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属天的奥秘 第10307节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10307

10307. And the incense which thou makest in its quality, ye shall not make for yourselves. That this signifies that worship from the holy truths of the church must not be applied in favor of the loves of man, is evident from the signification of "incense," as being worship (see above, n. 10298); from the signification of "making in its quality," as being from the holy truths of the church; for to make in its quality is to make from the same spices, and by the spices, which were stacte, onycha, and galbanum, are signified the holy truths of the church in their order (n. 10292-10294); and from the signification of "not making for yourselves," as being not to apply in favor of one's own uses, thus of one's loves, for that which a man does for the sake of himself, he does for the sake of his loves. Such application is here meant because it is said, "to make for yourselves." [2] How the case herein is, shall also be told. All the truths of the church have regard to two loves, namely, to love to God, and to love toward the neighbor. That the whole Word, which is Divine truth itself, and from which are all the truths of the church, hangs on these two loves, is evident in Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30, 31; and Luke 10:27, where it is said that all the Law and the Prophets hang on these loves, and by "the Law and the Prophets" is signified the whole Word. Quite the contrary, however, is it to apply Divine truth, or the truths of the church, in favor of the loves of man. By so doing a man turns from the Lord to himself, which is to turn from heaven to hell, and becomes as one of the spirits there; for in hell they have the Lord at the back and their own loves in front; nay, when looked at by the angels they appear inverted, with the head downward and the feet upward. [3] When truths Divine are applied in favor of the loves of man, they are no longer truths, because by means of these applications evil enters them, and perverts them, and makes them appear false. If it is then said to such men that they are not so to be understood, but otherwise, they are not willing to apprehend it, and some do not apprehend it; for to say what is contrary to principles confirmed by his loves, is to say what is contrary to the man himself, because contrary to his understanding which is from his will. As regards those who by means of application in favor of their loves falsify truths and adulterate goods, much is said in the Word where Babel is treated of, especially in Revelation.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10307

10307. 'And the incense which you make, according to its composition, you shall not make for yourselves' means that worship consisting of the Church's holy truths must not be attached to the loves that are a person's own. This is clear from the meaning of 'the incense' as worship, dealt with above in 10298; from the meaning of 'making according to its composition' as consisting of the Church's holy truths ('making according to its composition' implies making from the same spices, and those spices - stacte, onycha, and galbanum - mean the Church's holy truths in their proper order, 10292-10294); and from the meaning of 'you shall not make for yourselves' as not attaching to selfish purposes, thus to the loves which are a person's own. For what a person does for the sake of himself he does for the sake of his own selfish loves. An attaching is meant here because it speaks of their making the incense for themselves.

[2] The situation in all this must also be stated. All the truths which the Church possesses have two loves in view - love to God and love towards the neighbour. The whole Word, consisting of Divine Truth itself, from which all the truths that the Church possesses are derived, hangs on those two loves, as is clear in Matthew 22:40; Mark 12:30,31; and Luke 10:27. These places say that all the Law and the Prophets hang on them; and by 'the Law and the Prophets' the whole Word is meant. But it is quite the opposite to attach Divine Truth or the Church's truths to the loves that are a person's own. By doing this the person turns away from the Lord towards self, that is, away from heaven towards hell and becomes as one of those who are there. For those in hell have the Lord behind their back and their own loves before their face. Indeed when seen by angels they appear upside down, with head downwards and feet upwards.

[3] When God's truths become attached to the loves that are a person's own they cease to be truths, because attaching them to those loves allows evil to penetrate them, which perverts them and produces an outward display of falsity from them. But if such people are told that truths should not be treated and understood in that way but in some other, they do not wish to grasp this, and some in fact cannot do so. For to tell anyone something that goes against the assumptions reinforced by his own loves is to go against the actual person; for it is to go against his understanding as governed by his will. Those who falsify truths and adulterate forms of good by attaching them to their own selfish loves are dealt with many times in the Word, where Babel is the subject, in particular in the Book of Revelation.

Latin(1748-1756) 10307

10307. `Et suffimentum, quod facis in qualitate ejus, non facietis vobis': quod significet non applicandum esse cultum ex sanctis Ecclesiae veris ad amores hominis, constat ex significatione `suffimenti' quod sit cultus, de qua supra n. 10,298, ex significatione `facere in qualitate ejus' quod sit ex sanctis Ecclesiae veris, nam facere in qualitate ejus est ex iisdem aromatibus, et per `aromata,' quae fuerunt stacte, onyche, et galbanum, significantur sancta Ecclesiae vera in suo ordine, n. 10,292-10,294, et ex significatione `non facere vobis' quod sit applicare ad {1}usus proprios, ita ad amores ejus, nam quod homo facit propter se, {2} facit propter amores suos; applicatio hic intelligitur, quia dicitur facere sibi. [2] Quomodo cum hoc se habet, etiam dicetur: omnia vera (x)Ecclesiae spectant binos amores,{3} nempe amorem in Deum et amorem erga proximum; quod totum Verbum, quod est ipsum Divinum Verum, ex quo omnia vera Ecclesiae, pendeat a duobus illis amoribus, constat apud Matthaeum xxii (x)38 [A. V. 40]; apud Marcum xii 30, 31; et apud Lucam x 27; dicitur ibi quod omnis Lex et Propheta ab illis pendeat, et per Legem et Prophetam significatur totum Verbum; contrarium autem est applicare Divinum Verum, seu vera Ecclesiae, ad amores hominis; inde homo se vertit a Domino ad semet, quod est a caelo ad infernum, et fit sicut unus illorum ibi, nam in inferno Dominum a tergo habent et amores suos a facie; immo cum inspiciuntur ab angelis, apparent inversi, capite deorsum et pedibus sursum. [3] Cum vera Divina applicantur ad amores hominis, non sunt amplius vera, quoniam malum per applicationes intrat illa, quod pervertit illa, ac inducit faciem falsi; si tunc illis dicitur quod non ita intelligenda sint, sed aliter, non volunt capere, et quidam non capiunt; nam dicere contra principia per amores suos confirmata est contra ipsum hominem, quia contra intellectuale ejus a voluntario ejus. De illis qui per applicationem ad amores suos falsificant vera et (x)adulterant bona, multis in Verbo agitur, ubi de Babele, imprimis in Apocalypsi. @1 amores hominis$ @2 i hoc$ @3 See p. ix preliminary note 1. A ends here.$

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