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属天的奥秘 第10313节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10313

10313. The spirits of our earth declared that they did not dare to approach them, because when they do so they are not only seized with anxiety, but also, from phantasy, they seem to themselves to be as it were bound hand and foot with serpents, from which they cannot be loosed until they retire. Such a phantasy is from correspondence; for the bodily sensuous of man is represented in the other life by serpents, and therefore by "serpents" in the Word is also signified the sensuous, which is the lowest of the life of man.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10313

10313. The spirits belonging to our planet declared that they did not dare to go near them because, when they did so, not only were they seized with anxiety, but also they experienced the delusion of being bound hand and foot to serpents, from which they could not be released until they moved back. Such a delusion is due to correspondence. For a person's physical senses are represented in the next life by serpents, and therefore also in the Word the level of the senses, which is the last and lowest of a person's life, is meant by 'serpents'.

Latin(1748-1756) 10313

10313. Narrabant nostrae telluris spiritus quod non ausint ad illos approximare quoniam cum approximant, non modo anxietate corripiuntur sed etiam apparent sibi ex phantasia sicut ligati quoad manus et pedes serpentibus, e quibus non solvi possent priusquam recedunt; talis phantasia est ex correspondentia, sensuale enim corporeum hominis repraesentatur in altera vita per serpentes; quapropter per serpentes in Verbo etiam significatur sensuale, quod est ultimum vitae hominis.

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