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属天的奥秘 第10484节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10484

10484. And said, Who is for Jehovah? Come unto me. That this signifies those who are in external things from what is internal, is evident from the representation of Moses, as being the internal (see n. 10468). And whereas the internal of man is in heaven, and his external is in the world; and heaven enters with man through the internal into the external, it is evident that by "those who are for Jehovah" are meant those who are in external things from what is internal. When it is said that heaven enters, the meaning is that the Lord enters, because the Divine of the Lord makes heaven. That these are signified is evident also from the fact that these are here opposed to those who are in external things separate from what is internal; and also that by the sons of Levi who were gathered together unto Moses are represented those who are in truths from good; and those who are in truths from good are in external things from what is internal.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10484

10484. 'And said, Whoever is for Jehovah, [come] to me' means those whose concern for external things springs from what is internal. This is clear from the representation of 'Moses' as the internal, dealt with in 10468; and since a person's internal resides in heaven and his external in the world, and heaven comes into a person's external by way of the internal, it is evident that by 'those who are for Jehovah' those people whose concern for external things springs from what is internal should be understood. When it is said that heaven comes in, the Lord's doing so should be understood, because that which is Divine and the Lord's constitutes heaven. It is also evident that these people are meant from the consideration that they are opposed to those whose interest lies in external things separated from what is internal. It is further evident from the consideration that the sons of Levi who gathered themselves to Moses represent those who are in possession of truths springing from good; and with those in possession of truths springing from good the concern for external things springs from what is internal.

Latin(1748-1756) 10484

10484. `Et dixit, Quis Jehovae, ad me': quod significet qui in externis sunt ab interno, constat ex repraesentatione `Moschis' quod sit internum, de qua n. 10,468; et quia internum hominis est in caelo, ac externum ejus in mundo, ac caelum intrat per internum in externum apud hominem, patet quod per illos qui Jehovae intelligantur qui in externis ex interno; cum dicitur quod caelum intret, intelligitur quod Dominus, quoniam Divinum Domini facit caelum {1}; quod illi {2} significentur, patet etiam ex eo quod opponantur illis qui in externis sunt separatis ab {3} interno; et quoque quod per filios Levi, qui ad Moschen congregati sunt, repraesententur illi qui in veris sunt ex bono; et qui in veris sunt ex bono, in externis ab interno sunt. @1 et quod qui in externis sunt ex interno, sint Jehovae, nam ut supra aliquoties ostensum est, internum hominis est in coelo, ac externum ejus est in mundo, ac coelum intrat per internum in externum apud hominem: cum dicitur quod coelum intret, intelligitur quod Dominus, quoniam Divinum Domini facit coelum; inde patet, quod per illos qui Jehovae, intelligantur qui in externis ex interno sunt$ @2 hi$ @3 absque$

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