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属天的奥秘 第10483节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10483

10483. And Moses stood in the gate of the camp. That this signifies where the opening to hell is, is evident from the representation of Moses, as being the internal (of which above, n. 10468); from the signification of "in the gate," as being where there is an opening (of which below); and from the signification of "the camp," as being hell (n. 10458). The reason why Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and did not enter into the camp itself, was in order that it might be represented that what is internal cannot enter into hell; for by Moses was represented what is internal, and by the camp was represented hell. For all who are in hell are in things external separate from what is internal, because they are in the loves of self and of the world, and therefore what is internal cannot enter there, because it is not received, but is at once rejected by some who are there; with some it is suffocated and extinguished; and with others it is perverted. Whether you say "what is internal," or "heaven," it is the same, because heaven is in what is internal; it is in the internal of the Word, and in the internal of the church and of worship; consequently it is in the internal of the man who is in celestial and spiritual love; that is, in love to the Lord and in charity toward the neighbor. [2] It shall be briefly told what is this opening of hell which is signified by "the gate of this camp." Every hell is closed round about; but is opened above according to necessity and need. This opening is into the world of spirits, which world is midway between heaven and hell, for there the hells terminate upward, and the heavens downward (n. 5852). It is said that they are opened according to necessity and need, because every man has with him spirits from hell and angels from heaven. The spirits from hell are in his bodily and worldly loves, and the angels from heaven are in his heavenly and spiritual loves, for without the presence of spirits no man can possibly live. If spirits were removed from him, he would fall down as dead as a stone. Consequently in order that man may have life according to his loves, the hells are of necessity opened, and according to need, and from them such spirits come forth to him as are in similar loves. [3] This opening is what is meant by "the gate of hell," and such openings it has sometimes been granted me to see. The gates are guarded by the Lord by means of angels, to prevent more spirits coming forth than is needful. From this it is evident what is signified in the Word by "the gates of hell," and by "the gates of enemies," as in Matthew:

Jesus said unto Peter, Upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matt. 16:18);

"the gates of hell not prevailing" denotes that the hells will not dare to go forth and destroy the truths of faith; "the rock upon which the church is built" denotes faith from the Lord in the Lord, which faith is the faith of charity, because charity is in this faith and thus is one with it. (That a "rock" denotes this faith may be seen in the preface to the twenty-second chapter of Genesis, and also in n. 8581, 10438; and that real faith is charity, in n. 654, 1162, 1176, 1608, 2228, 2343, 2349, 2419, 2839, 3324, 4368, 6348, 7039, 7623-7627, 7752-7762, 8530, 9154, 9224, 9783.) [4] The like is also signified by the words:

Thy seed shall inherit the gate of thine enemies (Gen. 22:17; 24:60);

"to inherit the gate of enemies" denotes to destroy the evils and falsities which are from hell; and this was also represented by the driving out and destruction of the nations in the land of Canaan; for the nations there represented evils and falsities which are from hell (see n. 1573, 1574, 1868, 4818, 6306, 8054, 8317, 9320, 9327). Also in David:

They that dwell in the gate plot against me; they that drink strong drink sing and dance (Ps. 69:12). Happy is the man that hath filled his quiver; they shall not be ashamed, for they shall speak with the enemies in the gate (Ps. 127:5). [5] But in a good sense "gates" denote an opening into heaven, as in David:

Lift up your head, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in (Ps. 24:7-10). Moreover by "gates" in the Word is signified entrance into heaven and into the church by means of truth and good; and also the influx of truth and good with man.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10483

10483. 'And Moses stood in the gate of the camp' means where the opening to hell is situated. This is clear from the representation of 'Moses' as the internal, dealt with above in 10468; from the meaning of 'in the gate' as where the opening is situated, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'the camp' as hell, also dealt with above, in 10458. The reason why Moses stood in the gate of the camp and did not go inside the actual camp was in order that the impossibility for the internal to enter hell might be represented; for Moses represented the internal and the camp represented hell. The interest of all those in hell lies in external things separated from what is internal, because self-love and love of the world rule within them. Therefore what is internal cannot go in there since it is not received. Instead some who are there immediately reject it, some smother it and snuff it out, and some pervert it. Whether you say the internal or heaven, it amounts to the same thing; for heaven constitutes what is internal, not only the internal side of the Word but also the internal side of the Church and of worship, consequently the internal of the person who has celestial and spiritual love reigning within him, that is, love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour.

