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属天的奥秘 第10791节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10791

10791. If this be not done, the human race will perish. For there is born in everyone, by inheritance, the desire to rule over others, and to possess the goods of others. From this come enmities, envyings, hatreds, revenges, deceits, fierce ragings, and many other evils; and therefore unless men are kept in bonds by laws, and by rewards suited to their loves, which are honors and gains for those who do good things; and by punishments contrary to their loves, which are the loss of honors, of possessions, and of life for those who do evil things, the human race must perish.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10791

10791. If this did not happen the human race would be destroyed; for owing to heredity all people have an innate desire to rule others and to possess other people's goods, and this gives rise to enmity, envy, hatred, vengeance, deceit, brutality, and very many other vices. Therefore unless they were held in check by means of laws and by means of rewards that support their loves (important positions and monetary gain for those whose deeds are good) and punishments that go against those loves (loss of important positions, possessions, and life for those whose deeds are bad), the human race would be destroyed.

Latin(1748-1756) 10791

10791. Si id non fit, peribit genus humanum, nam cuivis ex hereditario connatum est velle imperare aliis, ac possidere bona aliorum, unde inimicitiae, invidiae, odia, vindictae, doli, saevitiae, et plura alia mala; quapropter nisi in vinculis teneantur per leges, et per remunerationes convenientes amoribus eorum, quae sunt honores et lucra pro illis qui bona faciunt, ac per per punitiones contrarias amoribus illis, quae sunt jacturae honorum, possessionum, et vitae, pro illis qui mala faciunt, periturum esset genus humanum.

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