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属天的奥秘 第10794节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10794

10794. As regards priests, they must teach men the way to heaven, and must also lead them. They must teach them according to the doctrine of their church, and they must lead them to live according to it. Priests who teach truths and by means of them lead to the good of life, and thus to the Lord, are good shepherds of the sheep; but those who teach, and do not lead to the good of life, and thus to the Lord, are evil shepherds. The latter are called by the Lord "thieves and robbers," in John 10:7-16.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10794

10794. As regards priests, it is their duty to teach people the way to heaven and also to guide them. They must instruct them in the teachings of their Church and guide them to lead lives in keeping with those teachings. Priests who teach truths and guide people by means of them to goodness of life and so to the Lord are good shepherds; but those who teach yet do not guide people to goodness of life and so to the Lord are bad shepherds. These the Lord calls 'thieves and robbers' in John 10:7-16.

Latin(1748-1756) 10794

10794. Quod concernit sacerdotes, docebunt illi homines viam ad caelum et quoque ducent illos; docebunt illos secundum Ecclesiae suae doctrinam ac ducent ut vivant secundum illam. Sacerdotes qui docent vera, et per illa ducunt ad bonum vitae et sic ad Dominum, sunt pastores ovium boni, qui autem docent {1}, et non {2} ducunt ad bonum vitae et sic ad Dominum, sunt pastores mali; {3}hi a Domino vocantur `fures et latrones' apud Johannem x 7-16. @1 i vera$ @2 i per illa$ @3 hi etiam$

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