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属天的奥秘 第10709节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10709

10709. They said, further, that when they are speaking among themselves, they for the most part advance to the ninth use, and that there are some in the universe who in speaking advance to the fifth use, some to the seventh, to the tenth, to the fifteenth, to the twentieth, and even to the fiftieth. When I wondered what this meant it was explained, namely, that it consists in speaking remotely from the thing that is the subject of the discourse. This was illustrated by examples, as for instance, when someone is in a place of worship, and it is asked where he is, they do not say that he is there, but that he is not at home, that he is far from his house, and so on. By this they mean that he is with God, thus in the place of worship, for he who is in a place of worship is with God, and insofar as he is with God he is not at home, or in his own house; by being in his own house they also mean being at home. To take another example: When someone binds another by such things as are of his love, they say to him, "thou knowest how to do it," or "now thou art in it," or "now it is in thee," or otherwise, provided it is remotely expressed. This is called speaking to the fifth, the ninth, the fifteenth, the twentieth, even to the fiftieth use. To "speak to the use" is a customary expression in heaven; and its meaning is according to the degree of the remoteness from the thing which is the subject. And wonderful to say, when anyone speaks in this remote manner, they at once know to what degree it goes without counting it. They who are in the cogitative speech in which are the inhabitants of that earth, and many others who in like manner speak together by means of the face and the lips, and by what is sonorous varied according to the ideas of thought, instantly perceive the thing which is so spoken of; for the thought itself unfolds and publishes itself more fully by such speech than by the speech of words, which is relatively material.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10709

10709. They went on to say that when they are talking among themselves they advance for the most part to the ninth degree of use, and that in the universe there are people who when they speak advance to the fifth, seventh, tenth, fifteenth, twentieth, even up to the fiftieth degree of use. This, as they explained to me when I wondered what they meant by it, means speaking on a level removed a given number of times from the matter that is being discussed; and they used the following examples to throw some light on this. When someone is in a place of worship and they are asked where is he, they do not say he is in a place of worship but either that he is not at home or that he has gone out, and so on. When they say this others take it to mean that the person is with God, thus in a place of worship; for one who is in a place of worship is with God, and insofar as he is with God he is not at home or has gone out. They also take not having gone out to mean being at home. Another example they gave was that when someone places another under obligation to him through things that touch this other's heart, they say to him, You know what to do, or Now you are in [knowledge of] it, or Now [knowledge of] it is in you, or some other phrase, provided that this is an indirect or remote way of expressing that obligation. This is called speaking in accord with the fifth, ninth, fifteenth, twentieth, even up to the fiftieth degree of use. Speaking in accord with a degree of use is a customary and accepted expression in heaven, which is used to designate the degree of remoteness from the matter that is being discussed. And what is astonishing, when someone uses this indirect or remote way to refer to something, others know instantly, without stopping to count, which degree he has advanced to. Those who use non-verbal speech include, in addition to the inhabitants of that planet, very many others who in like manner communicate with one another through facial expressions and movements of the lips, and also through the emission of sound varying in accord with the ideas belonging to thought. All who communicate in this way discern immediately whatever is being conveyed. For their actual thought is transmitted and makes itself known more fully by this way of communicating than by vocal speech, which in comparison is material.

Latin(1748-1756) 10709

10709. Dicebant porro quod cum inter se loquuntur, progrediantur, utplurimum ad nonum usum, et quod dentur in universo qui in loquendo progrediuntur ad quintum usum, ad septimum, ad decimum, ad decimum quintum, ad vicesimum, usque ad quinquagesimum; hoc cum miratus quid esset, explicabatur, nempe quod esset ita remote a re quae subjectum, loqui; illustrabatur res per exempla: sicut cum aliquis in templo est et quaeritur ubinam, quod non dicant illum ibi esse, sed vel non esse apud se, vel procul a sua domo, et sic porro; per quod intelligunt esse apud Deum, ita in templo, nam qui in templo est, is apud Deum est; et quantum apud Deum tantum non est apud se, aut in sua domo; per esse in sua domo etiam intelligunt esse apud se; sit quoque exemplum: cum quis devincit alium per talia quae sunt amoris ejus, ad illum dicunt scivisti facere, vel nunc es in eo, vel nunc est in te, aut aliter, modo sit remotum; hoc dicitur loqui ad 5(tum), 9(num), (x)15(mum), 20(mum), usque ad 50(mum) usum; dicere ad usum est formula in caelo recepta, et significat ad quem gradum a re quae subjectum; et quod mirum, cum quis loquitur ita remote, sciunt ilico ad quem gradum absque numeratione. Qui in loquela cogitativa sunt, in qua illius telluris incolae, et plures alii qui similiter per faciem et labia, perque sonorum variatum secundum ideas cogitationis, consociant sermonem, percipiunt ilico de qua re ita dicitur, nam ipsa cogitatio plenius se explicat et propalat per talem loquelam quam per loquelam vocum, quae materialis respective.

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