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属天的奥秘 第10796节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10796

10796. Priests must have dignity and honor on account of the holy things which they engage in; but those of them who are wise give the honor to the Lord, from whom come all holy things; and not to themselves. But those of them who are not wise attribute the honor to themselves. These take it away from the Lord. Those who attribute honor to themselves on account of the holy things which they engage in, set honor and profit above the salvation of souls, which they ought to have regard for. But those who give the honor to the Lord and not to themselves, set the salvation of souls above honor and profit.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10796

10796. Priests must be respected and honoured on account of the sacred duties which they perform; but those among them who are wise ascribe such honour to the Lord, the Source of everything sacred, not to themselves. Those among them however who are stupid assign it to themselves; they take it away from the Lord. Those who assign honour to themselves on account of the sacred duties they perform set honour and gain above the salvation of souls, which ought to be their concern, whereas those who ascribe honour to the Lord and not to themselves set the salvation of souls above honour and gain.

Latin(1748-1756) 10796

10796. Sacerdotibus erit dignitas et honor propter sancta quae obeunt; sed qui eorum sapiunt dant honorem Domino, (c)a Quo sancta, et non sibi; qui autem eorum non sapiunt tribuunt honorem sibi; hi illum adimunt Domino. Qui honorem tribuunt sibi propter sancta quae obeunt, illi praeferunt honorem et lucrum saluti animarum, cui consulent, qui autem honorem dant Domino et non sibi, illi praeferunt salutem animarum honori et lucro.

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