in 9304, 10109.

Latin(1748-1756) 10302

10302. `Sanctum': quod significet absque falso mali, constat ex significatione `sancti' quod sit Divinum Verum procedens a Domino, de qua n. 6788, 7499, 8302, 8330, 9229, 9818, 9820, inde `sanctum' dicitur quod est absque falso mali. Falsum mali dicitur, quoniam datur falsum absque malo, ut apud quosdam probos inter gentes extra Ecclesiam et quoque apud quosdam inter Christianos intra Ecclesiam, {1}falsum autem inquinatum ex malo est malum in se, est enim inde; at (x)falsum apud illos qui in bono sunt, non inquinatum est ex malo, sed purificatum ab eo; unde etiam tale falsum acceptatur a Domino paene sicut verum, et quoque vertitur facile in verum, nam qui in bono sunt, proclives sunt ad recipiendum verum. De utroque falso, quod ex malo et quod non ex malo, videatur in locis citatis n. 9304, 10,109. @1 sed hac falsum non inquinatum est ex malo; falsum inquinatum ex malo est malum in se, est enim inde, et existit inde$

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