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属天的奥秘 第10628节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10628

10628. For it is a stiffnecked people. That this signifies although the Israelitish nation does not receive the Divine interiorly, is evident from the signification of "a stiffnecked people," as being one which does not receive influx from the Divine (see n. 10429), thus not the Divine interiorly, for the Divine flows in with man from within. How the case herein is, is evident from what has been shown above concerning the Israelitish nation, namely, that they were in the externals of worship, of the church, and of the Word, and not at all in what is internal, consequently that they were outside the external and not within it. (What it is to be outside the external and not within it, see n. 10551, 10608.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 10628

10628. 'For they are a stiff-necked people' means even though the Israelite nation does not accept what is Divine from an interior level. This is clear from the meaning of 'a stiff-necked people' as those who do not receive the inflow of what is Divine, dealt with in 10429, thus do not accept what is Divine from an interior level; for what is Divine flows into a person from an interior level. The implications of this are clear from what has been shown before regarding the Israelite nation, namely that their interest lay in the external things of worship, the Church, and the Word, and not at all in what was internal, so that they stood outside and not within what was external. What is implied by standing outside and not within what is external, see 10551, 10608.

Latin(1748-1756) 10628

10628. `Quia populus durus cervice ille': quod significet tametsi gens Israelitica non recipit Divinum ab interiore, constat ex significatione `populi duri cervice' quod sit qui non recipit influxum a Divino, de qua n. 10429, ita non Divinum ab interiore, nam Divinum influit ab interiore apud hominem. Quomodo cum {1}his se habet, constat ex illis quae de gente {2}Israelitica prius ostensa sunt, quod nempe in externis cultus, Ecclesiae, et Verbi {3}esset, et prorsus non in interno, proinde extra externum, et non intra; quid sit esse extra externum et non intra, videatur n. 10551, 10608. @1 hoc$ @2 illa$ @3 sit$

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