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属天的奥秘 第10770节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10770

10770. There appeared also fields then whitening with the nearly ripe harvest. The seeds or grains of this harvest were shown, which were like the grains of Chinese wheat. Loaves of bread also were shown made from this grain, which were small and [formed] in square pieces. There also appeared grassy plains with flowers on them; and also trees that bore a fruit like pomegranates; and also plantations that were not grapevines, but yet bore berries from which they prepare wine.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10770

10770. Fields also appeared then, which were becoming white with a harvest almost ripe. The angels were shown the seeds or grains of that harvest; these were like grains of Chinese wheat. They were also shown loaves made from them, which were small and broke into square pieces. In addition grassy plains with flowers appeared there, also trees with fruits that were like pomegranates, and bushes too, which were not vines but nevertheless bore berries from which they make wine.

Latin(1748-1756) 10770

10770. Apparebant etiam agri tunc albescentes ex messe paene matura; ostensa sunt semina seu grana istius messis, quae similia erant granis tritici Chinensis; ostensi etiam sunt panes ex illis, qui parvi in frustis quadratis. Praeterea etiam apparebant campi graminei cum floribus ibi, et quoque arbores cum fructibus qui similes malogranatis, tum arbusta, quae non vites, sed usque ferentia bacas, ex quibus vinum praeparant.

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