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属天的奥秘 第10710节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10710

10710. On account of such a method of thinking and speaking, the spirits of that earth cannot be together with the spirits of our earth, because the spirits of our earth think and speak from the thing itself, and not remotely from it. Neither can they be together with the spirits of the earth Mercury, because these also stop in the nearest use; and therefore insofar as they can, they withdraw from both.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10710

10710. Because spirits belonging to that planet think and communicate with one another in this manner they cannot mix with spirits belonging to our planet; for when the spirits belonging to our planet think and speak they refer to something directly and not in an indirect or remote way. Nor can they mix with spirits belonging to the planet Mercury, because these too do not go beyond the first degree of use. Consequently they put as much distance as possible between themselves and spirits belonging to our planet or to Mercury.

Latin(1748-1756) 10710

10710. Propter talem cogitandi et loquendi modum spiritus illius telluris non possunt simul esse cum spiritibus nostrae telluris, quoniam spiritus nostrae telluris cogitant et loquuntur ex ipsa re et non remote ab illa; nec possunt simul esse cum spiritibus telluris Mercurii, quoniam hi etiam morantur in usu proximo; quapropter removent se ab his et ab illis, quantum possunt.

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