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属天的奥秘 第10768节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10768

10768. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE FIFTH EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. In addition to what has been related, some things were also seen on that earth itself, which was effected by communication with the angels who were there, and who appeared as men of the earth. For when these angels are presented to view as men in the manner above related, they see with their eyes the objects there exactly as do the inhabitants. But when they are not in this state, they see nothing of the kind, but only what is in heaven.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10768

10768. THE FIFTH PLANET OUT IN SPACE - continued

In addition to what has already been mentioned some other things were also seen on the planet itself. This was brought about by my contact with the angels who were there and appeared as people belonging to the planet. For when they are manifested as people in the way that has been stated above they see objects there with their eyes exactly as its inhabitants do. But when they are not in that state they see no such objects at all, only things in heaven.

Latin(1748-1756) 10768

10768. Continuatio de Quinta Tellure in Caelo Astrifero

Praeter illa quae dicta sunt, etiam visa sunt aliqua in ipsa illa tellure, quod factum est per communicationem cum angelis qui ibi erant et apparebant {1}sicut homines telluris, nam illi, cum eo modo quo supra dictum est sistantur ut homines, oculis suis vident objecta ibi prorsus sicut incolae; at cum non in illo statu sunt, tunc nihil tale vident, sed modo quae in caelo. @1 ut$

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