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属天的奥秘 第10629节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10629

10629. And be propitious unto our iniquity and unto our sin. That this signifies that their interiors may be removed, which abound in falsities and evils, is evident from the signification of being "propitious unto iniquity and unto sin," when said of the external of worship, of the church, and of the Word in which was that people, as being that their interiors may be removed, because they abound in falsities and evils. That these things are signified by these words follows from the connection of the things in the internal sense, in which sense the subject treated of is the church to be instituted with that people. And the church cannot be instituted with any people unless their interiors have been opened, whereby there may be communication with heaven; and the interiors have not been opened except with those who are in the truths of faith from the good of life from the Lord. But with this people the interiors could not be opened, because they thought of nothing else than obtaining eminence and opulence above others by means of the worship of Jehovah; thus they had in mind nothing else than self and the world; and these are what close the interiors toward heaven, and open them toward hell. (That such were the interiors of that nation, which were closed when they were in worship, may be seen at n. 10575.) These therefore are the things which are signified.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10629

10629. 'And pardon our iniquity and our sin' means being so in order that things on an interior level in them, which teem with falsities and evils, may be shifted away. This is clear from the meaning of 'pardoning iniquity and sin', when this refers to the outward form that worship, the Church, and the Word took among the people, as being so in order that things on an interior level in them may be shifted away, because those things teem with falsities and evils. This meaning of these words follows from the train of thought in the internal sense, in which the Church to be established among those people is the subject. A Church cannot be established among any people unless their interiors are open, through which contact with heaven is effected; and those interiors are not open except in the case of those who are guided by truths of faith grounded in goodness of life, derived from the Lord. But the interiors of these people could not be opened up because they thought of the worship of Jehovah as nothing more than a means to obtain pre-eminence over others and to become richer than others, so that they had in mind nothing except themselves and the world. And these interests are what close the interiors in the direction of heaven and open them in the direction of hell. The fact that the interiors of that nation were like this, and that they were closed when they engaged in worship, see 10575. These then are the things that are meant here.

Latin(1748-1756) 10629

10629. `Et propitius sis ad iniquitatem nostram, et ad peccatum nostrum': quod significet ut removeantur interiora eorum quae scatent falsis et malis, constat ex significatione `propitius esse ad iniquitatem et ad peccatum' cum de externo cultus, Ecclesiae, et Verbi, in quo populus, quod sit ut interiora ejus removeantur, quia illa scatent falsis et malis; quod haec per illa verba significentur, sequitur ex serie rerum in sensu interno, in quo agitur de Ecclesia apud illum populum instituenda; et Ecclesia apud aliquem populum institui non potest nisi interiora ejus aperta sint, per quae communicatio {1}fit cum caelo; et interiora non aperta sunt nisi {2} apud illos qui in veris fidei {3}ex bono vitae sunt a Domino; at apud hunc populum interiora non aperiri potuerunt quia per cultum Jehovae nihil aliud cogitabant quam obtinere eminentiam et opulentiam super alios, ita non aliud in animo habuerunt quam se et mundum; et haec sunt quae claudunt interiora versus caelum, et aperiunt ea versus infernum; quod haec fuerint interiora illius gentis, {4}quae clausa cum in cultu erat, videatur n. 10575. Haec itaque sunt quae significantur. @1 sit IT$ @2 i quam$ @3 sunt ex bono vitae$ @4 et quod ideo$

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