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属天的奥秘 第10315节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10315

10315. I asked them whether they had been in such an idea concerning their bodies when they lived in the world as men. They said that the men of their earth make no account of their bodies, but only of the spirit therein, because they know that the spirit is to live forever, and that the body will perish. The face, however, they do not call the body, because the affections of their spirits appear from the face, and the thoughts that come from the affections, from the eyes. They also said that some in their earth believe that the spirits of their bodies have existed from eternity, and were infused into the body at conception; but they added that now they know that it is not so, and they repent of having been in so false an opinion.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10315

10315. I asked them whether they had also adopted the same attitude towards their body when they lived as people in the world. They said that people belonging to their planet place no value on their body, only on their spirit within the body, because they know that their spirit is going to live forever and their body to perish. They do not however refer to their face as the body, because the affections belonging to their spirit are revealed in their face, while the thoughts resulting from their affections are revealed in their eyes. They also said that very many inhabitants of their planet believe that the spirits within their bodies have existed from eternity, being instilled into the body at conception. But they added that they now knew that this was untrue and that they regretted having possessed such a false notion.

Latin(1748-1756) 10315

10315. Interrogabam illos num in tali idea de corpore suo etiam fuerint cum vixerunt homines in mundo; dicebant quod homines telluris suae nihili faciant corpus suum, sed modo spiritum in corpore, quia sciunt hunc victurum in aeternum et corpus periturum. Sed faciem non vocant corpus, ex causa quia affectiones spiritus eorum ex facie apparent, ac cogitationes quae ex affectionibus, ex oculis. Dicebant etiam quod plures eorum in tellure sua credant spiritus corporum eorum ab aeterno fuisse, infusos corpori dum concepti; sed addebant quod nunc sciant non ita esse, et quod (x)paeniteat illos in tali falsa opinione fuisse.

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