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属天的奥秘 第10769节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10769

10769. Their habitations were seen, which were low houses in the form of the tents that were used by the ancients. They were drawn out to a great length, and had windows on the sides according to the number of the abodes or chambers into which they were divided. The roof was rounded, and there was a door at each end. They said that they are built of earth, and are roofed with sods; and that the windows are made of grassy threads, so woven together that the light may shine through. Little children were also seen there, and they said that the neighbors come to them especially for the sake of their own little children, so that these may be in companionship with other little children under the view and oversight of the parents.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10769

10769. The inhabitants' dwelling-places were seen by them. These were low houses shaped like the tents of the ancients, which extended lengthways, with windows at the sides according to the number of rooms into which they were divided. The roof was rounded, and there was a door at each end. The angels said that the houses were made from soil and their roofs from pieces of turf, and that the windows consisted of blades of grass woven together in such a way that the light could shine through. Young children too were seen there by them. They said that their neighbours come to them, especially for the young children's sake, in order that they may mix with other young children under the watchful eye and control of parents.

Latin(1748-1756) 10769

10769. Visa sunt eorum habitacula, quae erant domus humiles in forma tentoriorum quae apud antiquos, in longum productae, cum fenestris a lateribus secundum numerum mansionum seu camerarum, in quas erant divisae; tectum erat rotundum, et janua utrinque in {1}extremitate; dicebant quod exstructae essent ex humo, et tectae {2}caespitibus; et quod fenestrae ex filis gramineis essent, ita contextae ut lux transpareret {3}. Infantes quoque ibi visi sunt; dicebant quod vicini ad illos veniant, imprimis propter infantes, ut in consortio sint cum infantibus {4}aliis sub aspectu et auspicio parentum. @1 extremitatibus$ @2 glebis gramineis$ @3 i, et factae ut aperiri et claudi possent$ @4 aliorum$

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