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属天的奥秘 第10676节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10676

10676. And no one shall covet thy land. That this signifies aversion for such things as are of the church on the part of those who are in evils and the falsities of evil, is evident from the signification of "not coveting," when said of those who are in evils and the falsities of evil, when they see and perceive goods and the truths of good, as being to feel aversion, for there is a perpetual enmity between evils and goods; evils being averse to and hating goods; and goods being averse to evils, and putting them to flight, or shunning them; and from the signification of "land," as being the church and whatever is of the church (see at the places in n. 9325).

Elliott(1983-1999) 10676

10676. 'And no one will covet your land' means a loathing of such things as belong to the Church on the part of those steeped in evils and the falsities of evil. This is clear from the meaning of 'not coveting' - when used in reference to those steeped in evils and the falsities of evil, when these see and recognize forms of good and the truths of good - as loathing, for between evils and forms of good there is unceasing enmity (evils loathe forms of good and hate them, and forms of good loathe evils and put them to flight or else flee from them); and from the meaning of 'land' as the Church and whatever belongs to the Church, dealt with in the places referred to in 9325.

Latin(1748-1756) 10676

10676. `Et non concupiscet quisquam terram tuam': quod significet aversationem talium quae Ecclesiae apud illos qui in malis et falsis mali sunt, constat ex significatione `non concupiscere' cum de illis qui in malis et falsis mali sunt, cum vident et percipiunt bona et vera boni, quod sit aversari, nam inter mala et bona est perpetua inimicitia; mala aversantur bona, et odio habent illa, et bona aversantur mala, et fugant aut fugiunt illa; et ex significatione `terrae' quod sit Ecclesiae et quicquid Ecclesiae, de qua in locis citatis n. 9325.

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