[2] What hell's opening is, meant by 'the gate' of this camp, must be stated briefly. Each hell is closed all the way around it, but it is opened above as necessity and need demand. It is an opening into the world of spirits, the world that lies midway between heaven and hell; for that world serves as the upper boundary of the hells and as the lower boundary of the heavens, 5852. The reason for saying that they are opened as necessity and need demand is that each person in the world has spirits present with him from hell, and angels from heaven. The spirits from hell are present in his bodily and worldly loves, and the angels from heaven in those which are celestial and spiritual; for without the spirits the person can have no life at all. If the spirits were taken away from him he would drop dead as a stone. Consequently to enable a person to lead a life in keeping with his loves the hells are opened of necessity and as need demands, and from there such spirits come out to him as are ruled by loves similar to his.

[3] That opening is what should be understood by the gate of hell. I have been allowed several times to see such openings. They are gates which the Lord guards by means of angels, to stop more spirits than are needed from coming out of there. From this it is evident what 'the gates of hell' and 'the gates of enemies' mean in the Word, as in Matthew,

Jesus said to Peter, On this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Matt 16:18.

'The gates of hell will not prevail' means that the hells will not dare to come out and destroy the truths of faith, 'the rock' on which the Church stands being faith in the Lord received from the Lord. This faith is the faith of charity because it is rooted in charity and for that reason makes one with it.

'The rock' means that faith, see Preface to Genesis 22, and also 8581, 10438. Real faith consists in charity, 654, 1162, 1176, 1608, 2228, 2343, 2349, 2419, 2839, 3324, 4368, 6348, 7039, 7623-7627, 7752-7762, 8530, 9154, 9783, 9924.

[4] The like is also meant by your seed will inherit the gate of their enemies, Gen 22:17; 24:60. 'Inheriting the gate of their enemies' means destroying evils and falsities which come from hell. This was also represented by driving out and destroying the nations in the land of Canaan; for the nations there represented evils and falsities which come from hell, see 1573, 1574, 1868, 4818, 6306, 8054, 8317, 9320, 9327. Also in David,

Those who dwell in the gate plot against me; those who drink strong wine sing songs. Ps 69:12.

In the same author,

Blessed is the man who has filled his quiver. They will not be put to shame, for they will speak with enemies in the gate. Ps 127:5.

'Gates' in the good sense however stands for the opening into heaven. In David,

Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, O eternal doors, and the King of glory will come in. Ps 24:7-10.

In addition admission into heaven and into the Church through truth and good is meant in the Word by 'gates', and also good and truth flowing in and present with a person.

