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属天的奥秘 第10308节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10308

10308. Holy to Jehovah shall it be to thee. That this signifies that worship must be applied in favor of love Divine, is evident from the signification of "holy," as being all that which proceeds from the Lord (as above, n. 10306); and from the signification of "incense," of which it is said that "holy to Jehovah shall it be to thee," as being worship (n. 10298); that it denotes that it is to be applied in favor of love Divine, follows from what immediately precedes, where it is said that they "should not make such incense for themselves," by which is signified that worship from the holy truths of the church must not be applied in favor of the loves of man (n. 10307). By "love Divine" is meant love to the Lord and love toward the neighbor; that the latter love also is Divine, is because it too proceeds from the Lord; for no one can love the neighbor from himself. He who does so from himself, loves the neighbor and confers benefits upon him for the sake of himself, which is to love himself. That the whole Word, which is the Divine truth itself from which are all the truths of the church, has regard to the above-mentioned two loves as ends, see just above (n. 10307); hence also Divine worship must look to the same, because all worship which is truly worship is from truths, as can be seen from what was shown above concerning the spices of the incense, by which are signified the truths of worship; and the truths of worship are applied in favor of Divine love when worship is performed by a man from the Lord (according to what was said above, in n. 10299).

Elliott(1983-1999) 10308

10308. 'It shall be holy to you for Jehovah' means that it must be attached to love that is Divine. This is clear from the meaning of 'holy' as everything that emanates from the Lord, as above in 10306; and from the meaning of the incense, to which the words 'it shall be holy to you for Jehovah' refer, as worship, also dealt with above, in 10298. This meaning - that the worship must be attached to love that is Divine - follows from what has gone immediately before, where it is declared that they should not make such incense for themselves, meaning that worship consisting of the Church's holy truths should not be attached to the loves that are a person's own, 10307. By love that is Divine, love to the Lord and love towards the neighbour should be understood. The reason why this latter love as well is Divine is that it too emanates from the Lord; for no one can love the neighbour from self. Anyone who does so from self loves and confers benefits on his neighbour for selfish reasons; that is, the one he loves is himself. The whole Word, consisting of Divine Truth itself, from which all the truths that the Church possesses are derived, looks to those two loves as ends in view, see immediately above in 10307. Therefore also the worship of God must have those same loves in view, for all worship that is truly worship consists of truths, as becomes clear from what has been shown above regarding the spices of the incense, by which the kinds of truth composing worship are meant. The truths of worship first become attached to Divine Love, when the worship that the person offers begins in the Lord, as accords with what has been stated above in paragraph 10299.

Latin(1748-1756) 10308

10308. `Sanctum erit tibi Jehovae': quod significet applicandum esse cultum ad amorem Divinum, constat ex significatione `sancti' quod sit omne quod procedit a Domino, ut supra n. 10,306, ex significatione `suffimenti,' de quo dicitur quod `sanctum erit tibi Jehovae' quod sit cultus, de qua etiam supra n. 10,298; quod sit quod ille applicandus sit ad amorem Divinum, sequitur ex mox praecedentibus, ubi dicitur quod non facerent tale suffimentum sibi, per quod significatur quod non applicandus sit cultus ex sanctis Ecclesiae veris ad amores hominis, n. 10,307. Per amorem Divinum intelligitur amor in Dominum et amor erga proximum; quod hic amor etiam sit Divinus, est quia is quoque procedit a Domino, nemo enim amare potest proximum ex se; qui ex se, is amat proximum et ei benefacit propter se, quod est amare semet. Quod totum Verbum, quod est ipsum Divinum Verum, ex quo omnia vera Ecclesiae, spectet binos illos amores ut fines, videatur mox supra n. 10,307; inde quoque cultus Divinus eosdem spectabit, quoniam omnis cultus qui vere cultus, est ex veris, ut constare potest ex illis quae de aromatibus suffimenti, per quae significantur vera cultus, supra ostensa sunt; et tunc applicantur vera cultus ad Divinum Amorem, cum ille a Domino apud hominem fit, secundum illa (x)quae supra in articulo n. 10,299 dicta sunt.

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