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属天的奥秘 第10792节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10792

10792. There must therefore be overseers learned in the law, wise, and god-fearing, to keep the assemblages of men in order. Among the overseers also there must be order, lest anyone should from caprice, or from ignorance, permit evils that are contrary to order, and should thus destroy it. This is guarded against when there are higher and lower overseers, among whom there is subordination.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10792

10792. There must therefore be people in authority to maintain a regulated state of affairs among those living together in a country; they must know the law, possess wisdom, and be God-fearing. And among those in authority too a regulated state of affairs must exist, so that no one deliberately or unwittingly allows bad things contravening true order to continue and, in allowing them to do so, to destroy it. This is guarded against when the people in authority are organized into higher and lower ranks, in subordination to one another.

Latin(1748-1756) 10792

10792. Erunt itaque praefecti, qui coetus hominum tenebunt in ordine, qui legisperiti {1}, sapientes, et timentes Deum; inter praefectos etiam erit ordo ne aliquis ex lubitu aut inscitia permittat mala contra ordinem et sic destruat illum; quod cavetur cum praefecti superiores et inferiores sunt, inter quos subordinatio. @1 i erunt$

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