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属天的奥秘 第10344节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10344

10344. And the altar of burnt-offering and all its vessels. That this signifies a representative of worship from the good of love and the truths thereof, is evident from the signification of "the altar of burnt-offering," as being a representative of the Lord and of the worship of Him from the good of love (see n. 9714, 9964, 10123, 10151, 10242, 10245); and from the signification of "its vessels," as being truths that are of service to good (see n. 9723, 9724).

Elliott(1983-1999) 10344

10344. 'And the altar of burnt offering and all its vessels' means that which is representative of worship springing from the good of love and its truths. This is clear from the meaning of 'the altar of burnt offering' as that which is representative of the Lord and of worship of Him that springs from the good of love, dealt with in 9714, 9964, 10123, 10151, 10242, 10245; and from the meaning of 'its vessels' as the truths which serve that good, dealt with in 9723, 9724.

Latin(1748-1756) 10344

10344. `Et altare holocausti et omnia vasa ejus': quod significet repraesentativum cultus ex bono amoris et ejus veris, constat ex significatione `altaris holocausti' quod sit repraesentativum Domini ac Ipsius cultus ex bono amoris, de qua n. 9714, 9964, 10,123, 10,151, 10,242, 10,245, et ex significatione `vasorum ejus' quod sint vera inservientia bono, de qua n. 9723, 9724.

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