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属天的奥秘 第1040节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1040. The symbolism of and every living soul that is with you as everything in us that has been reborn can be seen from the symbolism of a living soul, discussed above at verse 10 [1026].
In the Word, a soul symbolizes all life, both our inner life and our outer life, as I have said [1000, 1005]. It symbolizes the life in animals as well, for the reason that animals symbolize human traits. Strictly speaking, however, a living soul means something that receives life from the Lord, or in other words, something that has been regenerated, since only something regenerate is alive. And because a soul symbolizes both our inner and our outer life, a living soul symbolizes the whole range of attributes that have been reborn in us.
We have inside us properties of will and properties of intellect, which are quite distinct from each other. Every single effect of those properties is alive in a person who is alive.
[2] This is the situation: Whatever we ourselves are like, that is what everything in us is like. Life itself as a general force is present in every single element in us, because out of individual elements — specifics, so to speak — rises a general whole. Otherwise no general whole could possibly exist, since a thing is called general because it is made up of specifics. The quality of our life in general, then, determines the quality of our life in particular and even in the most specific details of all. This includes the details both of our efforts and intentions (our will) and of our thinking. As a result, not the least scintilla of an idea can possibly exist that does not contain the same type of vital force.
Those who are arrogant, for example, display arrogance in each and every thrust of their will and in each and every conception of their thought. Those who are greedy display greed in the same way; those who nurse hatred for their neighbor, likewise. Again, those who are stupid display stupidity in all the particulars of their will and in all the particulars of their thought, while those who are insane display insanity.
As this is what people are like, just a single item of our thought allows others in the next life to recognize our character.
[3] When we are regenerate, every single thing in us is regenerate, or in other words, has life. Indeed it has life just to the extent that our self-will, which is unclean and dead, has been able to be separated from the new will and intellect that the Lord gives us. So since the present verse is speaking of people who have been reborn, the living soul symbolizes everything in them that has been reborn — to put it generally, the contents of their intellect and will, on both deeper and shallower planes. Verse 10. above uses the words bird and beast and the words wild animal of the earth to stand for these things, since it says, "I am setting up my pact with every living soul: bird, beast, and wild animal of the earth."

Potts(1905-1910) 1040

1040. And every living soul that is that with you. That this signifies all things in man that have been regenerated, is evident from the signification of "living soul" shown above at verse 10. For "soul" in the Word signifies, as before said, all man's life both internal and external, and even that of animals from their signifying what is in man. But that is properly a "living soul" which receives life from the Lord, that is, which is regenerate, because this alone is living. And because "soul" signifies man's life both internal and external, "living soul" signifies in one complex all things in man that have been regenerated. In man there are things of the will and things of the understanding, the two being most distinct; and with a living man all of these both in general and in particular are also living; for the fact is that such as a man is, such are all things in him both in general and in particular; his general life itself is in everything. [2] For every general is derived from all the component items, as from its own particulars; in no other way can any general come into existence, for it is called a general because it comes forth from particulars. Therefore such as is a man's life in general, such is it in the most minute atoms of his effort and intention-that is, of his will-and in the most minute atoms of his thought; so that there cannot be the smallest bit of an idea in which the life is not the same. As for example with a haughty man; in every single effort of his will and in every single idea of his thought there is haughtiness; with him who is covetous there is in like manner covetousness, and so with him who hates his neighbor; just as with the stupid man there is stupidity in everything of his will and everything of his thought, and with him who is insane there is insanity. Since this is the nature of man, in the other life his quality is known from a single idea of his thought. [3] When a man has been regenerated, then all things in him, both in general and in particular, have also been regenerated, that is, have life, and the life they have bears an exact proportion to the degree in which his own will-which is foul and dead-could be separated from the new will and intellectual that he has received from the Lord. Therefore as the subject here treated of is the regenerated man, the "living soul" signifies all things in the man that have been regenerated, which, in general, are all the things of his understanding and of his will, both interior and exterior, and which were expressed before, in the tenth verse, by the "fowl, the beast, and the wild animal of the earth;" for it is said, "I establish My covenant with every living soul that is with you, the fowl, the beast, and the wild animal of the earth."

