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属天的奥秘 第10314节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10314

10314. As the spirits of that earth are of this nature, they do not appear as do other spirits, in a clearly defined human form, but as a cloud; the better of them as a dusky cloud with a human whiteness scattered about in it. They said that inwardly they are white, and that when they become angels this duskiness is turned into a beautiful blue, which also was shown me.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10314

10314. Since the spirits belonging to that planet are of that nature they do not appear as others do in clearly defined human shapes; instead they look more like a cloud. The better ones among them look like a blackish cloud that has a human whiteness sprinkled over it. They said that inwardly they are shining white, and that when they become angels that blackishness is converted into a beautiful sky-blue, which also I was shown.

Latin(1748-1756) 10314

10314. Quia spiritus illius telluris tales sunt, ideo non apparent sicut alii in perspicua humana forma, sed sicut nubes; meliores eorum sicut nubes nigricans, cui candidum humanum inspersum est; dicebant quod intus candidi sint, et quod cum angeli fiant, nigricans illud vertatur in pulchrum caeruleum, quod etiam mihi ostendebatur.

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