Latin(1748-1756) 10483

10483. `Et stetit Moscheh in porta castrorum': quod significet ubi apertura ad infernum, constat ex repraesentatione `Moschis' quod sit internum, de qua (x)supra n. 10,468, ex significatione `in porta' quod sit ubi apertura, de qua sequitur, et ex significatione `castrorum' quod sint infernum, de qua etiam Supra n. 10,458. Quod Moscheh in porta castrorum steterit (c)et non intraverit ipsa castra, erat causa ut repraesentaretur quod internum non possit intrare in infernum, per Moschen enim repraesentabatur internum, et per castra infernum; omnes enim qui in inferno sunt in externis separatis ab interno sunt, quoniam in amoribus sui et mundi; quapropter internum {1} illuc non potest intrare (t), non enim recipitur, sed apud quosdam (o)qui ibi, rejicitur statim, apud quosdam suffocatur et exstinguitur, et apud quosdam pervertitur; sive dicas internum sive caelum, idem est, nam caelum est in interno, tam in interno Verbi quam in interno Ecclesiae, et cultus, consequenter in interno hominis qui in amore caelesti et spirituali, hoc est, in amore in Dominum et in charitate erga Proximum (o)est. [2] Quid apertura inferni, quae significatur per `portam castrorum horum,' paucis dicetur: unumquodvis infernum clausum est circumcirca, sed {2} (t)aperitur supra secundum necessitatem et indigentiam; apertura illa est {3} in mundum spirituum, (o)qui mundus {4} est medius inter caelum et infernum, ibi enim inferna a superiore terminantur, ac caeli ab inferiore, {5} n. 5852; dicitur quod aperiantur secundum necessitatem et indigentiam, quoniam unusquisque homo apud se spiritus habet ab inferno, (c)ac angelos e caelo; spiritus ab inferno sunt in amoribus ejus corporeis et mundanis, et angeli e caelo in amoribus {6} caelestibus et spiritualibus, (o)nam homo absque spiritibus nequaquam vivere potest; si (x)auferrentur ab illo spiritus, decumberet mortuus sicut lapis; inde ut vita homini sit secundum ejus amores, aperiuntur {7} ex necessitate et secundum indigentiam inferna, unde {8} tales spiritus ad illum exeunt qui in similibus amoribus sunt. [3] Apertura illa est quae intelligitur per portam inferni; tales aperturas aliquoties mihi videre datum est; custodiuntur illae portae a Domino per angelos, ne plures inde spiritus exeant quam secundum opus. Inde patet quid per `portas inferni' et per `portas hostium' significatur in Verbo, ut apud Matthaeum, Jesus dixit ad Petrum, Super hanc petram aedificabo Ecclesiam Meam, et portae inferni non praevalebunt illi, xvi 18;

`portae inferni non praevalebunt' est quod (t)inferna non ausura sint exire et destruere vera fidei, `petra super qua Ecclesia' est fides a Domino in Dominum, quae fides est fides charitatis, quia in hac et cum hac ita unum; quod `petra' sit illa fides, videatur in Praefatione ad Gen. xxii, ac n. 8581, 10,438, et quod (o)ipsa fides sit charitas, n. 654, 1162, 1176, 1608, 2228, (x)2343, 2349, 2419, 2839, 3324, 4368, 6348, 7039, 7623-7627, 7752-7762, 8530, 9154, 9924, 9783. [4] Simile etiam significatur per quod semen tuum hereditabit portas {9} hostium suorum {10}, Gen. xxii 17, xxiv 60; `hereditare portam hostium' est destruere mala et falsa quae ab inferno; quod etiam repraesentatum est per (o)expulsionem et destructionem gentium in terra Canaane, gentes (o)enim ibi repraesentabant mala et falsa quae ab inferno, (o)videatur n. 1573, 1574, 1868, (o)4818, 6306, (o)8054, 8317, 9320, 9327: tum apud Davidem, Excogitant in me habitatores portae, modulantur bibentes siceram, Ps. lxix 13 [A.V. 12]:

apud eundem, Beatus vir qui implevit pharetram suam; non pudefient, quia loquentur cum hostibus in porta, Ps. cxxvii (x)5. [5] `Portae' autem in bono sensu pro apertura in caelum: {11} apud Davidem, Attollite, portae, capita vestra, et extollimini, ostia aeterna, et intrabit Rex gloriae, Ps. xxiv 7-10. Praeterea per `portas' in Verbo significatur introitus in caelum et (o)in Ecclesiam per verum et bonum, et quoque influxus veri et boni apud hominem. @1 After Potest$ @2 at$ @3 datur$ @4 spirituum$ @5 i ita est interstitiale inter infernum et coelum,$ @6 i ejus$ @7 aperiantur$ @8 ubi$ @9 portam$ @10 tuorum AIT$ @11 i ut$

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