Elliott(1983-1999) 1040

1040. 'And every living soul that is with you' means all things with a person that have been regenerated. This is clear from the meaning of 'a living soul', dealt with above at verse to. In the Word, as has been stated, soul' means all life - man's internal life as well as external, and also that in living creatures since these mean the things that exist in man. But strictly speaking 'living soul' is that which receives life from the Lord, that is, which has been regenerated, for this alone is living. And because soul' means the life, internal as well as external, with man, 'living soul' embraces in meaning all things with a person that have been regenerated. Residing with man there are things of the will and things of the understanding, the former entirely distinct and separate from the latter; and with a living man every single one of those things is living. For the implications are that as is a person's character so is every single thing residing with him. The life itself that is general to the whole is present in every individual part, for the whole has its origins in the individual parts, as its own particulars. If this were not so no general whole could possibly arise, for it is called general because it arises out of particulars.

[2] As is a person's life in general therefore, so is his life in every individual part, indeed in the smallest individual parts of his motives and intentions - that is, of his will - and in the smallest individual parts of his thinking; so that not the least part of an idea can exist in which the same life is not present. Take someone who is arrogant: arrogance is present in every individual endeavour of his will and in every individual idea of his thought. With someone who is avaricious avarice is in a similar way present, as is hatred with one who hates the neighbour. Or take someone who is stupid: stupidity is present in every individual part of his will and also of his thought, as is insanity with one who is insane. Such being the nature of man, his character is recognized in the next life from one single idea of his thought.

[3] Once a person has been regenerated every single thing with him has been regenerated. That is, everything has life, the amount of life depending on the degree to which his own will, which is filthy and dead, could be separated from the new will and understanding which he has received from the Lord. Consequently as the person who is regenerate is the subject here 'a living soul' means all things with him that have been regenerated. These, in general, constitute the things of his understanding and of his will, interior as well as exterior. They have been expressed in verse to above as 'birds and beasts, and wild animals of the earth', for it is said, 'I am establishing My covenant with every living soul - with birds, with beasts, and with wild animals of the earth'.

Latin(1748-1756) 1040

1040. 'Et inter omnem animam vivam quae vobiscum': quod significet omnia quae apud hominem regenerata sunt, constat ex significatione 'animae vivae,' de qua supra ad vers. 10. 'Anima' enim in Verbo significat, ut dictum, omnem vitam, tam hominis internam quam externam, etiam animalium ex eo quod significent illa quae in homine; sed proprie 'anima viva' est quod vitam accipit a Domino, hoc est, quod regeneratum est, quia hoc solum vivit; et quia 'anima' significat vitam tam internam quam externam apud hominem, 'anima viva' significat in uno complexu omnia quae apud hominem regenerata sunt: apud hominem sunt voluntaria et sunt intellectualia, inter se distinctissima, omnia et singula quae inde, apud hominem vivum, 'viva' sunt: ita enim se res habet, qualis est homo talia sunt omnia et singula apud eum; ipsa vita communis est in singulis, nam a singulis, ut a suis particularibus, est commune, aliter nusquam aliquod commune existit, nam commune dicitur quia a particularibus existit; [2] quare qualis est hominis vita in communi, talis est ejus vita in singularibus, immo in singularissimis ejus conatus et intentionis seu voluntatis, et in singularissimis ejus cogitationis, sic ut non dari queat minimum ideae in quo non similis vita est; ut qui fastuosus est, in ejus singulis conaminibus voluntatis, et in ejus singulis ideis cogitationis, est fastuosum; qui avarus est, est avarum similiter; qui odio habet proximum, similiter; sicut qui stupidus, in singulis ejus voluntatis et in singulis ejus cogitationis, est stupidum; et qui insanus, est insanum; quia talis est homo, ideo in altera vita ex solum unica idea cogitationis ejus noscitur qualis est; [3] cum homo regeneratus est, tunc omnia et singula apud hominem regenerata sunt; hoc est, vitam habent, et quidem tantum vitae quantum separari potuit ejus proprium voluntarium, quod spurcum et mortuum est, a novo voluntario et intellectuali quod accepit a Domino; quare hic quia de regenerato agitur, 'anima viva' significat omnia quae apud hominem regenerata sunt; quae in communi sunt ejus intellectualia et voluntaria, tam interiora quam exteriora, quae supra vers. 10 expressa sunt per 'avem, et bestiam, et per feram terrae,' nam dicitur 'erigo foedus Meum cum omni anima viva, ad avem, ad bestiam, et ad feram terrae.'

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