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属天的奥秘 第10708节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10708

10708. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE FOURTH EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. When I inquired further about their way of speaking, they said that the inhabitants of that earth have not articulate speech, such as I have; but still it ends in what is sonorous with a kind of speaking as it were articulate. It was explained that this quasi-articulate speaking is not effected by means of words; but by means of ideas, such as are in the proximate thought in which a man is when he is speaking. These ideas are distinctly different from those of the interior thought in which a man is when he is not speaking, but is forming a judgment about things. From this sonorousness thus modified by means of ideas the discourse is perceived more fully than is discourse by means of words; for the general affection which is in the sound of man's speech, being thus modified by ideas, gives a more interior and thus a fuller perception.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10708


When I asked them to tell me more about the way in which they communicated with one another they said that the speech of inhabitants on that planet was not articulateda as mine was, but that it nevertheless involved an emission of sounds that in some way resembled articulated speech. They explained what this kind of speech was like, namely that it did not involve the use of spoken words but of ideas, the sort that are at the forefront of a person's mind when he is actually speaking. These ideas are wholly different from those which the person is contemplating on a deeper level when he is not speaking but judging things. From the emission of sounds regulated in this way by ideas, what is being communicated is discerned more fully than anything communicated by the use of spoken words. For the overall affection present in the sound made by a person when he speaks, regulated in that manner by his ideas, leads to a deeper and so fuller discernment of what is being communicated.


a i.e. divided into separate words or sounds

Latin(1748-1756) 10708

10708. Continuatio de Quarta Tellure in Caelo Astrifero

Cum de sermone eorum ulterius quaerebam, dicebant quod {1}incolis non sit loquela articulata sicut apud me, sed quod usque desinat in sonorum cum aliqua locutione quasi articulata; {2}explicabatur, qualis esset locutio quasi articulata, quod nempe locutio esset non per voces sed per ideas, quales sunt in cogitatione proxima {3}in qua homo est cum loquitur; quae ideae plane differunt ab ideis cogitationis interioris in qua homo est cum non loquitur ac cum judicat res; ex sonoro illo sic per ideas modificato {4}percipitur sermo plenius quam {5} sermo per voces, nam affectio communis quae est {6}in sono loquelae hominis, ita per ideas modificata, dat apperceptionem interiorem et sic pleniorem.{7} @1 non illis esset$ @2 quasi articulata dicitur, quia non est loquutio$ @3 e$ @4 d appercipitur i auditur$ @5 i si$ @6 in sonoro hominis loquentis, sic per ideas modificata, dat apperceptionem interiorem, et sic intellectum pleniorem. Beneath this number is the following note: loquela per ideas est magis cogitativa et spiritualis, et dat intellectum pleniorem, This appears in the middle of a column, the rest of which is blank. The next column commences with n. 10726.$ @7 See p. ix preliminary note I. A ends here.$

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