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属天的奥秘 第10511节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10511

10511. Because they had made the calf. That this signifies on account of the worship from infernal love, is evident from the signification of "the calf," as being the delight of the love of self (see above, n. 10407); consequently "to make a calf" denotes worship from the delight of this love, or what is the same, worship from this love. That this love is infernal love has been frequently shown. That by "making the calf" is signified worship, is because "to make it" involves all those things which are said concerning the adoration and worship of it in verses 4-6 of this chapter.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10511

10511. 'Because they made the calf' means on account of the worship brought about by hellish love. This is clear from the meaning of 'the calf' as the delight belonging to self-love, dealt with above in 10407, so that 'making the calf' means worship brought about by the delight belonging to that love, or what amounts to the same thing, worship brought about by that love. The fact that this love is a hellish one has been shown very often. The reason why the expression 'making the calf' means worship is that the making of it entails all that has been stated in verses 4-6 of the present chapter regarding the veneration and worship of it.

Latin(1748-1756) 10511

10511. `Super quod fecerunt vitulum': quod significet propter cultum ex amore infernali, constat ex significatione `vituli' quod sit jucundum amoris sui, de qua supra n. 10407, inde `facere vitulum' est cultus ex jucundo illius amoris, seu quod idem, cultus ex illo amore; qui amor quod sit amor infernalis, saepius ostensum est; quod per `facere vitulum' significetur cultus, est quia facere illum involvit omnia illa quae de adoratione et cultu ejus in versibus 4-6 hujus capitis dicuntur.

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