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属天的奥秘 第10675节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10675

10675. And I will enlarge thy border. That this signifies the multiplication and extension of truth from good, is evident from the signification of "enlarging the border," as being the multiplication and extension of truth from good (see n. 8063). That this is signified by "enlarging the border," is because insofar as evils and the falsities of evil are removed, so far the truths which are from good are multiplied, because nothing else than evils and the falsities of evil obstructs the influx of truths from the Lord and their multiplication with man; and therefore insofar as evils and falsities are removed, so far truths succeed in their place. [2] This is the case with man's understanding, whether it consists of the truths which are from good, or of the falsities which are from evil. It cannot consist of both together, for they are opposites. And it is the understanding of man which receives truths, and is formed by means of truths; for whatever is in his understanding bears relation to truth. From this it is evident that insofar as the falsities from evil are removed, so far truths from good may be multiplied. This was represented by the driving out of the nations from the land of Canaan, for by the nations therein were represented evils and falsities (see at the places cited in n. 10057); and by the sons of Israel were represented goods and truths. [3] It is said that it is man's understanding which receives truths and is formed by means of truths, because in the proper sense nothing can be called understanding but that which is from the truths which are from good. That which is from the falsities which are from evil is not understanding; because intelligence and wisdom cannot possibly be predicated of falsities from evil, seeing that falsities from evil completely destroy intelligence and wisdom, and bring in insanity and foolishness in their stead; and therefore man's understanding is never opened except when the man perceives and loves truths; and the perception and love of truth are from good. Consequently it is truths from good that are the source of the understanding. [4] He who believes that any person is possessed of an understanding who is able to reason in a skilful manner against the truths of the church, is very much mistaken; for such a person sees nothing within himself, but only outside of himself. To see within one's self is from heaven; to see outside of one's self is from the world. And he who sees only from the world sees from a deceptive light, which light becomes mere thick darkness when light from heaven flows in upon it.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10675

10675. 'And cause your borders to be enlarged' means the multiplication and increase in the range of truth that springs from good. This is clear from the meaning of 'enlarging the border' as the multiplication and increase in the range of truth springing from good, dealt with in 8063. The reason why 'enlarging the borders' has this meaning is that to the extent that evils and the falsities of evil are shifted away, the truths that spring from good are multiplied, because nothing except evils and the falsities arising from them stands in the way to stop truths from flowing in from the Lord and multiplying themselves with a person. To the extent therefore that those evils and falsities are shifted away, truths come in to replace them.

[2] The situation with the understanding part of the human mind is that it must consist either of truths that spring from good or of falsities that arise from evil; it cannot consist of both at one and the same time since they are opposites. The understanding part of the human mind is that which is receptive of and shaped by truths; for whatever is present in a person's understanding has connection with truth. From this it is evident that to the extent that falsities arising from evil are shifted away, truths springing from good are multiplied. This was represented by the expulsion of the nations from the land of Canaan; for the nations there represented evils and falsities, see in the places referred to in 10057(end), and the children of Israel forms of good and truths.

[3] The reason for saying that the understanding part of the human mind is that which is receptive of and shaped by truths is that, to be perfectly correct, nothing else ought to be called the understanding than that which consists of truths springing from good. That which consists of falsities arising from evil is not such, for it cannot possibly be said of falsities arising from evil that they have intelligence and wisdom within them. Falsities arising from evil completely destroy intelligence and wisdom, and replace them with stupidity and foolishness. Consequently the understanding part of a person's mind is undeveloped until the person perceives truths and loves them; and the perception and love of truth follow as a result of good. So it is that truths springing from good are what constitute the understanding.

[4] Anyone who thinks that the person who has developed his understanding because he is able to reason skillfully against the Church's truths is very much mistaken. For he does not see anything [from a source] within himself, only [from a source] outside himself. Seeing [from a source] within himself is doing so from heaven, seeing [from a source] outside himself is doing so from the world. And anyone who sees things solely from the world sees them in an illusory light, which becomes total darkness when the light from heaven enters it.


a i.e. from the centre to the wings of that person's being and life

Latin(1748-1756) 10675

10675. `Et dilatari faciam terminum tuum': quod significet multiplicationem et extensionem veri ex bono, constat ex significatione `dilatare terminum' quod sit multiplicatio et extensio veri ex bono, de qua n. 8063; quod hoc per `dilatare terminum' significetur, est quia quantum removentur mala et falsa mali, tantum multiplicantur vera quae ex bono, quoniam nihil aliud obstat quin a Domino influant vera, ac se multiplicent apud hominem, quam mala et inde falsa; {1}quare quantum haec removentur tantum loco eorum succedunt vera. [2] Cum intellectuali hominis ita se habet: sive id constabit ex veris quae ex bono {2}sive ex falsis quae ex malo, ex utrisque simul non constare potest, sunt enim opposita; ac intellectuale hominis est quod recipit vera ac formatur per vera, nam quicquid in {3}intellectu ejus est se refert ad verum; inde patet quod quantum falsa ex malo removentur tantum multiplicentur {4} vera ex bono; hoc repraesentatum est per expulsionem gentium e terra Canaane, nam per gentes ibi repraesentata sunt mala et {5} falsa, videatur in locis citatis n. (x)10057 fin., et per filios Israelis {6}bona et vera. [3] Dicitur quod intellectuale hominis sit quod recipit vera et formetur per vera quoniam non aliud {7}in proprio sensu dicendum est intellectuale quam quod a veris ex bono est; quod (c)a falsis ex malo non est intellectuale, intelligentia enim et sapientia nusquam praedicari potest de falsis ex malo, nam falsa ex malo prorsus destruunt intelligentiam et sapientiam, et loco earum inferunt insaniam et stultitiam; quapropter intellectuale hominis nusquam aperitur quam cum homo percipit et amat vera, et perceptio et amor veri est ex bono; inde est quod sint vera ex bono, ex quibus intellectuale. [4] Qui credit quod ei intellectuale sit, qui dextre ratiocinari potest contra vera Ecclesiae, maxime fallitur, is enim nihil videt intra se sed extra se; videre intra se est e caelo, videre extra se est ex mundo; et qui ex mundo solum videt, is ex lumine fatuo videt, quod lumen fit mera caligo cum in illud influit lux e caelo.

@1 quapropter$ @2 vel$ @3 intellectuali$ @4 i ibi$ @5 i inde$ @6 vera et bona$ @7 dicitur$

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