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属天的奥秘 第10345节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10345

10345. And the laver and its base. That this signifies a representative of purification and of regeneration, and also the natural, is evident from the signification of "washing," which was done by means of the water in the laver, as being a representative of purification and regeneration (n. 10237, 10239); from the signification of "the laver," as being the natural of man (n. 10235); and from the signification of "its base," as being the sensuous, which is the ultimate of the natural (n. 10236).

Elliott(1983-1999) 10345

10345. 'And the laver and its pedestal' means that which is representative of purification and regeneration, and the natural degree. This is clear from the meaning of 'washing', which was accomplished by means of the water in the laver, as that which is representative of purification and regeneration, dealt with in 10237, 10239; from the meaning of 'the laver' as the natural degree within a person, dealt with in 10235; and from the meaning of 'its pedestal' as the level of the senses, which is the last and lowest of the natural degree, dealt with in 10236.

Latin(1748-1756) 10345

10345. `Et labrum et basin ejus': quod significet repraesentativum purificationis et regenerationis, ac naturale, constat ex significatione `lavationis' quae per aquam in labro fiebat, quod sit repraesentativum purificationis et regenerationis, de qua n. 10,237, 10,239, (d)et ex significatione `labri' quod sit naturale hominis, de qua n. 10,235, et ex significatione `baseos ejus' quod sit sensuale, quod est ultimum naturalis, de qua n. 10,236.

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