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属天的奥秘 第10510节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10510

10510. And Jehovah smote the people. That this signifies the devastation of truth and of good with the Israelitish nation, is evident from the signification of "smiting," as being to destroy (see n. 6761), and in the spiritual sense "to destroy" denotes to deprive someone of the truths and goods of faith and love, which in the Word is called "desolation" and "vastation." The reason why devastation is here signified by "smiting," is that in this chapter the subject treated of is the closing of the internal with the Israelitish nation; and the closing of the internal is devastation in respect to truth and good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10510

10510. 'And Jehovah struck the people' means the ruination of truth and good among the Israelite nation. This is clear from the meaning of 'striking' as destroying, as in 6761, and 'destroying' in the spiritual sense means depriving someone of the truths and forms of the good of faith and love, which in the Word is called desolating and laying waste. The reason why ruination is meant here by 'striking' is that the present chapter has dealt with the shutting off of the internal among the Israelite nation, and the shutting off of the internal constitutes ruination so far as truth and good are concerned.

Latin(1748-1756) 10510

10510. `Et percussit Jehovah populum': quod significet devastationem veri et boni apud gentem Israeliticam, constat ex significatione `percutere' quod sit destruere, ut n. 6761, ac `destruere' in spirituali sensu est deprivare aliquem veris et bonis fidei et amoris, quod in Verbo vocatur desolatio et vastatio. Quod devastatio per `percutere' hic significetur, est quia in hoc capite de occlusione interni apud gentem Israeliticam actum est, et occlusio interni est devastatio quoad verum et bonum. @1 i e mundo$ @2 See p. ix preliminary note 1. A ends here.$ @3 See De Caelo et ejus Mirabilibus et de Inferno$

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